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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Well, I gotta agree with VJ. Needs more dirt on the lower. The upper part is simply lovely, though. Maybe even a bit too dirty on the horizontal surfaces. They do have rain on the steppes, right? Can you get some more streaking on the more vertical surfaces (to show washoff)? Other than my personal niggles, it is just fine. Another nice piece of work, Tiger. Just a note to BFC: ALL the models look pretty damn good right out of the box. The modders have their work cut out for them.
  2. No retirement for you. Wage slave the rest of your life, boyo. A cubicle with monotonous grey walls, with a chair that doesn't cripple your back, if you're lucky. A life of endless pointless tasks, all destined to clog the information stream. Bosses without a clue, and innane customer requests without meaning. Retirement? Ha! You'll work yourself to an early grave, while the stress makes your once lush hair fall out in clumps. Stay in line, or you get to stand in the unemployment line. Meanwhile, spend until debt is a way of life, just to add a few more shiny baubles to the pile. Or, you could start building models, and let the glue fumes render you as dimwitted as Mouse. Dear Lady YK2, what is on the wine list for this evening? I'm thinking of keeping it light, maybe a zinfandel?
  3. The phrase "shooting fish in a barrel" comes to mind. With a very big gun, and a very small barrel.
  4. I found one that could be the cesspool mission statement: "Just because I'm delusional, doesn't mean I'm wrong."
  5. Trying to absorb the text in a whole new way? You hippies sure like your trees...
  6. How can they still hurt, when they were pulled? Do you have some strange psychic connection to severed body parts? I hate to think what a circumcision would be like... Maybe that explains the constant grumpiness!
  7. Oh, hate that. [ September 28, 2002, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  8. Good. Now back away (never turn your back on a cesspooler), and close the door tightly on your way out. That's a good boy. Wouldn't want you to get hurt. Well, we would, but that is a whole 'nother story. Edit: drunkin speeling [ September 28, 2002, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  9. We all still feel sorry for the cat, but wish you never had the benefit of pain pills, or anaesthetic . It's more than you deserve, but we've been drinking, and are feeling generous.
  10. Dame Emma, being "across the pond" and all, is still a better drinking partner and conversationalist than most (if not all) of you sorry sods will ever be. Had she not already been granted the lofty perch of "Lady of the Cesspool", I'd give her boon to be Lord and master of all. Salutations, dear lady, and a good night to you. May the wine flow in your dreams, and leave you with nary a thought of a hangover.
  11. Glad you said it. If any of the rest of us had, it'd be abuse of the Ladies-of-the-pool. AJ, just how do you know about oil of olay products? On second thought, we really don't want to know. Go powder your nose. Mace, keep your clothes on. Not an image any of us need to imagine.
  12. Have to say that this was an excellent idea. I keep trying to issue orders! It's damn near like playing the game. Very good show.
  13. I have a friend who collects those little "taster" (airline size) bottles. As a result, I'm always on the lookout for any unusual brands or bottles. A couple of years ago, I was in this backwater town in Florida, and found one labeled "Rusty Zipper" brand whiskey. Kind of gives new meaning to "piss water". Never had the guts to see what it tasted like. PL, hurry up. The Ladies are a-waiting, and you know it's bad to let a good buzz slip away. And damn you for breaking bottles. That's alcohol abuse in the worst way. Bad form, old chap.
  14. Panzer Leader is the new wine steward? Adds new meaning to the phrase "there's a mouse in the cellar".
  15. No whiskey, thank you. I have a nice bottle of white here. And several bottles of some terrible strawberry junk bought at the end of the wine tour last year. Note to all: do not let the wife purchase cheap wine after indulging in too much desert wine. It tends toward the sickly sweet "wino-class" stuff. Not that that will keep me from drinking it once I'm through a couple of bottles of chardonay...
