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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Does anyone know if this paint scheme is supposed to be a Winter/snow camouflage pattern? I did pattern it after historical references and illustrations, but I am unable to find a context for its use. Developed from the plain dark yellow version: [edited cuz it didn't make a lot of sense the first time around] [ August 04, 2002, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  2. Matt, I just got back from work and responded to your e-mail. Sorry I didn't reply sooner but I was away from my computer all day...
  3. Great work Garry! Glad to see the Pershing is available (temporarily). I'll put together a final version with the fixed pink spots and a readme and get it sent off to the usual suspects for posting.
  4. After I send it to Gordon I'm sure he'll adorn it with the flags and cool camo schemes that he's famous for. Thanks to all for the praise--you know that we MODers don't do it for the money (although it would be nice), just for the ego boost.
  5. I'm a Mac user. Do you want my Gestalt ID as proof. Gyrene</font>
  6. Beta testers--check your e-mail. Everyone who asked (to this point) is on my list. Everyone else will have to wait until it's released.
  7. Ok, I think that's enough. Anyone else who wants it has to prove that they are a Mac user (that should narrow down the field a little bit ).
  8. I'll send it to everyone posting in this thread. How's that? Ditto with the Chaffee, when it's ready.
  9. I will try to finish it this weekend. If you look at the pics, you can see that the commander's cupola is not symmetrical, and trying to make the sights fit properly was making me want to tear my hair out. I need to figure out a solution for that problem, and fix some issues with the toolboxes on the fenders, and then it's done. I suppose a lucky few will get the beta version soon...
  10. ..that's Magua's Normandy pavement. Hey Kump, are you going to do a grass mod section in your Modcyclopedia?
  11. Now THAT is cool! :cool: How much time did you put into that??? :eek: :cool: Nice, job!!!
  12. I'm in Marin, so I could be in Sacramento in about 45 mins, depending on traffic. I just need to think of a decent cover story so my wife doesn't hide the car keys...
  13. [never mind--edited 'cause I wasn't thinking] [ July 20, 2002, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  14. You're not making me fee l bad or anything, don't worry about it. I really shouldn't post previews of a mod and then never finish it... Here are a few more morsels of screenshot goodness:
  15. Oh man, I knew someone was going to call me on this Sorry, I just haven't had too much MODing time these past few weeks. The Pershing is probably 90% done. I ran into a distortion problem with the commander's cupola, and I have to re-do the bmps to make a sort of compromise so it doesn't look TOO strange. Almost there. I'll see if I can dig up a screenshot. Chaffee is maybe 50% finished. Before you start getting on my case for working on it instead of the Pershing, understand that I did a lot of it at work during a slow period when my boss was gone (and always on my lunch break. Yeah, that's right, on my lunch break ). I can try to get it done this weekend. Emphasis on "try". Also, to be brutally honest, I've been bitten by the CMBB bug, and I'm really kind of distracted by thoughts of its impending delivery.
  16. Oh, September 21. Maybe late in the day September 20. I'm already doing research... :cool:
  17. Oh lordy, a JEEP GROG!!! Yeah, well, I plead ignorance AND it's all BTS's fault! Actually, I hear what you're saying. Can't do much about the windshield, unfortunately. I too would have liked to see a lowered windshield (a la the Jeep MG) but the 3D model depicts is raised. The slapped-on British Airborne markings are a just that--again, the modelling of a proper Airborne Jeep is not possible in CMBO. In my mods I try to tread a line between "historically accurate" and "looking really cool." Some of the Jeep's features were decided upon with an eye toward the latter category. Example: I know the Ford script was only really seen on relatively early models, but it looks cool! Thanks for the input all the same. If I ever revise the mod (which isn't likely, given the impending release of CMBB), I'll incorporate some the suggested features, like the headlamp covers. Where were you when I was previewing the early versions of this thing? I could have used the input then! Oh yeah, one more thing: the whitewash version was put together by Thomas Klimisch of Tom's CMHQ fame. I think it looks pretty good, but I did notice that he mixed up parts of the UK and US textures in his version. [edited for stupidity] [ July 16, 2002, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  18. For good (and brief) background material read here: Confusion and Triumph at La Fiere. The results from the last battle I played were surprisingly true-to-life.
  19. Test it 2-player if you like. I've tested it several times as Allies vs. AI and found it a challenge. Against a human player, who knows? Germans vs. AI doesn't work very well, for the usual reasons.
  20. I don't get it--where's the Weasel? All I see is a press release about something called "CMBB," whatever that is. :confused: BTS fix it or do somefink!
  21. This one's been sitting on my HD for a while, and I decided it was good enough for public consumption. "Blood on the Merderet" deals with the suicidal attack by glider troops of the 82d Airborne across the La Fiere Causeway in Normandy. It's 50 turns of utter confusion and mayhem, intended to by played as the Allies. If anyone wants to take a turn at a TCP/IP or PBEM game, feel free, but I haven't tested it in 2-player, yet. I'm especially proud of the map, which I made using maps and aerial photos of the area. Let me know if you want to test this baby and I'll e-mail it to you. I'll get back to modding now
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