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Everything posted by rleete

  1. I proudly announce that Boo_Radley has won Arty-fest 45 by default. By that I mean that his damn ISP finally pushed me over the edge by bouncing turns, and I deleted the file in disgust. That would be disgust at his ISP, and not for Boo himself. That disgust is on an entirely different level, and involves flan, munching, and other less savory things. Not that there's any thing wrong with that...No, wait. There is, and for that you disgust me even more. Sick bastid, seek professional help. Not that this irregular end is necessarily a bad thing, as the scenario in question is stoopid in the extreme. The only high point was a FB (his own) dropping it's ordinance on his reinforcements, therefore wiping out all but a few panicked huns. Gotta love those flyboys. Was Stuka the pilot by any chance? I am now informed that his computer is disgusted with him, too. So much, in fact, that it won't let him play either CM:BO or CM:BB. Sucks to be you, buddy. Not that is one whit less than you deserve, of course.
  2. YK2, you're going to make the guy implode. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  3. Damn, I thought this would be a post about some new radio controlled model. Can anyone post a link to ebay or somesuch so I can get an idea about selling prices? I have a 1/16 KT I'd like to sell. Sorry to hijack your thread, Mr.42, but I think this is a no-go. Kind of like squads without a HQ. Supposed to force you to get tanks in platoons.
  4. And we have a winnah! Almost disqualified by the smiley, though.
  5. One of the worst cases of cesspool overflow in the history of the board. Ah, the good old days.
  6. Now, just how do you guys expect the BFC crew to get through doorways, if we all keep swelling their heads like this?
  7. I'll second that. There's a lot of information to be gleaned if you get in close, and listen to the units. But only if you know what the heck they're saying. A printed translation isn't the same, and means constantly pausing to look up the correct phrase.
  8. Boo, you flan eating gibbon. What the hell is wrong with your e-mail? Do you want to finish this arty-farce or what?
  9. You spammed them once, why not block you from doing it again? I do it myself all the time. You admitted your email was "rude", and them fault them for blocking you out? Sounds like sour grapes to me.
  10. Is it gamey to use a large coffee can, when your opponent is only using a soup can?
  11. BFC has a strict no refund policy, as stated on the order form. It was probably that which got you blocked, as they didn't want to be spammed after telling you "no". As CM:BB is due out soon, all the BFC guys are working their butts off, and don't have quite enough time to reply or deal with some of the email that's evidently coming their way. They're probably just doing what seems to them to be the course of least trouble.
  12. Yeah, then some idiot would rename his to "Mannerheim", transport it to Finnland, and then complain that it couldn't...er, ahem. Oh, hello, CVM, didn't see you there. Sorry, I'll just go back to my game. Carry on.
  13. Enjoy the vacation, Hubert. You've certainly earned it.
  14. It pains me to say it, but Meeks is right. From your profile, I'd say you would get it in about 4 days.
  15. 1939 against a human is a tough one. Unless you get off to a good start, or get luck with the research, it's an uphill battle. Try a different campaign, or negotiate some of the settings with your opponent.
  16. Sucks to be you. Don't you feel like one of your troops, just as the bombs landed? That was a neat trick, Boo, do it again! Edited to add that Arty Fest '45 is a wonderfully sick and twisted scenario. Lots of 'splody stuff. [ August 20, 2002, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  17. Tell me about it! I had problems finding a usable web name, and didn't understand why, at first. On the issue of 1.03: Don't you think this is a bit insulting to Hubert? Yes, it can be a pain. But it isn't a showstopper, and the other improvements more than make up for it. Edit to say: This is my name, dammit. If you really are so "elite", then spell the word correctly! [ August 18, 2002, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  18. Hold on a minute, and I'll start a new thread to address this...
  19. Hey, we aren't even playing. I really...Huh? What's that, again? Oh...I see. Nevermind, then. Edit your damn pics, you overpaid leech. Scrolling is just not kosher.
  20. No, Mensch, just wondering what's happened to you. Been making lot's of new Byte Battles for CM:BB? If not, get cracking!
  21. Try some flea powder, you mongrel. Or take a shower, and wash the Croda's off.
  22. 1. The unit must not have already moved. 2. The unit must be adjacent to a port icon (the anchor doo-hickey). 3. You must have enough MPP's left to pay the transport cost. That's it. Unless I forgot something, and in that case, it isn't quite it. Edit: Duh, LAND transport. You mean operating units. They can't be adjacent to enemy, I think. I rarely use it, except for HQ's. Too expensive, unless it's a last ditch reinforcement. [ August 15, 2002, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  23. Not in the biblical sense. I guess I'm luckier than I thought.
  24. Croda, I realize that your brain has gone all soft and mushy from having to try and translate the noises coming from the fresh larva you've spawned. Quick, someone get the roach powder. But it takes two to finish a game, you oaf. Were it not for me, constantly driving him on, infuriating him, he'd have never done it. By mocking each missed shot, and laughing every time he lost yet another vehicle, I kept him going. That, and the thought of burying his 5 iron in your skull when we finished. A man's got to have goals, donchaknow.
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