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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. As stated in the MOD FAQ thread: the 3D models in CMBB CANNOT be altered, only the BMPs, so it is not possible to add elements like rain capes, change hats, etc. The round magazine pouch is doable, though. Actually, I'm a few steps ahead of you already. CMBB won't distinguish BMPs for SMG squads and rifle squads, so it will be an option, and maybe the CMMOS gurus can play with it down the road. Looks cool when playing SMG squads, though.
  2. Late-war winter "telogreika" Soviet uniforms. Sorry about all the historical inaccuracies . If anyone who's seen a lot of Russian movies wants to give me any pointers, then please go ahead. Actually, the guards badge is a bit too big, but I think it looks cool, so artistic license says it stays. [edited because I can't remember my own filenames] [ December 26, 2002, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  3. Thanks for all the great comments. Just to clear things up from my initial post, I never meant that we should not criticize mods, just that pointless complaining is not welcome. I certainly have benefited from the input of members of this forum, and my mods have improved because of it. If you have a criticism, tell us why, and how it can be improved! Too dark? Something out of proportion? Not dirty enough? Something not historically accurate? What grass are you using? BTW, these are all comments given to me about my mods at one time or another. That thread that got locked (I'm kinda flattered at the amount of attention, actually) is a perfect example of what NOT to do when discussing mods. Had any of the complainers given me some real input, I would have gladly accepted. As a matter of fact, I even asked for more input in the thread previewing the mod, and a few people were gracious enough to send me some helpful illustrations and photos. Thanks!!! And, as a working member of the professional art world myself, I totally understand the validity and necessity of criticism. However, not every MODer is an artist-- professional, student, or otherwise--and few MODers have anything to gain, financially or professionally, from making CM mods! We're mostly gamers, not artists, so again, if you don't like a mod, don't use it. Simple enough.
  4. ACK! Double Post! :eek: [ December 26, 2002, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  5. Hey, I'm not the Grinch! You should see the Xmas gifts (MODs, of course) I have lined up for everyone. Might be a little late, but Xmas gifts nonetheless. Some great points here, BTW. Keep them coming. I hope I've made it clear that helpful MOD suggestions and critiques are usually welcome, but pointless complaining isn't.
  6. Okay, I think with the number of newbies running around here, as well as the new crop of determined and excellent MODers doing work for CMBB, it might be a good idea to start a little thread answering some of the MOD questions and outlining some etiquette needed when talking about them. I'm going to start, and there's no way I can think of everything, so please feel free to add on pearls of wisdom as you see fit. 1. What MODs can and cannot do: MODs in CMBB can alter either the graphic textures (BMPs) or sounds. The 3D models cannot be altered, so things like greatcoats for infantry and new vehicles are not possible. According to BFC it is not likely that this will be possible in the future, either. Other than this, MODs are only limited by the skill and imagination of the artist, and the quality of MODs available out there in CM-Land is getting better every day. Which brings me to out next topic... 2. MOD Etiquette. I feel this is necessary as I was in a snarky mood yesterday and felt compelled to leave a somewhat sarcastic posting in a thread where a couple of blockheads were complaining about the quality of MODs, including one of mine :mad: . I'll just say it: there are good MODs, and there are better MODs, and there are great MODs, but there are no bad MODs. Got it? Now, I know what you're thinking. Let's be honest: yes, there are some mods out there that aren't very good. Some people don't have a lot of skill or talent, but still feel compelled to MOD. This is OK. It's OK because MODs are the product of good will and determination, and are offered FREE to all CM players. That's FREE, for those who didn't get it the first time. So the bottom line is: don't pointlessly criticize MODs here in public. If you don't like it, vote with your modem and don't download it. Heck, you can even go check out the download stats at the CM MOD Database and root for your favorite MODer. But, as you mother probably told you at one time: if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Of course most MODers will and should accept constructive criticism from people who have something intelligent to say. Same goes for helpful suggestions. But comments like: "that sucks" and "Russian troops look like clouns [sic]" are neither helpful or welcome. If you honestly think there should be something better out there, then try and do it yourself. This is not to say all MODers have thin skins, but of course a lot of us creative types do. There were a few unpleasantries in the CMBO forum related to this very subject. But as long as people are doing hard work for nothing but the satisfaction of contributing to other people's enjoyment, just pipe down if you don't have anything good to say. 3. If you are announcing a new MOD, please try to post an image in the thread. I know it's not always possible, but us MODsluts just love the instant gratification of a good screenshot or two. [ December 24, 2002, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  7. Uh, I think you mean "clowns". If you and you buddy here think they look so bad then maybe you'll use your towering artistic and historical research skills to put together The Ultimate Russian Winter Mod™ for us. I won't hold my breath, though. Maybe I'm biased, but I think my Winter Soviet mod is pretty damn good, and I did a fair amount of historical research to make sure they were as correct as could be. But when you mod is released I'm sure I'll be using it, as it will doubtless be superior to anything anyone else (including me) could produce.
