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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. An on map gun can fire indirectly only if it has not moved?
  2. Wow. Didn't even know that was featured in CMBS. BTW: What's up with that soldier's face in the last picture? He a living dead type?
  3. I sent you my "definitive MG42" list of wavs. Am still trying to clarify what the naming protocol is for wav options. It is very specific and has to be correct or the wavs will not play. I do not seem to be explaining my question properly as you are not answering the question... 1) From what I understand one needs to rename the sounds that have "xnumber" in their name to get rid of the "x" for it to play in the game. Yes? 2) However, for the series of wav options to be selected at random does the name series start with <name.wav>, or <name 0.wav>, or <name 1.wav>??? ie: mp40.wav, mp40 1.wav, mp40 2.wav is NOT the same as starting with mp40 1.wav, mp40 2.wav etc. And bmp options start with "name.bmp", and then jump to "name 2.bmp" (ie there is no "name 1 bmp"). If you have a "name 1.bmp" none of the options will appear in the game. In my own mod folders I have seen the naming protocol done in different ways and that is confusing and troubling. If one gets the naming convention wrong the options will not play. It is confusing cos the naming convention for bmp's is different than for wav's. This is where CM2 drives me nuts sometimes.
  4. Sure. PM me your e-mail. BTW: IIRC WAV files have a different naming protocol than BMP's. So, plz clarify as I am still confused: In my Z SOUNDS folder I see many options start <soundname 0.wav>, and not <soundname 1.wav> as you state above. With WAV's, does one start a series of options with <name.wav>, or <name 0.wav> or <name 1.wav>? And have assumed that when one has sounds choices like <gun name x2.wav> and <gun name x3.wav> that one needs to rename them to remove the "x". Or do the sound mods work with the "x" in the name?
  5. "Second-generation CM is prettier, more realistic and more flexible than Beyond Overlord, Barbarossa to Berlin, and Afrika Korps, but as it also tends to be fiddlier, more heavily scripted and less generous, some dinosaurs like Yours Truly still prefer the original trio..." Nice that CM1 still gets a good rap even after all these years. More an entertaining game than a simulation.
  6. I have ten good (zipper sound) MG42 wavs including the one Mord provided. If numbered sequentially, can they all be used randomly? If so, what is the naming convention for multiple wavs? Does one start with <name 0.wav> then 1, then 2 etc or other? Or is only one wav able to be used?
  7. Of course you don't have to look at the tree. However, there are some campaigns that are very hard and after several aborted attempts I do like looking at the tree to help understand what is going on. Also, one can determine if a campaign looks interesting from a quick look at its tree. Doesn't mean one will or should memorize it. It's just a question of having that extra option. And generally I support more options/choices.
  8. What about an hour or more per turn? That way we could let the AI play itself - and we could go off and do productive things... like get a life lol. Seriously tho' am all for more choices. Some battles might benefit from short turns, others for longer. But, again these issues all boil down to priorities in terms of what most players would pay for and what resources BF has.
  9. So what we need is a better definition or list of who in the game has "call authoritay" (apologies to SouthPark). And in RL, who would have "authoritay"? Confusing if what you have accomplished can be repeated for other units and nationalities. Esp if not "realistic".
  10. +1 That also works when one is attacking. I love having a huge map and starting with recon forces, then having major forces available, but having to decide on transport to the best locations to conduct an attack while simultaneously having to assign sufficient forces elsewhere to defend. And also having enuff forces to allocate reserves. (It's a major reason why I still play CM1. YOu can have up to 8Km x 4Km and more than a Regiment(!) on each side with a few companies of AFV's and many transports and Recon AC's etc.) BTW: If anyone is interested, a CMBB "Birthday Bash 13" tourney on a 3Km x 3Km map with above size forces on each side is just starting and has open slots at WeBOB: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/webandofbrothers/invitiation-to-participate-in-bb13-round-4-t19054.html
  11. Those camp trees are xnt and v useful. Wish designers would put a link to them in their designer notes.
  12. My desktop is quite old now (920@2.57GHz 24GB memory etc). However, it still runs CM2 well as I had it made by XI Computers (of CA) and they do a very good job putting in good components and making sure everything syncs up perfectly to get the best possible machine speed/power. I much prefer it over my far more powerful laptop (running Win 10). Am in a quandary about a new top of the line desktop re the Win 7 vs Win 10 OS issue.
