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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Always great to hear from Finland - I have family in Kuopio, Lahti and Helsinki. You might want to send e-mails direct to BF as am not sure if anyone monitors these old CM1 forums on a regular basis. Also, while CMBO was a fabulous game in its time, have you looked at the newer CMBB and CMAK games? They are a significant improvement in terms of features and what a player could do over CMBO. There is still a healthy enthusiasm for CMBB and CMAK - am currently playing in a CMBB tournament right now thru WeBOB (https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/webandofbrothers/). But, hardly anyone plays CMBO any more. Good luck to you and congrats on your recent 100 year anniversary.
  2. My money is on Pape'ete... Smaller land mass and population, easier to conquer and use as a stepping stone vs Hawaii and then global domination.
  3. Odd. Seems like a marketing coup to be so timely. Assumed that BF was thrilled at the timeliness. Surely that's what will drive the sales to new customers(?). Of course modders will probably be able to create a reasonable facsimile of more contemporary situations. (Or hopefully BF wins/has won a govt contract to do a special current version.) Either way we should hope CMSF2 gets plenty of $ into BF's hands so they can do new stuff for the foreseeable future.
  4. One has to use waypoints that give gentler than 120 degree turns to ensure the vehicle doesn't pause. So, a fast zig-zag could not have "violent" changes in direction. CM doesn't allow for fast skidding/drifting turns. That would be the problem at shorter ranges. Am thinking that zig-zag works best at longer ranges where the AT shooter has to aim to lead the vehicle.
  5. Yes, this is one of the most useful threads re how to handle "Red" units in CMBS. It's great the way one can understand Tom's thinking re tactics. I find I keep trying to use Red units as if they were US/NATO. Still don't quite understand or feel comfortable how to fight with Red units. And it's rare to see any threads re tactics. Really enjoyed playing Red vs Red in CMSF and thought I had gotten pretty good at it. But, CMBS is much harder and seems to always end in a bloodbath. Not sure why. Maybe maps were more wide open and ranges were greater in CMSF.
  6. Well, some people who love playing around in the guts of the system know the answers. So asking seems to be the best place to start. I wouldn't tell JohnS or anyone else to go figure out issues by himself if I knew the answer to their questions. Isn't disseminating info the main purpose of these forums? When some folks wanted an comprehensive list of all known CM2 scenarios and campaigns I had all that and was happy to provide. Wouldn't it be rude to tell em to go Google or go thru the entire Repository and CMMODS etc and compile the list by themselves? Don't understand your POV. If you don't know the answer, fine...
  7. Yes, asking questions on these forums since so many people really know this game backwards and forwards is a terrific savings of time.
  8. Another good point. Does zig-zagging help in the game, or are the "to hit" parameters different from RL. Also, at 1000m range it will make targeting harder. But, does zig-zagging help much at close range?
  9. IIRC you can make 3 installs, then contact BF if you need more. What am not sure about is whether multiple installs on the same computer (for different protocols or versions) count as more than one.
  10. It sounds really good advice assuming you have a lot (dozens at least) of halftracks - so many/most (along with inf passengers) will survive. Usually in a game we only have a few and that requires more care to keep em alive. The relative short range combat we usually experience in CM games would also mitigate against using halftracks in this way. Most of the scenarios we play are assaults against serious defenses rather than breakthroughs thru a hole in enemy lines or vs a disorganized enemy.
  11. Re naming protocols, my mods when originally downloaded were labeled "background day combat", "background night combat", but also "background fog", "background rain", "background wind" etc. Had assumed that the game recognizes all these names. You are certain that only "background day" and "background night" are recognized??
  12. All very good SOP's for CM play. However, 6. is so important but often hard (for me at least) to fully implement. Playing Blue one gets used to precision fire for shorter periods. For those of us who use conservation of ammo principles that is rewarding. But when playing Red, one needs the "discipline" to commit that heavy arty and use just about all of it in one barrage call to completely flatten an area.
  13. It's bloody amazing that we can expect CMSF2 alone this year imo. The work load for BF to do the other modules etc. must be very heavy. Given that BF can be trusted to not release anything until it's "done right" the best approach for us customers is to be supportive and patient.