  8. Early version has collar and pockets. Later version doesn't, plus it has shoulder boards. Kinda like difference between the two gymnastiorka tunics. It will be pretty easy to work up a late-war version out of these. I'll also (eventually) make a white version.
  9. Of course not!!! It's just that there are approximately 15,000,000,000 different infantry uniform BMPs in CMBB, so you have to cut me a little slack if I haven't done them all at once...
  10. Available now at The CM MOD Database. Weighing in at a semi-whopping 4.3 MB, this set includes winter uniforms for every early-war Soviet infantry unit (except partisans). You've seen the screenies--now go download it!!! One last screenshot--Naval infantry advancing: Now, I'm not one to pat myself on the back and tell myself how great I am (at least not here in public ), but I have to say that I even impressed myself this time. It looks way better in-game than in screenshots, BTW.
  11. Glad you all like them. Ideally I'd like to do a winter white set, too. BTW, the FJ uniforms are under production, I just needed to take a break from the Krauts for a while. But now that I am seeing the appeal of the socialist workers' and peasants' paradise that is Uncle Joe's Soviet Union, I may work on some regular uniform mods. Maybe.
  12. Almost-final version of early-war Soviet winter "telegreika" uniforms. Of course after this the mid/late war versions should be child's play! I adapted the tanker's leather jacket to fit the company/battalion CO. Hope you don't mind. Any suggestions on how to treat airborne, naval, cavalry? The subdued collar tabs will really work with any branch of service, which is why I decided to use them. Also, if anyone out there has good pix of the collar tab service badges, then I'm your new best friend. Soviet infantry advance: Guards infantry, from another angle: Officers: A few more details to add yet, but not many. Should be out this weekend, holiday cheer permitting.
  13. With every BMP downloaded our numbers grow stronger... our powers increase. Betcha didn't know you were joining a cult, eh? Oh, gotta go, time for a live-animal sacrifice.
  14. Ha! You're all wrong! (Even you, Juju ) It's the First Church of the Cult of the Divine Holy MODslut. I'm surprised I have to tell you this.
  15. Thanks... and of course there are more in the works! I'm getting a little sick of MODing Germans, really. I think I showed this earlier, didn't I: Hmmm. Maybe I should give the tank crews telegreika pants for version 1.5.
  16. It's new, it's made from scratch, and it represents the leather tanker jacket issued by the Red Army in the '30s and '40s--it's a winter uniform for your early- and mid-war Soviet tank crews. Upper body BMPs only (3 in all), so it's a teeny tiny download, so there's no excuse not to go GO GET IT NOW!
  17. Available now at CMMODS.COM: a complete set of winter uniforms for your Waffen-SS AFV crews. Set 1 (early war) is an adaptation of my mouse-grey infantry winter parka. Set 2 is an all-new from-scratch mod of the padded one-piece "Panzer Kombi" issued in the winter of 1942/43. It proved to be unpopular with crews due to its bulky and awkard nature (especially in the confines of a tank), and was later replaced with the infantry winter parka. Set 3 has options for either white or oakleaf parkas. (Oakleaf trousers not included ) Also included is a new Waffen-SS panzer "Schiffchen" cap. This BMP is shared by the early Heer tank crew, so I included a backup of the CMBB original in the set, just in case. [ December 15, 2002, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  18. I third that. I simply don't have time to make all of my mods CMMOS compatible (but I'd like to), nor am I able to use CMMOS (being a lowly Mac user). Any effort to make more mods CMMOS-ready is a great help.
  19. No, the vol.1 set included spring and autumn uniforms only. I've been trying to offer them in smaller chunks for easier download. I don't think there should be any problems installing my mods. There are a few instances where textures are shared, but I think I have most of those covered, or at least I will in the very near future. I think some confusion can arise in the different options I usually include, so some caution must be taken there.
  20. Early war uniforms for W-SS infantry units. Essentially the same as the early mouse-grey Heer set I did earlier, with a few differences, including W-SS Zeltbahns and autumn helmet covers. No white for infantry, but all-new white mountain troop uniforms based on the Gebirgsjäger anorak. Get them HERE now! Pix:
  21. Thanks! No, same graphix card... but it does look pretty good in the screenshot. BTW, the bmps for the quilted uniform, when viewed on their own in Photoshop, look photorealistic, so those with capable cards are in for a treat. I have no idea how I achieved the effect, I guess it was just a happy accident. That and a lot of experimenting. Still a ways to go yet, and yes, there will be white oversuits in the release version as well.
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