  16. Ah, no need. Music soothes the savage beast, and all that. Actually, he seems to enjoy the wife's singing, but tends to avoid me when I do. No accounting for taste, is there? And may I have some wine? It's been a most trying day. Some nice merlot, if you please. Edited to add: I tend to agree with Firefly, regarding your sig! If you can post a song without editing, you aren't drinking enough. [ September 28, 2002, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  17. As this seems to be an exceptionally bad month for cats, I have to post the following: Killa, the 15 year old, fussy-old-man cat just had minor surgery. He had a nasty, infected cut on his face, a battle wound from the neighborhood cat wars. Very disgusting. I took him in, and they cleaned it out and shot him full of anti-biotics. They shaved the side of his face, poor guy. I imagine even Berli, lord of darkness would have trouble maintaining his image with half his beard shorn off. To a cat, this indignity is as much a burden as the actual pain of surgery. He is hiding in the closet, looking shell shocked. He is not very happy with me right now. The stuff oozing out reminded me of the crap that Papa Khann normally posts. With that, I declare myself the antibiotic to his cesspool infection. Prepare to be irradicated, you foul germ. Damn the elevated white cell count, full speed ahead! Edited to bold the name of the disease. [ September 28, 2002, 06:32 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  18. The list of titles here is like a trip down memory lane. Ah, the good times with those old AH boardgames. The pocket games (Ogre, Sticks & Stones, etc.) were often played on the bus on the way to junior high school. I still have a large collection, but every time I get them out, it seem like too much bother with all the set-up, calculations and having to play both sides. The first? Tactics II, one of the finest wqargames ever made. On to most of the other AH boardgames, with a sprinkling of some SPI titles thrown in for variety. I also rate Ogre as one of the best, and it was by far the one played most often. Actually wore out a map on that one, and had to buy another. BTW,, does anyone remember playing by (snail)mail? Must have cost me at least a hundred dollars in postage over the years.
  19. Is it gamey to post a "Hi Mom!" in a MBT you know will be locked soon? And is Nyquil considered a good choice for the first drink when playing the new game?
  20. But that would eliminate pushing an immobilized vehicle, which I have used to great effect in the past. I'm sure there would be some bitching about it either way.
  21. Oh, for the love of Fred (long may he be banned). Ten minutes after the last post, and it slips halfway down the page, filled with "I got it in (insert name of yet another god-forsaken rat hole)" posts. Like anyone cares. Bunch of damn nimrod's. In game news, Seanachai has beaten me in "The Crossroad", which he had played before. Guilty of gameyness in the first degree. Next, he'll go on about having informed me of the fact. Let him produce evidence to the contrary, I say. Until then, I shall declare it a moral victory. May the hole in your wall widen faster than the postcards to cover it, oh blathering one. I spent the weekend at the lovely hunting cabin in the woods. Copious supplies of beer, in a variety of flavors, were laid in beforehand. The 4-wheelers were gassed up and ready to roll (gotta do the red-neck thing right, donchaknow) All was right with the world. That is, until the damn bear decided to destroy my brand new cooler, and steal the remaining venison steaks. The bastard even managed to break two bottles of porter. For that, it must now die. Anyone care for a nice bearskin rug, replete with multiple shotgun holes?
  22. MrSpkr, I belive it has to do with your obvious pro-centric Soviet bias. Bocage in the USSR was not available within the scope of the game's timeframe. You see, T-75 "Bocageski" was discontinued in early 1940, after it was discovered that models made in the Urals contained Rhus radicans, or poison ivy. Soldier's became infected in the nether regions, after using some of the more easily detached leaves for "sanitary purposes". Which brings up the cry "Urrahh!", heard during human wave attacks. The literal translation is "it f#@&ing itches!". The motivation for the attacks was the rumour that the Germans were well supplied with toiletries. Any true bocage grog would know this. You disappoint me.
  23. Ah, yes. The great evil list. How proud you must be that MrSpkr plagerized your idea in his sig. No game yet, but I fully expect it to arrive within the next day or two. How many of these are you taking on at a time? Do I have to wait my turn, or will you be handling these games en masse? QB, playtest, makes absolutely no difference. I prefer double blind, but will grant you choice of all parameters and sides. Let the killin' begin!
  24. I have a very special case for the CD. It is the same one that houses the Motherboard, the vid card...
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