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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I was thinking mostly of WW2. Recall threads on this subject that (IIRC) concluded that most WW2 combat was at 300m+ where rifles and MG's were most useful and SMG's only kept for short range eg "trench clearing" etc. (It wasn't that govts just couldn't be bothered to issue SMG's.) Agree that Assault Rifles are superior.
  2. Hey... I love movies. Used to work in Hwd. Averaged seeing half a dozen every week.
  3. True. But, often one has to advance into and through a forest (eg you only have inf in a forest scenario or clearing a way for vehicles along a road). Be good to discuss best tactics for that at a later time. Also, you are not using covered arcs. One wants to have vehicle turrets facing in the direction of the enemy - so esp on flanks. And often you want the individual vehicles' turrets facing in different directions. Currently, it's a PITA to have to create a whole bunch of unique covered arcs for a company+ of vehicles. A reason why I hope we'll eventually get the "one click" 180 degree arc feature that was so easy to do in CM1. "Do not get cocky when you dont need to." Words to live by. Impatience and hubris are the real killers in this game.
  4. It is interesting to see how you deploy the inf and the vehicles. I have generally used the inf as the flank shield for the vehicles rather than letting a vehicle be the flank guard. The other critical thing is to ensure your inf never moves between a vehicle and a target. In the CM2 game, vehicles will happily mow down their inf comrades if they get in the way.
  5. "We are defined by the stories we tell ourselves." It should be alarming that the Chinese are investing so much in Hwd films - it basically ensures that you won't see any movies with Chinese as villains - these days it always seems to be the Brits, Germans or Russians (sometimes Arabs). Even the appalling Chinese allies (N Koreans) are hardly ever used as the villains. At least I am having trouble thinking of any such movies made this century.
  6. Yes, completely agree. I did read someplace that generally all tubes would be used in RL and so wonder if using one or two tubes to save ammo when there may be 3+ available, is being a bit gamey(?).
  7. LOL - Well, it looks like a longer range than yer average European "point blank" range. Isn't that why in an average Euro-based game it seems logical that everyone should have been issued with SMG's and the rifles are a waste of time?
  8. Is this referring to the duration of shelling, or the number of shells used? As mentioned earlier in CMSF tests I found that long barrages using HARASS seemed much more effective than a short HEAVY barrage. And yes those are all Olek's mods. It's his Ural you're liking. All available at CMMODS.
  9. Agreed. The WW2 tutorials are fine for WW2 era. While I am a very experienced player of both CM1 and CM2, I find CMBS particularly challenging and very hard to get a handle on when playing Red (or Ukrainian) forces with Red-type vehicles - and that is vs the AI. One simply has to forget everything about what one learned about how to use NATO forces. It takes a different mind set - especially when playing the large missions where one has around a Battalion sized "kampfgruppe". Olek's attempts to help are the only ones I am aware of that deal with modern era tactics and so am certain that many of us appreciate his ideas - even if one doesn't necessarily agree with all of them. As someone who helps gamers with tactical ideas rather than an "academic" dealing with weapons systems comparisons, Olek is a wonderful asset to these forums.
  10. Not trying to score any points here. But, it's always been my sense that the folks here who are most into scenario design and mods, don't actually play the game much. We enjoy the game for completely different reasons. And that is what sometimes leads to friction when the "gamer" fraternity posts wish lists vs what the "programmer" fraternity wish for.
  11. A major challenge of playing CM2 is its subtleties. Yes, it seems more realistic (I think?) to keep troops in C&C. Yes, if one does statistically significant tests there is a mathematical advantage. However, when playing the game it's hard to determine if there is an observable penalty when a unit moves out of C2. So, yes if possible keep C2, but frankly if you are reasonably experienced, am not sure it really matters. And that's a shame. While CM1 is more a game than a sim, what makes it entertaining is that it can be quite obvious that a HQ with high values makes a significant and observable improvement to a unit's functions. It's fun to pick out platoons with the best leaders and use them as one's "favorite" formations for the most important missions. In CM2 it's all so subtle, the units seem more cookie-cutter, interchangeable, and without the "individual personality" that was enjoyable in CM1.
  12. Yes, very happy that we are starting to discuss tactics on these forums again.
  13. Very useful, Olek. The use of Red arty has always been a challenge for me as it's so easy to make the mistake of using it like NATO's - ie economically and precisely with plenty in reserve for unexpected targets or situations. But because Red arty is usually much slower to arrive than NATO's one has to have the "courage" to commit each Red arty battery in one big fireworks show and don't bother keeping any shells in reserve - it will usually take too long to retarget and to arrive. One wants to smash a sector of the front completely quickly and early and use Direct Fire for anything else. Some other comments and questions: 1) You seem to have quite a lot of intel at the start represented by enemy icons. A bigger challenge is how to plan arty strikes when there is no obvious targets. Based on my point above, you usually only get one barrage per battery and it is heartbreaking to waste it all on nothing. 2) In CMSF I did some tests years ago and found that a LONG or MAX length of fire along with HARASS or LOW rate of fire seemed to create more enemy casualties than a high rate of fire for a shorter period. Not sure if that is the same in CMBS.
  14. Some good mods there. Be aware that these are only a very small number of xnt mods that are available for CMSF. My CMSF Z folder is something like 5.6GB - with another 9+GB in my "CMSF UNUSED MODS" folder.
  15. Yes, you are absolutely right. Rudeness on these forums only creates a climate where more rudeness and hazing become acceptable.
  16. Haven't looked to see what's in it. But for those who are new to CMSF this could be very helpful - especially since they should all work with the upcoming CMSF2.
  17. Thanks for the recommendations. Have both "A War" (not to be confused with Waar - apparently a Pakistani or Indian counter-terrorism show) and "Sand Castles" on my Netflix list now. Spousal unit wants to finish binging on "The Crown" first. (Xnt TV series about Lillebeth's early years btw!!)
  18. What this demos so well about CMSF are the long(er) ranges compared to the European games, which makes it useful to use recon and spot without it being a suicide mission etc. Am loving this... And CMSF2 will make it all new(ish) again!
  19. Thanks mate. I'll keep the checks coming. Oh wait... Not sure I have the hang of the PM system...
  20. Plus I reckon playtime is closer to thousands of hours value for most of us here (including us "Ancients" as well as the "Old-Timers").
  21. That's a much better analysis that what I attempted to do in my post, but Bozowans does an xnt job expressing my thoughts on the usefulness of MOVE vs QUICK. The other advantage of course is that one "always" has troops that are "Rested" and as combat is an issue of probabilities including experience and command factors, being "Rested" is one more tilt on the roulette wheel.
  22. We're taking a Hollywood movie a bit too seriously imo. The objective of Hwd movies is not to provide historical accurace, but dramatic effect to 1) put bums in seats and 2) promote the Hwd political agenda which is not pro military or pro anything which makes us proud of our Euro-centric history.
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