  14. That's what I bin talking about - sounds like lotsa fun lol! Seriously. my hat is off to all you folks who like doing that sort of thing.
  15. You could try a Google for BG sounds - I have had em for years and don't have any links. If you can't find em, PM me and I can e-mail you some files. As mention b4 - am wondering if some BF sound mods are not compatible with all CM2 games. If you have a mod in a folder with Z's in front of its name (I have mod subfolders like ZZZ BG SOUNDS) and it still doesn't appear in the game, then...?
  16. I completely understand that. However, no reason to interpret my suggestions or enthusiasms as some sort of command order and get noses out of joint.
  17. Have addressed this issue b4: 1) Have made a scenario in CM1 - took way too much time and energy and became a literal headache... realized I didn't have the talent or patience. 2) Read the tutorial re making a CM2 scenario and was shocked and awed at the complexity and commitment of time needed. Didn't have the patience or brainpower to even finish reading the tutorial. 3) Making scenarios or mods or becoming a quasi programmer to get software to work is definitely not fun for me (or many of us) and not something we want to spend leisure time on. 4) Am just throwing things out there based on the concept of what was in this movie I saw, and neither you nor SS saw. If you are not interested in the concept, that is fine. Why make a big deal about it? We're all different people. Some folks enjoy mod and scenario making and more strength to them. Some of us would be happy to pay a lot more to BF for faster evolution of the CM series, and for professionally created content so that we do not have to rely on volunteer efforts. Maybe some would be upset if each game and module/pack cost $300+? I wouldn't. But I am not insisting that BF do that even tho' I would enjoy getting better product faster. Conversely, am unsure why folks who enjoy volunteering their time to make mods and scenarios seem to insist that everyone else also make that sort of massive effort when to many of us it is horrible, miserable and stressful work when all we want is simply spend our leisure time playing a game. I would not dream of insisting anyone else did my job when I was in the movie biz even though (I thought) it was great fun. "Fun" is in the "eye of the beholder".
  18. You make it sound like I am ordering something. Am simply making a suggestion based on seeing the movie and what it depicts. Really can't understand why simply making comments or suggestions should cause such consternation or offense requiring such a lengthy response. It really matters little to me if anyone thinks my suggestions are brilliant or not so much. They are simply ideas thrown out there in case others have similar enthusiasms - including just seeing the movie. Doesn't offend me at all if some people are not interested. Some folks will be.
  19. So... you have not seen the movie and have little idea about what is being referred to here, but are fearlessly critiquing the concept anyway. That is sort of admirable and interesting... in a strange way. For anyone who has seen the movie, it occurs to me that with a bit of editing one could create 4-6 x 2 or 3 man elite teams to go along with the mass of "Northern Alliance" type anti-Taliban forces. Elite SF types are basically support snipers and FO's in this sort of terrain.
  20. Depends on the size of your monitor. Been wondering if a UHD 55" TV would give good resolution and have a readable UI.
  21. Am talking about a good scenario (ie interesting, different etc), regardless of nationality. Your CMA scenarios could be redone in CMSF with US, and vice versa.
  22. Have a collection of alternative BG sounds as the default distant shooting and explosions can become irksome. Have birdsong or quiet for day, crickets for night, + separate windy, rainy, and foggy BG sounds - all with no combat sounds. Have a question though - not sure if all those BG sounds are linked to appear with the correct weather. Also, not sure if a BG sound in one game family will work in another family. Eg: Currently I have every BG sound mod I can find in my CMBS "BG SOUNDS" folder with lots of ZZZ's in front of the folder name so they should load last and appear. They work in the WW2 games. But, I still hear the default BG battle sounds in CMBS.
  23. Really? In CMBS (or CMSF) that approach would be suicidal for the (Soviet-type) tanks. I can't recall a single scenario where leading with tanks was a good tactic given the AT capacity of NATO.
  24. Thanks. Never paid attention to that b4.
  25. ?? According to the movie the Taliban were using old Soviet stuff from CMA era. Not accurate?? And who cares. It would make a good scenario. (Did you see the movie even?)
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