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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Strike, eh? I think all modders should band together and do nothing BUT Pershing mods. That'll show 'em. No more halftracks, no more Panthers, no more uniforms, no more nothing...except Pershings.
  2. I'm often unsure of what mod to do next--a Pershing, a Chaffee, a Comet? I have, however come up with a wonderful, egalitarian and practical solution. If you have an idea for a mod you want me to do, simply write the name of the mod on a crisp $20, $50, or $100 bill (US currency please, none of that Canadian or Australian funny money) and send it to me. I will wait for a suitable amount of "suggestions" to roll in, and then I will start work on whatever seems most popular. So, Pershing lovers, get out your wallets!
  3. I was hoping you wouldn't notice... They're totally different from the previous ones, but the old arm textures might match, somewhat. I'd post a pic, but I think I exceeded my limit in the first post.
  4. I really wish that the soldiers' equipment would match the type of weapon carried--I'd love to see MP40 and MP44 pouches, map cases for officers, etc. (BTS fix or do somefink! ) Until then, I'll give the FJ their bandoleers as it does give them a different look. The Kübel license plate is a bit too bright, isn't it? Easy to fix...
  5. There's a Dunkelgelb one, too. I just ran out of my post image alotment so I can't show it. The Commonwealth uniforms are just about ready. I am working on a new helmet, but that shouldn't take long.
  6. Well, it's been pretty quiet on the mod front lately, so I thought I would stop being the selfish bastard that I am and let you all have some of these new cool mods that have been the exclusive property of me, myself, and I for MONTHS now. I guess I was pretty sadistic for posting screenies and then never releasing them, but real life did assume top priority. I'll stop babbling and show some purty pitchers now. These are all new twists on old favorites (of mine, at least). The Feldgrau textures were included in the last CMMOS release and can be found at CMHQ. These you've seen, too. They're finally finished. I also redid the FJ uniforms, matching the trouser color to the Feldgrau uniforms and darkening the smock colors. I also decided the Kübelwagen was getting a little long of tooth and gave it a much-needed facelift that includes a new camo pattern: and a weathered winter camo: Also included are non-white winter uniforms for all (some of these have been seen before, too): Hopefully I'll get them to Tom before the weekend is out. Next task is to get the revised Commonwealth uniforms release-ready.
  7. Mods are like booze, crack, or any other addictive drug. Sure you're back on the stock graphics water wagon now, "eye candy doesn't matter!" But soon you'll download a Sherman, or a Panther mod. "Just one," you'll tell yourself. "Hey, it's not even hi-res." Then before you know it you'll be up all night scouring the Web for mods, and then you'll be spending, 100, 200, 800 precious MB of HD space on MODS, just like the old days. It's just a matter of time.
  8. It will work when applied to anything, pretty much. As Pritzl explained earlier the exaggerated contrast creates an optical illusion suggesting greater depth. I'd like to see what this looks like in a low-light situation (i.e. dawn/dusk, rain, night, etc.) where the CM engine does alter the values of the textures. The technique does seem to work much better with the German vehicles than the OD allied ones. On a personal note, I spend a great deal of time on my mods getting the values on the different textures to work right so that they give the best overall impression of the vehicle in all different game conditions. Arbitrarily darkening various BMPs sort of destroys the effect I was trying to obtain. I'm probably not the only modder that feels this way. Of course, once you've downloaded them they're yours and you can do whatever you like to them...
  9. I thought it was an original composition performed by the Big Time Symphony Orchestra.
  10. I guess someone better get working on one, eh? [edited because my brain stopped working sometime after lunch] [ June 03, 2002, 06:48 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  11. double post [ June 03, 2002, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  12. Marco Bergman's working on some. I don't remember if his set includes a Hellcat or not. I'm waiting too...
  13. Yeah, those are Magua's Normandy trees. That IS my beret mod, can't you tell? On another note, since Manx is sidelined and Mad Matt is concentrating on that CM:BB thing and CMMOS mods, is there any other CMBO webmaster out there that would like to host my mods. Tom does an admirable job but he is busy and I don't want to put too much pressure on him. I will continue to send him everything, but an additional/alternative download site would be great.
  14. I like to play the British now. They have neato toys like the Firefly, the Comet (of course), the 17-lbr antitank gun, and the 3" mortar. I don't think I have the right technique down for the Commonwealth rifle squads yet, but I've learned to enjoy hearing that guy yell "We're going to die here!"
  15. I posted a screenie of this baby in the "Where have all the mods gone?" thread, but wanted to announce that it's ready for release and coming soon to a mod dealer's showroom near you. In other words, I sent it to Tom and Mad Matt. It should be posted shortly, although The Bald One claims to be really busy working on something called "CM:BB", so he may not be able to post it right away. Some more images to whet the appetite. Someone better crank out some 1945 British scenarios to make use of this thing. Watch for Gordon Molek's superb Challenger (adapted, like my Comet, from my earlier Cromwell mod) to round out the available array of hi-res Commonwealth armor, sorry, armour mods.
  16. Don't have the mod or don't like me very much? You can get the mod at Tom's CMHQ.
  17. Sent to Tom and Madmatt. Madmatt never posted my Cromwell mod I don't think he likes me very much.
  18. It looks much better in-game. The easy part was adapting the Cromwell bits. The hard part was getting all the textures to map on the turret correctly. This was one of those examples where the original bmps looked ok in lo-res but didn't fit too well, so they weren't much help in creating the new textures.
  19. I think this thing is finally ready to leave the factory.
  20. In a waste-of-time QB vs. the AI I had an MG42 HMG hidden in a church (adjacent to the road) that popped 3(!) M3 halftracks in succession as they cruised past. They then proceeded to mow down the fleeing crews. I was pretty surprised.
  21. Hope you can wait until this weekend. Real Life™ has been rearing its ugly head a little too much lately...
  22. New Commonwealth uniforms, new German winter uniforms, new Waffen-SS camos, Comet, all coming soon to a web site near you. Just haven't had the time to organize everything. Oh yeah, I also have a set of US halftracks on the back burner. Actually, they're wrapped in plastic in the back of the freezer, as I got tired of working on them and put them away a while ago. Someday I'll finish them. They're real purty, they are.
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