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About Earbuzz

  • Birthday 09/22/1965

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  • Location
    Richmond, VA
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  1. I know and, I do appreciate it. You wouldn't believe how much I play the game.
  2. I won't get anal and point out that it wasn't spam. oops...I just did. In any case, I hadn't recalled their policy against returns when I sent it. I do have a bad memory. It was obviously a statement in anger anyway. How seriously do you take that as regards getting the return. In any case, I sent them the email from another account. So do I. No one I can think of needs my tech. support though. I am having a tech. issue now too. It's at least slightly and, maybe more related to the cd check though. Might be a touchy issue. Actually, This isn't exactly what sour grapes is. It fits current usage I suppose. You are right though. I do fault them. I expect them to act like not only a professional company but, adults. I wouldn't personally block anyone for just being rude. I understand people get like that sometimes. It's like a stupid power trip. "I HAVE THE GREAT AND MAGNIFICENT POWER TO BLOCK." screamed the techie.
  3. To Compassio: Thanks. I haven't really been following it.
  4. BFC has a strict no refund policy, as stated on the order form. It was probably that which got you blocked, as they didn't want to be spammed after telling you "no". </font>
  5. It was obvious that it was rude from my reply. Not from my lack of posting the original. Don't you think? I think anyone could figure out that the original mesagge was rude from the reply. I explained the circumstances and, backed off quite a bt in my reply. Do you never find yourself in a bad mood? Well then...I congratulate you. Your not human then. I bet you actually are human though and, do find yourself in a bad mood aat times. A philosopher. You should publish that. Hmm...I just checked. Actually, it wasn't that rude. I had kind of remembered it as rude. Must have been my mood at the time. Here it is: I see you added a cd check. Is there any chance I can get my money back? Preview not working. So, if I messed the tags up(shrug). [ August 29, 2002, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: Earbuzz ]
  6. It seems my email address was blocked by battlefront because I complained about the cd check. Reply said: "This message could not be delivered to the following recipients: <support@battlefront.com>: Connected to but sender was rejected. Remote host said: 550 This address is not allowed" Here is the email I wanted to send. It was to be a reply to their reply: "Thanks. That's cool. I was just pissed when I installed the patch. Then the email program kept closing as I was typing. I really wouldn't want tp return it. I play it for hours everyday. I'm very disorganized though. Took me awhile to find the cd." It seems unproffessional of them to me. Actually, it seems a little childish. [ August 29, 2002, 08:52 PM: Message edited by: Earbuzz ]
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