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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. It is amazing what one can do with mods. This looks like an acceptable variant for early war. In CMBS thread, Dragonwynn is creating an entire world mod for modern Korean theatre (has screenshots).
  2. This is HUGE, mate! Am sincerely gobsmacked at the work you've done and the impressive results. Am looking forward to what others who are more familiar with this theatre think.
  3. Was wondering about this lovely new camo and having to choose between it and the Digital Camo version. What was your thinking in doing 2 versions? Which one is more appropriate/likely to be used with your other vehicle mods? Or are you planning to redo all vehicles with this alternative camo and us end-users will have a choice for the whole fleet?
  4. Too late for me... My wife thinks that I am already a fully formed clot. Seriously tho' probably as good advice as moving around an aircraft on a long flight (despite airlines abandoning that sort of health-conscious admonishments and now preferring everyone to stay seated "in chains" for the whole trip lol).
  5. Sometimes you just have to increase the monitor's gamma or brightness. Can't understand why some like night scenarios. By the time one has increased the brightness so one can actually see anything, you basically have a daylight scenario with crappy green or washed out graphics.
  6. The question should always come down to how much play/game time does one get out of a game. For most of us on these forums we have played thousands of hours and that means that we have not had to waste money on other lesser games that may only last a few days or weeks on our HD's. That is what makes the CM series such amazingly good value.
  7. The Utube Rommel video was a great reminder. From what I understand, he pioneered the concept of using the vast majority (~90%) of your force for suppression and a quite small element for the actual assault. This tactic seems to work very well in CM.
  8. Yes, precisely... Especially when one has a company or more, it gets tiresome to use a combination of QUICK and HUNT and PAUSES unless in immediate combat. This comment is of course primarily applicable to larger maps where one has to move some distance. I also find that MOVE will usually result in a desirable outcome even if the unit comes under fire. It's much more useful than in CM1. Tiresomeness and time conservation are also the reasons am hoping that one day we'll get the CM1 "one click" 180 degree covered arc back esp for armor turrets.
  9. +1 re the features and capabilities. Am in a CM1 tourney right now (https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/webandofbrothers/invitiation-to-participate-in-bb13-round-4-t19054.html) if you are interested) and even thought I don't play CM1 much compared to CM2, when I do get to play CM1, I fall in love with many of the CM1 features all over again. It seems unlikely we'll see them added in CM2. One of the reasons that am hoping CM3 will finally compile the best of CM1 and CM2.
  10. Yeah it's almost as frustrating as having to buy a new MS OS every few years to be a beta tester and do exactly what you were doing before using the old OS, or paying for cable service with hundreds of channels when you only want to watch a dozen channels etc. It's the way of the world and it keeps a great micro company like BF in bidness.
  11. I understand that concept as I used to think the same. But as one gets to be a more experienced player one finds that one can trust the MOVE command more and more. Only when contact/combat is imminent or occurring do I switch to using QUICK or even FAST with rests.
  12. +1 Good AI is the very hardest thing to program. Big defense companies spend many millions... tens of millions to attempt to do what Charles has accomplished.
  13. In most markets you get to pay full price for something that's new and if it's crap you are SOOL. Here you have a system that is tried and tested and has consistently received the highest praise and the CM2 system has become a classic. You generally have to pay more for a classic than what it cost years ago. Many of us have calculated that the game is worth approx. $300 since once you get into it, you don't have to waste hundreds of dollars on other games that barely last a few days or weeks on your HD.
  14. Thanks to a free month of Netflix been binging on war films. Hyena Road is not a great movie, but is interesting as it depicts Canadian units in contemporary Afghanistan. We get to see some of their vehicles and other gear which one rarely sees in movies.
  15. I am crap at scenario design (and haven't the first clue about graphics). I tried design in CM1 which was hard. CM2 is much more complex. Based on the tutorial that is available, one has to be a fanatic with months of time on one's hands to design for CM2. One gets the impression that modders and designers don't actually get to play the game that much. You see, some of us really enjoy playing the game as opposed to learning to become programmers etc. It is noticeable that there is virtually no discussion on how to play the game well. But, vast threads on weapons systems and scenario design etc. We all have different interests. You clearly haven't been reading my posts on this subject with SS. As some of us frequently say, we're happy to pay $ for professional designs - esp campaigns which seem to require many man-months of effort. I find your attitude odd. I imagine you as a doctor telling patients "why don't you go read up these medical books and go to medical school so you can diagnose yourself - now get out of here and stop bothering me". Such arrogance...
  16. Miss Faulty Towers and Andrew Sax (RIP). Such a funny role and show.
  17. Xnt sentiment, Ian. I have copied that statement for future reference. Rudeness rears its ugly head way too often on these forums.
  18. Xnt link and one of the few RL training concept papers that are entirely appropriate and useful to CM players in terms of learning how to conduct effective attacks and movement while minimising losses.
  19. At first I really missed the CM1 "Move To Contact" command. However, the CM2 AI is more sophisticated than CM1 and the regular MOVE command acts in an improved way. CM2 units will usually function sensibly if fired upon. Sometimes they stop and seek cover, sometimes they run to cover depending on the situation. That's much better than the old CM1 CONTACT method. Even units moving QUICK in CM2 may stop to return fire before taking other action.
  20. Congrats. You completely missed my point...
  21. Wonder if the issue is that BF wants to avoid the nightmare of ISIS or similar using such an enhanced modern game for their own propaganda purposes. Actually am surprised we haven't seen it already as it's easily possible by using mods to create ISIS-promoting scenarios.
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