  13. Very welcome to have a new mission for some rarely seen NATO nations like the Canadian units.
  14. So even without a radio the SFC can call (offboard?) arty. Interesting. Is that what would work in RL or have you found a "wrinkle"?
  15. Yes, I fired it up and the new .cam d/l is good. Looks like another great campaign. You have a talent for good description and "setting a scene". Your designer notes read like a Tom Clancy book based around a WW2 battle. However, I would have thought they would have at least held, if not actually shot, the German kid tho' Can't believe they would let him go and warn the German FJ after your description of how many men Capt Stevens has already lost. One problem with all the new mods is that if one already has a lot of the mods already in place, there will be a lot of duplication which may a) slow down loading and b) may lead to conflicts. (My Vin's animated text is out of date and had to be removed. What is the latest Vin's animated strings text version file for CMFB btw? Mine is dated April 23, 2016.)
  16. Downloaded your campaign folder, but when I try to copy the .cam file I get a shortcut to the campaign, not the campaign itself. ??? The shortcut points to Users\Mike Jones\Documents\Battlefront etc...
  17. Wow Michael... how do you manage to produce so many high quality campaigns so relatively quickly. Very impressed. Haven't been able to get to your campaigns as quickly as hoped. Am starting a CMBB (CM1) tournament game on a 3Km x 3Km map with a Regiment+ on each side and a couple companies of armor plus all sorts of AC's and transports. Maybe the last hurrah for CM1, so didn't want to miss this final Ride of The Valkyries... Actually... if anyone is interested check out WeBOB: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/webandofbrothers/invitiation-to-participate-in-bb13-round-4-t19054.html
  18. I get the sense that Win 10 was designed for social media and to be like a smartphone - making it easier for companies market their crap to us rather than for work or playing games. Am still waiting to hear a compelling reason why I should have to learn a new OS in order to do exactly what I already do in Win 7.
  19. I dunno about RL, but in CM2 getting scouts KIA is usually how one locates an enemy position. I hate losing a SMG and 3 other guys plus their grenades. It's preferable to lose two riflemen. My SOP has been to split only one two-man scout team from each of the platoons of a formation (one company's worth - rarely any need to do that for all the platoons of a battalion). The intact squads can then be split into assault teams, while the large remnant left after the two-man scout team is split off can be used to support the other squads of its platoon and as a reserve.
  20. Like this idea if not complex to implement. Nice to see how humane one is... We sound like our parents... Remember how they could not understand Beatles era music? Wasn't music, "just noise".
  21. Wrestling with same dilemma... But, using 2 man scouts is definitely a good idea as 2 men are less easily spotted than 4 or 5. And it seems that the scouts are likely to die whether there are 2 or 4, You need to also address your recon/scout "philosophy". Do you split only one squad from every platoon as scouts so that the remaining squads from each platoon can be used normally? Or, do you have one dedicated "scout" platoon and split all its squads into scouts? Generally, a scout will operate beyond C2, so it doesn't really matter where its HQ is. Secondly, do you use the large remainder of the split squad as the back-up for the 2 man scout team? Or, keep em in reserve as a fire base for other assaulting squads which can still be split normally? (If LMG's and snipers are available, it can be useful to use em as scouts as well.)
  22. So, a vehicle that is "independent" will not work... Thank you...
  23. Still trying to complete the "Heart of Darkness" campaign. Promise that this will be next.
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