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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. yes.. dragonwynn cleverly used some posts to mark the cleared lanes. Not sure where those posts came from. Maybe telephone posts with the tops removed graphically?? I only played the first version of the first mission of Heart of Darkness and that was very good. So very much looking forward to playing the final version of the campaign (as soon as my burn out has burned off). Seems like everything dragonwynn has produced has been xnt.
  2. The prices are amazingly good. I have a large number of old Soviet military badges that I brought out from CCCP decades ago and was thinking they must be valuable by now. Unfortunately apparently not...
  3. What was more strange was that the tank then did a panicky 3 point turn and then headed back the way it came. I thought it was going go over the car again, but it just went by the side. Now, THAT was lucky since the car blew up after the tank was clear.
  4. So are you concluding that 5 out of the 9 in a US squad have the IR or Laser Designator(?) or whatever equipment to see through smoke? Is that equipment listed in the HUD?
  5. Ok, I found the left hand cleared route. It was hard to see as it starts in the top right corner of the LHS setup zone while all the others continue off the top of each set-up zone. What did you use for poles BTW. Looks pretty good. Re the LMG's etc am really interested in how others split their units for scouting etc. and how they use their LMG's. Sometimes am not sure how best to use the arsenals in the deployment. Am also surprised that the flamethrower teams have binoculars. Like, what for...? BTW: Did you design the Heart Of Darkness campaign for CMSF? I can't recall who did that one.
  6. Question re what players use as a SOP in a situation as depicted in Mission 1... The infantry units have 6 man squads, so you can only split them into teams once. Do you split 2 or 3 of the squads of one platoon to use the two man teams as Scouts? (This means that this platoon's squads can no longer split into more teams.) Or, do you split one squad from each platoon of the company to use as Scouts - thus leaving all platoons with the flexibility to split two of their squads into Assault or AT teams? In addition what is the best use for the light MG's? Do you keep them in the rear with the HMG's as additional support? Or, keep the LMG's up front with the Scouts (since 2 men are harder to detect by a defender). Or parcel them out to the platoon HQ's for additional support? Also, am assuming that the safe areas cleared of minefields start in the blue setup areas, and one can project forwards to see the cleared avenues? I only see one set of posts leading from the LHS blue set up areas and am not sure where the cleared area boundary is.
  7. Looks like we was blocked by another vehicle to his rear and maybe just panicked by going ahead as fast as he could. Or thought he would sacrifice himself?
  8. +1 Serious gamers do not get married or have kids. A cat is ok...
  9. I checked the CMBS game manual and indeed while the HUD is discussed, those particular buttons are not explained.
  10. Duh... I do have HQS 2.6 downloaded in my CMFB downloads folder. However, I could not figure out how to open a .man file/folder. So it wasn't in my Z folder. What does one use to open .man files?
  11. "they don't seem to spend their free evnings playing tactical wargames..." Probably cos of people are out enjoying the lovely warm days you have all year round... It's not like you are all hunkered down indoors all winter...
  12. Plenty of rich weirdos in Sweden or so I am told...
  13. Oh, I thought you meant the car opera... Yes, nice car... so long you aren't aged and have back problems...
  14. So now we have to eyeball and estimate where on the correct side of the hill to place the waypoint so that the tank can achieve hulldown??? Seems to waste the whole point of automating the process. Not impressed...
  15. Jeez I still have HQS 2.4. Where is HQS 2.6 available?? Thanks...
  16. It's in the CMBN regular game manual as well. Perhaps they removed that info from more recent game manuals and only left it in the Engine Manual?
  17. I simply looked thru the CMBN manual until found the section dealing with this. Am assuming each game "family" has similar info.
  18. "You might want or need to put that target command closer to you, since the LOS seems to be from the tank commander, and that might be a little high." This is important. I found that when I tried this auto hull-down system and I targeted where I expected an enemy to be, the tank always halted before the main gun could get LOS or shoot at the target. So, I had to manually adjust the placement. Of course if you have to manually adjust the placement, then you may as well eyeball the hulldown position manually in the first place.
  19. "Instant Commands": The green one HALTS units but they retain all Commands. Clicking on it again and they RESUME. Middle one CANCELS all orders. The red one on the right cancels all orders and makes the unit take cover - EVADE. When all else fails, try reading the manual?
  20. "I was in the orchestra of the Floating Lotus Magic Opera Company...." Ah, now I understand you better, Michael.
  21. Thank you Combatintman. Your $10 will be in the mail tout suite. If someone can set up a dropbox where I can upload my mods for folks to d/l I would be happy to do that. I have a Z folder with over 18GB of CMBS mods and more in my own d/l folder that I haven't had time to even check out(!) We did that for my equally massive collection of scenarios and campaigns for all titles. I can't recall who organized that. But, it seemed to be helpful for people here.
  22. Presumably... unless BF becomes convinced CMSF2 will sell better.
  23. Do they say things like "Oat" and Aboat"?
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