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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. BTW, anybody out there have a good, clear, large pic of Heer splinter camo? Especially one or more that will show the entire pattern so that a reasonable facsimile can be rendered in Photoshop? This will speed up production of the late Heer winter camo tremendously. Oh, and before you mention it: I already did about a zillion Google searches for anything resembling the subject and haven't really found anything satisfactory.
  2. Someplace, soon! The "mod database" place and Tom's CMHQ, most likely.
  3. These are pretty much done, so I guess I should release them soon. What are they you ask? Winter outfits for your Waffengrenadiers! Right now for the late set only. Two (2) versions to choose from: Oakleaf and winter white As always, mixing and matching is encouraged (within reason!)
  4. You're being too picky, dammit!!! Actually, I tried it once and it was pretty ugly. Distortion and stuff. So we must live with stump hands.
  5. :mad: double post... [ November 03, 2002, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  6. Yeah, I guess their heads are a little big, now that you mention it. They do appear to be reasonably proportional' if a little on the stocky side. In figure drawing adult men are usually proportioned at about 7-8 "heads" tall, and the walking lieutenant in the screenshot figures to be about 7 or so, so the heads can't bethat big. Maybe it's the way they're modeled now, with more of a chin line, etc :confused: The changes from CMBO are subtle, but they do make a difference.
  7. On the front burner: late-war uniforms for Heer and Waffen-SS... oh wait, sorry, I mean Waffengrenadier infantry. The field grey has more of a brown tint to reflect the lower-quality late war uniforms. Heer Officers Waffengrenadier uniforms will have 2 different options 44-dot camouflage as per original CMBB ...or field grey (note optional tank destruction badges) What the heck--mix'n'match! I'm waiting to finish the Heer mechanized and W-SS mountain textures before I release these. I might wait until I finish the winter versions, too. Depends on the demand.
  8. Im curious as well about this. Also, what about modding the panzershreck? Is this possible? The light-yellow shreck tube looks very plain.</font>
  9. It's not a problem, really, just a surplus bmp (59043) that I accidentally saved to the wrong file. Toss it out with no ill effects.
  10. Some of the "legacy" textures, such as the Hetzer, Marder III, Universal Carrier, Jadgpanzer IV, etc. can use CMBO mod bmps. Some of them even are CMBO mods! The numbering systems are even similar, and in some cases the same, but keep in mind that CMBB often has two or three different sets of bmps to portray a vehicle in different time periods. The majority of the CMBB models are brand new and much more highly detailed than their CMBO counterparts, so you won't have too much luck applying old mods there.
  11. Anyway, on my faster computer the sleeves, helmet, face and guns are hi-res but the torso is blurred. Doh!</font>
  12. That is a shame...a pity one of our best modders can't see his own work properly. And a pity I can't appreciate it fully either on my 32MB card I am still interested to see what CMBB looks like on a good card...would you be able to post Juju's screenshots at 100% to compare and see what i'm missing?</font>
  13. Thanks for all the accolades! I truly appreciate any and all comments. Except the negative ones . More mods on the way. I was just testing something really cool tonight.
  14. Hey Andrew - are you sure other people with grunty cards can see more detail than you? On my computer your mods look the same as your screenshots, and I'd love to know if my infantry textures are being down-sampled at all.</font>
  15. Apparently I included an extra bmp in the 41 winter set. 59034.bmp is actually the Gebirgsjäger arm from the grey 42 winter that crept in there by mistake. Don't install it, especially if you are using the winter white option, as your mid-war mountain troops will look a little strange with one white and one grey arm!
  16. See posts above. Also, Tom told me he is taking care of the problem.
  17. Update: Tom should have these available in about 24 hrs. give or take a few...
  18. Well, they wore them when they were cold of course! Unfortunately, CMBB does not model the long greatcoat, so alternatives must be found. It's too bad, as it would have looked really cool, and added a lot of atmosphere to the winter scenarios.
  19. Yes, folks, it's a whole mess-o-MODs, on their way to Tom's CMHQ right now. Let me tell you what you get: You get two--that's right, TWO--different texture sets for the early-war German Heer. One is a slightly greener version of the "M36" Feldgrau uniform, and the other is a "subdued" version of the same. You also get a set of mid-war Heer textures plus, as an added bonus, a full set of winter textures for all! Winter uniforms for early war troops are mouse-grey, and mid-war uniforms are offered in both grey and white. Early winter: Mid-war grey: Mid-war white: Due to my crappy 32MB video card, you can't see all the fabulous detail here, so download them and be (slightly) amazed! All textures were built up from scratch, so everything here is new--uniforms, field gear, etc. The Gebirgsjäger cap even has buttons! Textures for late-war Heer coming soon, as are new camo uniforms for you l33t waffengrandiere!
  20. yeah too bad, they even have the Germans on the cd cover wearing a great coat</font>
  21. A lady's fur coat mod... nah, I don't think I want to do that. Too bad there's no provision for modeling a greatcoat.
  22. AFAIK the early issue winter uniforms were non-reversible mouse grey, like this : Not exactly snow camo as such. Later were reversible to white from various camo patterns. [ October 22, 2002, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
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