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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Well, reducing overall casualties was the rationale for nuking Japan. We don't even know if our ancient nukes work any more.
  2. +!. Had Hitler pushed the Brits into the sea they would have lost all 300K+. But, he ordered a pause... Possibly political - he hoped the Brits would negotiate if he didn't massacre them. Also, the Panzers may have had supply problems having raced ahead much faster than anticipated.
  3. It's been a long time since I played it since it's an original gamer campaign and probably the first CMRT mission I played. But, I just powered it up to remind me and I recall it being enjoyable. Obviously one has to enjoy large missions. I don't recall having too much problem winning. But, it requires mental discipline to hold reserves until one knows what it ahead and made plans where to attack. As with nearly all CM games, one has insufficient info re where enemy defenses are located. So, one has to do one's own recon - the sort of recon that in RL would/should already be done. The other SOP is always to find locations for one's support units where they can mass fire on a relatively small portion of the map where one intends to attack while at the same time making sure those units can't be counterfired from too many enemy locations - ie keyholing. I can't recall how much smoke was available. But, if it's available it needs to be used.
  4. I guess I managed it then... Don't recall issues.
  5. Which mission in the campaign is this? Am up to Mission 6 and wondering if this Mission is still awaiting me.
  6. 40-50% friendly casualties and maybe 40,000 civilian dying slowly... Makes one wonder if it woulda been more humane to just nuke the place.
  7. That's the sort of response that makes those "people" cream. Best to do an IGNORE yourself.
  8. That must have been the LUXURY MRE's for REMF's. We had rusty nails to eat for the iron with ground glass for dessert, and drink each other piss, and...
  9. Sometimes things like this only photo well from one angle. Am sure he found the best one.
  10. The lighting really makes that diorama. Presumably heavily p/shopped. But beautiful.
  11. Yes, reading that it was similar to CO's trying to use TD's or IFV's as tanks. Either out of stupidity or deliberate attempt to sabotage a theory of fighting they didn't like. However, the BC concept still seems sound if used appropriately. So, I wonder if there was another more compelling problem that uh sank that concept.
  12. All sounds good. 9 hours to complete a large Bn sized scenario seems very fast to me (unless the defenses suck). Am playing Mission #4 (2 battalions+) of dragonwynn's Heart of Darkness campaign (for CMSF) and it's taking days due to needing rest breaks to let brain cool down.
  13. Presumably the useful range of the ATR was much greater than for a Pzfaust. A mass of ATR's would remain undetected by a buttoned up tank longer. Plus it would be like hitting at bees. While you look for one ATR firing, another 3 ATR's hit you and distract you.
  14. Well they did ask for a new road thru the village.
  15. Man I gotta get me one o dem. I too have a serious desert rodent problem messing up my property.
  16. ********* SPOILERS ********* 1 HOUR 45 MINS TO GO: Troops are now entering the first line of villages and small towns. Taking a casualty here and there primarily cos of snipers, and the occasional surviving Taliban in a building. But, the assaults are almost on auto pilot - each MOUT situation is essentially the same. While the map is large, the challenges for entering and clearing each collection of objective location buildings are identical. SOP: Basically, avoid township entrances of course. Start by blasting thru a wall at a corner with extra inf just outside supporting the engineers ready to go in. HUNT into the first building and then spread out from there with as many units in support from as many buildings are possible every time one enters a new building. If an enemy is spotted they will be spotted by units in several buildings and they almost always die very quickly with no friendly casualties. Simples... LOS is generally very short/restricted - even from roofs - so it's not always easy to get arty where you want it. Altho' arty is the best way to clear trench lines. There is plenty of arty - altho' the single 81mm mortar is by far the most useful since it can take as little as 2 mins to get FFE. I hope it doesn't run out. There are about five 105mm, but so far have used em very little. And have not used the air support once as yet. Have not seen appropriate targets. My sense after playing this mission for 45 minutes game time is that there are a few interesting challenges like clearing trench lines, and killing isolated snipers and MG units dotted around the map. But, it's all "rinse and repeat". The main challenge with Mission #4 is becoming bored and careless with the virtually identical building clearing process. One starts to want to "speed up" and "get it over with". As always, that is when one suffers unnecessary casualties. Anyway, we still have 4 compounds to clear and there are enemy occupied trenches ahead. So, there is plenty of time and real estate to offer some nasty surprises ahead.
  17. Since the game does not give one the sort of info that recon units would normally provide, one normally has very little idea of where any enemy fortifications (or any defensive positions) are located. Given that reality, it is realistic that in the game one scout forward very slowly and carefully, starting from one's set-up positions. However, while there are a few scenarios where one can come under fire and take casualties almost as soon as any unit has moved a few meters, the vast majority of scenarios allow one to advance one or two hundred meters before there is any danger of coming under fire. It seems that in the majority of scenarios the designer expects one to rush forward those 100-200 meters like a medieval "Braveheart" charge. If one is being cautious and careful scouting one can find oneself short on time later when you desperately need the time. So, generally I now run forward a few two-man scouts a hundred meters or more until they actually come under fire (and usually someone is shot) just so I don't waste 20 minutes carefully scouting those first 100m. And yes, using the minimum force to accomplish missions is ideal. I also like larger scenarios where one has enuff units (and it makes sense) to keep reserves.
  18. Given how unforgiving many CM2 scenarios can be to even one mistake, one does have to micromanage, and that is normal. As a "veteran", having played CM games for almost 20 years (that's scary) I still find some scenarios one has to replay more than once to figure out how to win. I would never recommend giving group orders.
  19. I am now accepting bets re you hearing that from BF. Currently 1:18 against. Electronic deposits welcomed. PM for details. Man, I hope people took you up on that offer! Your incessant pessimism and complaining might be taken down a notch if you had to pay up Nope no one did - as expected... But you misunderstand... Am certain that I am not the only one who feels that there is no need to respond. Most of us know that you guys do a great job with limited resources and we know that new products/upgrades/patches will get released when they are ready for prime time. It is amazing that the CEO of a company has the time to respond to detailed complaints/comments. It's very impressive that you do so.
  20. I think he was saying that CM1 had more opportunities for maneuver on the larger CM1 maps. CM2 tends to feature cookie cutter assaults where one cannot recon or flank with mobile forces. There is usually little need for mobility in CM2 since units can walk over the map fairly quickly and there is little use for recon vehicles. However, the greater detail in CM2 does tend to make a huge scenario that would be fun in CM1 almost unplayable in CM2
  21. I don't think one can swap textures unless the specific game is designed to support that particular unit.
  22. I am now accepting bets re you hearing that from BF. Currently 1:18 against. Electronic deposits welcomed. PM for details.
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