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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Another question: what's the preference for fieldgear? The original CMBB-style a-frame assualt getup with zeltbahn, etc. or the just basic gear as seen on the figure of the gunner. I prefer the latter myself. I also noticed that the gunner/weapons crew/spotter figure mentioned above has its own bmp (obviously). Maybe I should make him an NCO, and get rid of the Mauser ammo pouches and replace them with a pistol holster, as that's all the crews are armed with anyhow. Opinions?
  2. Michael Could you be so kind as to e-mail the bmp for your helmet with the breadbag strap? I'd like to take a look at what you did. Also--maybe someone out there knows--I remember once not too long ago I ran across a website that gave the whole rundown on German helmets complete with paint colors and markings. Like a moron I didn't bookmark it. Anyone recognize it and know the URL. Keep in mind that there is a good possibility that I am delusional and such a site does not exist at all.
  3. You're right. I almost feel bad modding them... The game really does look terrific.
  4. Yeah, I was planning on doing the same thing, along with maybe some chickenwire (...always with the chickenwire ) Dig the crusher cap. As I stated, I want to have this ready by 9/20. [ September 02, 2002, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  5. Agh! Double post! :mad: [ September 02, 2002, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  6. Don't worry, comrade! I have not forgotten the great patriotic defenders of the Motherland. I just had all this German stuff floating around here from my CMBO mods.
  7. So I spent a couple hours (!) trying to download, play it for, oh, maybe 10 minutes, and then open up Photoshop, and, well, you know the rest. Here's what I splapped together: Arms and legs need work, and I'm still working on the officers, and later uniforms will follow shortly. I promise it will be released by the 20th! Looks kind of blurry in the demo. I tested the same textures in CMBO and they look REALLY sharp. These are NOT recolored stock graphics, but all new "scratchbuilt" (to borrow a modeler's term" textures. They give the uniforms a more contrasty and warmer look. The originals look great but I thought they looked a little too cyan. Some of the field gear is from photos, other bits are handmade in Photoshop. Can you tell which is which? Can't wait till I get my hands on the real thing!
  8. Sorry, double post (how'd that happen :confused: ) [ September 02, 2002, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  9. Is ok . I actually feel kinda bad when I'm slow getting a mod out, especially when I've shown a teaser preview and all. It's all the little details and things that take the time.
  10. That's the last time a make a mod for you! :mad: The nerve of some people. I'm slow (and I'm sure other talented people like Måkjäger are) because I'm busy. Maybe if people started paying us for mods we could re-align our priorities. P.S.- The Chaffee mod is just turning into a royal pain in the butt. It's going to take a lot of work before it sees the light of day.
  11. Sorry, it's not finished. Haven't had much time for MODing lately. I'll take a look and see how much more work is involved.
  12. Let me make a few changes based on feedback from other beta testers and I'll send it to you.
  13. It's not been formally released, but if you search very hard on Kump's CM Outpost you may find it...for a little while longer at least
  14. Great freakin' googly moogly!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: It's the Königstiger of my dreams. Thanks Gordon!!!
  15. Hey, that image on that last page looks pretty good. I might be able to replicate the pattern in Illustrator... I did try a Google image search initially, but nothing of sufficient quality turned up. Thanks.
  16. It's really looked more red when I originally painted it than how it turneed out in-game. It's supposed to look like weathered red oxide primer, which is essentially rust.
  17. I'm looking for a good, clear overall representation of the pattern that can be worked into a hi-res uniform mod. Does that help?
  18. Ok, someone out there HAS to have an old splinter-pattern Zeltbahn and a flatbed scanner. If you are that person, or if you just happen to have a good, flat, picture of a big swatch of splinter pattern cloth, then I am your new best friend. Well, maybe not--best friends usually want to borrow money or power tools. You'll actually be just an acquaintance to whom I will dedicate an all-new MOD in this very public forum. Perhaps this will be the basis for many a future CMBB MOD. The only other reward I can give you is the assurance that you will bask in the admiration of many MODsluts. It is a benefit, nay a blessing, that few get, and I am willing to share it with you, lucky person, all for a picture of some crummy old camouflage cloth. If I've been verbose, then please blame it on the half-bottle of Coppola Rosso I found in the back of the refrigerator this evening.
  19. Thank you! that was the answer I was looking for. I've seen pix where the white area is quite bright, but I can tone it down a bit. I guess this means I'll have to make a whitewashed version... I might release the "basic" dark yellow version first, as it will take some work yet to get the camo pattern to match up properly. The dark yellow one will be a good base for people who want to crank out there own variations on the mod.
  20. Yeah, I think it needs some snow. FYI it's a reworking of my old Hetzer with new colors and a few new details. Much better IMHO. And ready soon. Very soon.
  21. Looks kinda like Kwazy went, uh well, "kwazy" with some Photoshop sharpening filters. A fine job nonetheless, especially given that he's having to texture some 300+ vehicles... If they were all perfect then there wouldn't be anything for us MODers to do, would there?
  22. Hmmm. I guess that kind of sounds like this paint scheme. I modeled the paint scheme off an color profile that I collected somewhere on the net, and I've also seen a couple of Hetzers painted with this sort of white-stripey getup.
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