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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. To update: I haven't had a lot of time for modding the past week or so, so no progress on the Pershing. Soon, though. I just have to sort through all the little detail parts and make sure that the textures fit the 3D model correctly.
  2. Marco Bergman's got a brand spankin' new hi-res M10/Wolverine/Achilles/Jackson set. Part of the latest CMMOS release.
  3. So, does that mean you like it? It still needs a bit more work before its really ready. There are a lot of details that were not present in the original that I have to add, and that's what takes time. Patience is a virtue, after all.
  4. Hey, I like the allied winter uniforms that I did a while back. New ones are in the pipeline. Now, when you mention "Allied winter uniforms" are you specifically referring to white camouflage?
  5. Yeah, I know. I had to explain to my wife why CM modding is more important than things like weddings and other lame "family 'n' friends" stuff. She got kind of mad at me. Not sure why :confused: I suppose I could always threaten to put a life-size Panzer guy mannequin (sp?) in the living room. Maybe that'll put things in perspective for her.
  6. Dirt, unit #s, etc. have yet to be added. That's cause it's not done yet.
  7. Glad you all like it! For the record, I really don't take modslut "requests" (or should it be demands ), but I do respond well to suggestions, especially when it's a mod that I think really needs to be done. Hopefully I'll get the Pershing out this week, kind of an 4th of July treat--an American übertank!
  8. Yeah, I do it for the love (which is worth more than money!).
  9. I know you're all busy gnawing on that BONE that the Bald One threw out to us, but as I have a raging MODer's ego I thought I'd post a shot of this sucker anyhow. It's far from complete--note that lack of essential drivetrain bits. That's Magua's Normandy grass, BTW. [ July 03, 2002, 02:07 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  10. I dunno, I'm kind of in shock. Those new uniforms look so good... Does this mean we have separate uniform textures for officers and NCOs? Can't wait to get to work.
  11. Wow! I think I found my new favorite KT mod... Nice work, Gordon. I also really like how the winter versions of my various Brit iron turned out. Groovy!
  12. Right then--this thread has gotten entirely too silly!
  13. Thanks. Being busy doesn't stop me from starting new mods, just finishing them!
  14. Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag. yeah, I'm sorta simultaneously working on the Chaffee, as it's badly in need of a makeover as well.
  15. New Modder policy: each incident of whining and/or nagging delays release time by 1 week. Nice going, lcm. Actually, it's looking good--really good. Well, as much as a butt-ugly tank like the Pershing can look good. Just hope the Chaffee turns out as...oops, did I write that?
  16. Juju will your forthcoming Cursor Pack be CMMOS-compatible?
  17. Argh! don't remind me. Actually, I have started to "revisit" them. I'm including a White Scout Car, based on the halftrack textures, too. Eventually they'll be done.
  18. Uh, I think lcm was kidding in that first post. You know, using exaggeration for a humorous effect. Besides, it really is about time for a Pershing mod. I think that it and the Chaffee are about the only things that have not been brought up to current hi-res mod standards. I'm curious--what else is out there that has not been modded lately, or never been modded at all?
  19. It's not done yet!!!! I just did this on my lunch break at work fer cryin out loud. :mad: At least you didn't ask what grass I was using.
  20. Look what you made me go and do: Are you happy now? Are you? ARE YOU?!?
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