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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Still under development... Early-war telogreika quilted suit. Small arms by Juju. [ December 07, 2002, 01:38 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  2. As long as we're on this subject, here's another WWII photo site I found when researching my German uniform mods: Photosammler This guy has an amazing collection of what must be thousands of photos. They are an incredible combination of the fascinating, touching, and disturbing. Definitely worth checking out.
  3. Thanks! Up next are sets 2 and 3 of the W-SS uniforms. There are also some Luftwaffe mods in the works. Then, on to the Finns, or maybe Russian winter uniforms. Or both?
  4. Got any pictures? Web links? I'd be willing to give it a try but I need source material. Only reason I did German mods first is I had the research stuff left over from CMBO.
  5. FYI: a former member of this forum who we'll call "Minimus" kindly informed me that a few key files were missing from the Autumn option pack. This has been corrected and re-uploaded, so if you already downloaded it you might want to go get this new version at CMMODS.COM
  6. Thanks! That white thing is a sort of storm flap for the anorak, which in real life is reversible to white, so you're seeing the reverse side. The forthcoming winter version will show it as buttoned. BTW, if anyone wants to convert my mods to CMMOS versions--go ahead! Just let me know before they're released publically. I actually appreciate the help.
  7. Yes! I actually think that most of the stock vehicle textures are pretty good, but I'm working on updating some of my CMBO mods, like the Jeep, Wespe/Marder III, and allied halftracks, for CMBB. Yeah, I know I never released the CMBO halftracks, , but hopefully I can put them to good use here.
  8. Available right now at CMMODS.COM! Complete replacement textures for all Waffen-SS infantry units, including mountain troops. Similar, but totally different than the original CM:BB graphics. Additional autumn textures available as a separate download. Can't describe all the cool details here, so download them and check them out. They're free, after all. Some pix for those of you who must have some: Spring smocks, infantry and mechanized Same as above, in autumn And last but not least my personal choice for my "best uniform mod ever", the mountain troops: Note that the difference between the squads and HQ unit. Winter uniforms and mid-war set almost ready...
  9. Glad you like it! I'm disappointed, though, that the Heer Gebirgsjäger share most bmps with the infantry, making and anorak mod for them not really feasible, but I suppose CMMOS could facilitate a Heer version of this. Being a Mac user, I am ignorant to the world that is CMMOS, however.
  10. Michael: is this what you meant by "Anorak!"? Waffen-SS mountain troops. Coming soon to a server near you.
  11. All necessary files are in the mod set, there is no need to swap anything out as mechanized and mountain troops use (some) distinct bmps that are included and will be used when those forces are selected. Maybe you're getting confused with the different uniform sets--the three versions contain all necessary bmps for all Heer troops, so choosing between them is a matter of personal preference. Hope this info helps. My e-mail's in my profile, btw.
  12. If you can wait until I get home this evening I can dig it up for you, unless of course you've found it already. Now then there's the matter of why you'd want to go messing with perfectly good "stock" Marder III bmps...
  13. Yeah, I know. There are just too many uniform textures this time around. Maybe I'll quit my job and just mod all the time, or at least take a leave of absence until I'm done. Actually, I rather like the stock CMBB Soviet uniforms. I'll probably work on a winter set first.
  14. They might overwrite it. Of course with CMMOS for CMBB out now, if some intrepid individual wanted to do a big giant CMMOS-compatible collar-tab mod of this mod (once it's released), that would be cool. </font>
  15. Aw, man, now I feel bad. It was late and I was tired, so perhaps it was not a good time to post. I thought I put enough smilies in the last post to indicate that I wasn't really PO'd. I guess what I should have said is: It's not that I get upset when people use my mods as a basis for other mods, in fact, I encourage it. All I ask is that permission is requested if you want to publicly release something based on my work, and that I be given credit for my work. I see that you used both my mod and Scipio's mod as the basis for yours, so perhaps that is where the confusion lies. Everyone makes mistakes, don't worry about it. Please, re-release the mod. No hard feelings.
  16. They might overwrite it. Of course with CMMOS for CMBB out now, if some intrepid individual wanted to do a big giant CMMOS-compatible collar-tab mod of this mod (once it's released), that would be cool.
  17. A good effort. But, it's not just based off of Scipio's mod, and, uh, well, if people are going to use bits of my mod textures I would really appreciate being asked first or at least given some sort of credit for my work. I don't think that's asking too much. I don't mean to get snippy, but after the hours of work put in developing that particular mod set I get a little possessive of my work. Really, I want people to use my mods as a basis for others, honest, but please at least acknowledge where they came from. Oh well, what is it they say? "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
  18. Presenting a preview of uniform mods for everybody's favorite bad guys--the Waffengrenadiers! I've been working on the these for a while, but it's only now that I'm finally happy with them. Most of the bmps are analagous to the CMBB originals, but I've made some changes here and there. Working with the camo patterns has been a challenge, but I think the results were worth it. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves: '41 infantry with "plane tree smock" '41 infantry autumn pattern option '41 Panzergrenadiers '42 Infantry with "blurred-edge" smocks. These really look much cooler in-game '42 mechanized '42 mechanized autumn option (probably my favorite one of the lot). and lastly, an optional officer's camouflage tunic These, and accompanying winter uniforms, available soon (you know the place). I haven't done the mountain troop uniforms, as I'm still debating what to do with them, and I've also run out of camo patterns to use...
  19. COG, you are the man :cool: Thanks again for this great service for MODers and MODsluts alike!
  20. I'll take the blame for "wg_winterpak.zip" and "late_heer.zip".
  21. No. Not yet. Soon. Tell them to turn the heater in the tank up.
  22. Well, "someone" just might be working on adapting the early/mid-war Heer mouse-grey/white outfits for the W-SS...
  23. Let's see---gotta do the panzer crews, the Luftwaffe, the Finns, then on to the Russkies! But not necessarily in that order
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