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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Oh, are your pretty little dolls talking to you again? Time for mister pill and a nappy. That's a good patient.
  2. I'll have you know my leige has plenty of honour. I bought it for him myself at the last Ames 3-day sale. Bulk lots, extra discount because of the pommie labels on the package.
  3. His official title is Consigliori of the Cesspool. Having another "senior moment", eh? It's no wonder so many of the old crew have gone missing; probably can't even remember how to logon. What's this? Do I get hazardous pay for such duty? I might catch a wayward arrow. Not to mention that his stench would linger for weeks afterwards. On the other hand, a well timed distraction could lead to a fatal mistep. Hmmm...
  4. Leeo, if you take on a game against Boo, Make sure you get Tigers. Boo just loves to go up against Tigers.
  5. Well, there was an Abbot (see here), but he's been missing for ages. Another one lost on the crusades, I suppose. Seems to have had some trouble putting his arms down, too. So, it's "Here you go, knighthood", just like that? Just a quick (useless) title, and a boot out the door? Notices pushed to the back pages of the paper by other more "newsworthy" events? See here, Olde Man, I'll have none of that! I'm not through annoying you yet. And with the meager salary you bestowed (and, as usual, are late in paying), I haven't even saved up for a decent suit of armor. Luckily, the balding spot can now be dismissed as the proper hairstyle for an abbot. So, when is the ‘annointing’? I take it that our king Meeks is now nothing more than the 'pool pissboy bereft of bucket? [ January 20, 2003, 08:28 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  6. Okay, God dam..., er that's not it. Give it another go, eh? How about Goats salve the... no still not quite right. Hm, Gut out the King? No? Why not? Shoulda gone with Mensch. Who would have argued with him as king? Like trying to teach the village idiot quantum physics: pointless to try, and better off if left undone. Okay, okay! Stop glaring. Here goes: Dogs ****e the king! Better?
  7. Lord Seanachai! Just what the heil do you think you're doing? You and Berli create chaos (I'd expect no less from the likes of him), and just disappear? Are you Olde Farts getting a good laugh while these two debate the fine print? Come back and get on with it, Bard, before the whole place self-destructs in uncivil war. And what about all us squires? Any more of this fence-sitting, and I'm going to get piles. Edited to bold the name of the instigator. [ January 19, 2003, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  8. My word, a mention of my very own ancestry. You were refering to James M. Whistler, I presume? A great, great uncle of mine. Painted that horrible old woman, looking much like one of the Mormon wives. And please, Joe, no more pictures. Sorry, but I must have missed something. What's the bit about being bloodthirsty? Granted, the mother does look like a witch, ready to boil children for her soup (can't hardly blame her), but unless the stories I was told are all lies, he was hardly much more than an average painter. Care to enlighten the faceless masses?
  9. Nice. Gamey-as-you-can-be types are usually very entertaining. I remember fondly playing night, heavy fog, only flame units allowed games with Mensch.
  10. Oh, the quandry. Do I follow my liege lord Seanachai, and accept Meeks (bolded to cover all the bases) as King of all and sundry? Back when I was but a lurker in the MBT, I watched in wonder that he dared to defy the Olde Ones, and was cast out as the defiler. Now he is to be welcomed, nay, embraced (not that there's anything wrong with that...) as the sovereign monarch of Cess by the very ones he had opposed. Or, do I stand with OSGF and Joe Shaw in defense of traditions? Does the lowly squire have the right to oppose his own kniggit (not that I've been that loyal to begin with) and risk losing (or even loosing) any hope of obtaining that lofty status himself? We all know how far Benedict Arnold advanced his career after switching sides. Personally, I'd be more than happy to support the self-proclaimed lord Lorak, but he's been M.I.A. for ages. So many of the original cess dwellers have passed into oblivion as to make traditions themselves a fleeting thing. Were MrPeng himself to make a proclaimation, the decision would far less arduous. On the other hand, we all know that any squires are just going to be used as gamey, last-turn-flag-rushing cannon fodder. Might as well stand on the sidelines and watch the slaughter.
  11. Long live the tree in which the rats dwell! I hereby proclaim my support for Prince Mensch. Pythonesque visions of "trumpets in bums" seems fitting. And, being in agreement with Mace (hey, it's been a bad week all around), I've changed my sig. I suggest it is every kniggits duty to proclaim their loyalty to the MBT in this fashion.
  12. Oh, looky. My lord Seanachai hath gone and pissed off another modder. Note the locked thread; the mark of true success. Way to go, my kniggit. Always nice to witness a professional in action. Of course, picking on a known twit is kind of cheating isn't it? Isn't it a bit gamey of you?
  13. You vote MrSpkr to be Joe Shaw? Lordy, these new ones shore gots some strange new-fangled idears. And so hard to understand, jest like this here UBB [ January 14, 2003, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  14. Uh, Seanachai? Isn't it about time you and Berlichtingen "lead him forth" and let him have at it? That is, unless you want all these SSN's to overflow the cesspool with their drooling..
  15. Being a former squire of old Senile Tea himself, you should be used to disappointment by now. You'll get your turn, lawyer boy. Why don't you go bill somebody?
  16. I have heard all of the above stated reasons mentioned, in a book about the landings on, uh Crete (?). I think. I went looking for the book in question, and damned if I can find it.
  17. Yes, tis me. And am I not good enough for the brick, that you must sully your own hands in my disipline? No matter, it is but a minor distraction to be slapped with the force you muster. I have no explanations that would be appropiate to post. Suffice to say that I have been ever dilligent, and have kept up with most of the clever posting on the MBT. Which is to say, not much. As to my brother squire, I know not. And care even less. Maybe if you took a more active role in the care & feeding of your squires, we would show a bit more loyalty. Not that I once again post, Boo, and still haven't sent a turn. Thpppp!
  18. dalem, what the heck is with the hippy love fest? Ye gods, man. At least fawn over some of the Ladies of the 'pool. Or, failing that, you could snuggle up with Mr. No yarbles. Not that there's anything wrong with that... My leige! You've returned! Expecting a meal, some wine and your shoddy armor polished, I suppose. Methinks it was better when you were lost in the doldrums (that's somewhere in Ohio, right?). Edited for practice. [ January 10, 2003, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]
  19. Tiger1.info, and the site author David Byrden have been extremely helpful and accomodating. Even my dumbest questions have been answered, although sometimes it takes a while. I consider this the best site on the web for modeling the Tiger 1, bar none.
  20. If it makes you feel any better, we're all still hoping that you and Shaw shoot each other.
  21. Much as I would like to take credit for "inspired genius", it was simple common sense. Compared to the Aussies among us, it would be considered sheer genius, but so is tying one's own shoes in that part of the world.
  22. Either way, it's a win-win situation. I'm sure everyone can agree on that. And, no, I don't owe you a setup. It's your damn list, you can do the setup, law dog.
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