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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. I've been asking similar downsampling-related questions on the tech support forum. The upshot is that anything with under 64MB in video memory will result in downsampling. My plain 'ol 32MB Mac-edition Radeon does return great framerates and smoke/fog effects but that downsampling does make some textures look pretty icky. Kind of throws a monkey wrench into the works when testing new mods, too, as you can't see any of the cool details you spent hours slaving over a hot keyboard to create.
  2. Part of the problem with the image is the JPEG compression. What are the specs on the iMac's video card? What's really disappointed is I had CMBO modded to the brim and never had a problem with my Radeon card. Juju--there's considerable downsampling on many of the vehicle textures as well. Some look great and some look, well, not so great.
  3. Your pixellated soldiers shall freeze no more: introducing winter uniforms for your '41-'42 German infantry. This mod represents the first pattern winter combat suit as issued early in the war. It may not be a greatcoat, but at least your troops won't look so uncomfortable running around in the snow dressed only in their tunics! It actually looks better than in the screenshot, unfortunately the graphics are downsampled thanks to my now-obsolete 32MB Radeon card :mad: As usual, there are a few details to finish, but I expect to send it to the usual suspects by this weekend. [ October 03, 2002, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  4. Did someone say "screenshots"? Tom's Lite Snow BMP nos. 1470-1489 DD's Heavy Snow
  5. Don't you just hate to be out of the loop? Guess I'm going to have to break down and replace the old "legacy" 8600 (w/G3+ other major upgrades) with something newer, as I can't find a PCI graphics card for the Mac with anything more than the 32MB that I have now. Funny how I bought the Radeon card specifically so I could play CMBO on my machine. I guess I'll just have to give up MODing--why bother if I can't see all the cool details and effects on my own machine.
  6. Ah, I must not have been paying attention during that part of the lecture.
  7. I just got CMBB last night and noticed that many of the textures were downsampled--specifically the uniforms and some of the vehicles. No framerate problems are apparent, yet. This is a bummer as I'm trying to test a new ultra-detailed, ultra-sharp German uniform mod set and everything looks kind of blurry in my display. I thought my 32MB Radeon card would be powerful enough to run CMBB with no problem. My CMBO is (as expected) modded to the gills and only has framerate issues when there's a lot of smoke and moving vehicles on a BIG map. Any suggestions for improving performance (short of buying a new video card)? I'll try trashing the CMBB preferences file and running it at 800x600, to see if that makes a difference.
  8. Still on about the Chaffee mod? Unfortunately, I have more or less abandoned the project, as it was consuming far too much of my time, and I have so far failed to make it look good. There are just too many bizarre 3D model issues. Maybe I'll take a look at it again after letting it sit a while...
  9. I might be able to figure out the breadbag thing, after all...I managed to do another decent-looking wire cover, too. Oh, and I made that part up about you owning me, so don't get any ideas.
  10. Didn't you know I was Dorosh's personal mod drone? He won me as the result of a PBEM game.
  11. Argh, there are WAY too many uniforms...I mean there are Luftwaffe field division textures for cryin' out loud! :eek: I've got my work cut out for me...
  12. Juju--check your e-mail. I'm not certain that the textures are downsampled, but I'm pretty sure. When I first tested the new uniform mod on the demo they looked kind of indistinct and blurry, then when I renamed then and tried them out in CMBO they were as nice and sharp as I expected them to be. :confused:
  13. I'm looking for Germans and other fortunates to test a BETA 1941 Heer uniform MOD set. It's based on textures from the demo (we Americans are not blessed to have the real thing yet) and I need to see what it looks like in the full version where graphics are not downsampled. The only condition is you must send me some good screenshots ASAP along with your feedback. Please do not post them on the forum, but e-mail them to me. Thanks! Download it HERE until 3:45 pm PDT!
  14. ...no, I just have some "real life" issues that take precedent over e-mailing people mods. A suggestion: dispense with the attitude, as it's not a very good way to get a complete stranger to do you a favor.
  15. Do you mean at the Sonoma County National Guard Armory? I'll have to cruise by there.
  16. The page merely says that he's exceeded his bandwidth allowance and that the page is temporarily suspended. He should be back online, eventually I know Tom had some issues with his host, but last I heard he was working on a solution.
  17. Last I checked Tom was having some server space issues with his Web host, and was forced to remove temporarily remove some of the older mods. I believe he mentioned that the problem would be resolved, eventually.
  18. If you can find a sound file of the whole piece, then it will play until you select a battle. Don't know how things will work in the full version, though.
  19. The panzer cap in CMBO will definitely not look right, as the 3D model distorts the bmp in strange and mysterious ways, so that only a solid pattern will work. Back when I didn't know what I was doing (with MODs, that is) I tried to "improve" the panzer cap, and the heartbreak involved was, well, heartbreaking.
  20. What you ask for is in the works. Expect CMBB Early War German MOD Pack by the end of the week. Since there are so many different textures this time around, and, well, since nobody actually has the game yet I'll be releasing MODS bit by bit. BTW, I guess I can assume that someone's working on CMMOS for CMBB (including a Mac version )
  21. I'll send it. Does anyone want to host it? I'd love to do so myself but can't spare the bandwidth.
  22. Uh, is that like Schmalzbrot? Incidentally, what do you mean? :confused:
  23. I've put together an MP3 file intended for use as replacement intro music to CMBB. It will of course need to be converted to AIFF format and renamed 00005010.aiff or something like that. It's not difficult to do. I will e-mail it to anyone who wants to host it. This mod changes the opening music from Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain" to an excerpt of "Montagues and Capulets" from Prokofiev's ca.1935 ballet "Romeo and Juliet". It's also a little longer than the original opening music. Those of you who aren't music grogs are probably thinking "Wimpy ol' Romeo and Juliet--CMBB--he must be crazy; or stupid!" Well, you're just going to have to trust me on this one. Not to say that I dislike BFC's original choice, in fact it's one of my favorite pieces of Russian music. I just always thought of this piece as the perfect intro to the game. It has a decidedly modern, Social Realist feel that complements the game and the period.
  24. A new scenario--my first public offering--is now available at the Scenario Depot (if anyone cares, now with the CMBB demo out ). It involves the suicidal American assault across the La Fiere Causeway shortly after D-Day. Download it here: The Scenario Depot, then play it and review it!
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