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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Yep, it's the Heer Winter uniform set vol.3, ready for download at The CM Mod Database. This whopping big set (7+ MB!) includes white, splinter, and tan-water camouflage winter uniforms for Heer infantry, mechanized, and mountain troops. Go get it now! [Editud becuase I cant spel} [ November 15, 2002, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  2. My Waffen-SS winter infantry uniform set is available once more at the CM Mod Database. I did correct one very minor detail in the white uniform set, if anyone wants to d/l it again, though I doubt anyone would notice the change.
  3. They're really not that different, but there are a few tricks with the uniforms. Really, if you have any specific questions don't hesitate to ask. I've been toying with the idea of writing up a uniform modding tutorial, btw, so some Q & A would be welcome, and would help me organize my thoughts.
  4. At the risk of being a smart-a** I gotta say--a magician, or MODer, never reveals his secrets! Seriously, it's a complex process I've developed over time that really works well, and has evolved as I've honed my Photoshop skills. I doubt I could give all or even some of the details here, but if you have any specific questions I would be happy address them.
  5. My late Heer uniform mod set is available again at the CM Mod Database. I took the opportunity to correct a few historical accuracy and color issues, so even if you d/l'd it earlier you'll probably want to go and grab this new version. More mods on the way...
  6. Sure is the Wespe! Being the original artist of that texture (originally a CMBO Wespe mod--this version with a G. Molek tricolor camo applied) I am intimately familier with it . I believe it's just one of those temporary placeholder kinda vehicles that are supposed to tide us over until the patch. Or not. [edited 'cause I think faster than I type...] [ November 13, 2002, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  7. Yes, this link is broken! The CM Mod Database is down for maintenance--a victim of its own popularity! See this thread for details: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=003214 It will be available again soon.
  8. Anyone else noticed a bug with bailed-out vehicle crew uniforms? I did a search but nothing came up, so here goes: I played a little QB yesterday to test a new Panzer guy uniform mod. Since I wanted to see what he looked like out of the tank I did an intentionally stupid move to get the tank knocked out. Sure enough the predicatable occurs and the crew bails. At this point I had to go feed the cat or something so I saved the game and quit CMBB. Later I restarted the game and opened the saved QB. Instead of a Panzer crew figure lying pinned next to the tank there was a German infantry support unit guy cowering there? What is this? A costume change? :confused: I actually noticed this in an earlier QB vs. AI when one of my squads popped a T-34 in a town. At some point the bailed crew ditched their tanker threads and changed into the uniforms of Soviet infantrymen! I didn't pay much attention to this as I wrote it off as an effect of "Extreme Fog of War™". Not a big bug, or even a significant one, but curious.
  9. Uh, well, uh, sure they did I don't know, I thought there was a green cover, but now I'm not so sure... It was just one of those spur of the moment, crazy impulsive mod things! That's the helmet 3D model at work--there's a lot of distortion on the left side in particular. I suppose I could try to do something with it, but I probably won't as it's too time-consuming and probably won't result in anything much better. No alternate host as of yet. I usually send them to Tom, too, but he seems to have not resolved his download problems yet. Any other willing hosts out there? Oh, and that's Juju's weapons mod I'm using. The grass is stock CMBB .
  10. I've pared this baby down to under 2MB, so it should be more accessible.
  11. My wife went and moved in with her parents, my work called to tell me to come clean out my desk, the cat doesn't recognize me anymore, and I can barely stand my own smell--'cause I've been doing nothing but MODing all weekend! Ok, I made most of that stuff up, but the MODs are real: Heer uniforms vol.3. Yes, a whole set of uniforms for late-war German army. Check it out-- Plain-vanilla infantry Gebirgsjäger Panzergrenadiers and PG officer I'll upload to CM Mod Database as soon as it's back online. Any minute now, according to the homepage... "What's next?" I heard someone ask. Well, this... and this And there's more coming. Much more. Stay tuned.
  12. Outstanding! I love the last screenie. The illusion of depth where the curb meets the cobbled street is amazing! Nice work!
  13. I got a similar response when downloading Juju's new wall. I just downloaded again and all was well.
  14. The CM Mod DB is the only source right now. I will send it to Tom, of Tom's CMHQ fame, but I believe he is working out some hosting/download issues right now.
  15. Sounds like a great resource, it's just that I'm trying to avoid having to actually buy anything , especially a book that I'll probably just use for one mod project and then never open again. Unfortunately, I doubt that it's something any of the local libraries will have on hand. Too bad you don't have a scanner. I guess I'll keep searching, but if anyone else manages to come up with anything please let me know.
  16. Thanks! Once more I send out the call for anyone who has good pix of German camouflage patterns to send them to me. Specifically I need a good shot of Heer splinter camo, good enough that I can reconstruct the repeating pattern for use in uniform mods. Also, if anyone has a good rendition of either "plane tree" or "blurred edge" patterns that would be helpful, too.
  17. Three, count 'em, THREE different winter uniform sets for your overpriced late-war Waffenhamstergrenadiertruppen! You've seen the screenshots, now get the real thing! Available RIGHT NOW at the CM Mod Database!
  18. Did you try again with the large scenario after you restarted? I have had textures go to lowest level downsampling (blurry mess) after I'd launched a few games in a row, but it was fixed after a restart. In my experience the downsampling has nothing to do with map size or complexity, but i could easily be wrong [edited to say sorry to andrew for editing my reference to him which made him edit his post again]</font>
  19. yeah there seems to be two levels of downsampling - one pretty obvious one for low end systems and a more subtle one for medium systems. BFC have done a great job on the subtle one...it is quite hard to tell. But up next to each other, it's easy: 32mb radeon PCI 32mb radeon AGP</font>
  20. Thanks! They actually turned out way better than I expected. It actually makes the stumpy hands look good.
  21. I second this recommendation. Actually, it's an absolutely necessary reference tool in dealing with the vast number of different BMPs in the game.
  22. You mean like this? Infantry bmps are totally MODable (weapons MOD in this pic by Juju). Bear in mind the 3D model is hard-coded and cannot be altered, but we can make new BMP textures all day long.
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