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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. The leg textures still need a few more tweaks before they're ok for release. I'm not sure what part of the torso you're referring to, I guess I don't see it. The winter uniforms should be ready shortly.
  2. As always, thanks! I'm not really fishing for compliments (ahem ) but trying to get input on what is for me a new mod-making technique. No more slavish devotion to photos of uniforms! what's more, it didn't take too long to put together. Next up is a series of non-white winter uniforms for the Germans, which I'll make using the same technique.
  3. That's a stupid title for a thread but it's all I could think of. Remember when I said I was revamping my 44-dot uniform mod? Well, I lied. I actually made a new one, from scratch. Actually, it's "from scratch" in more ways than one, as none of the uniform textures are taken from photos, it's all hand-made by yours truly (the base for the camo pattern is from a photo). Check it out: and a detail: Opinions welcome. I personally think it looks less "forced" than the previous photo-based mods. [ May 01, 2002, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  4. Tom's CMHQ has my complete Panzer crew mod pack that includes the 44-dot camo uniform. Due to the way CM uses the textures it looks a little funny out of the tank, but since German übertanks NEVER get knocked out there shouldn't be a problem. :cool: Måkjager-that Tiger rocks! Need any beta testers? I can trade you a beta version of the Comet for it.
  5. Here's one of the sources that I used in researching my Volkssturm mod. Check out the poster to the left--you can enlarge it. Der Volkssturm (auf Deutsch, natürlich. )
  6. I think it looks kind of cool. Don't you make me have one of those modder tantrums now, Michael...
  7. Glad everyone seems to like them. I'm not really a grog on anything, but I do a lot of research before I put a mod together. I have to admit to going for the "SPR" look a bit here. Here are a couple more in progress shots: The dot pattern needs a little more work, although the "salmon" overtones are a bit more authentic. I was actually able to use some museum conservation training here--I always kind of wondered why the repro dot print fabrics were a lot more red than the originals I've seen, and which I used for the first version. I rememered that red is one of the most fugitive dyes, so I goosed the red levels in Photoshop and got pretty good results. Still needs a little work though. It's a little too saturated for my taste.
  8. I don't know about that--Mike D's lo-res Nashorn/Hummel mod is pretty darn good. That's what I'm using.
  9. Well, I'm not going to pull the old, brighter-colored ones. Some of the textures are bright in color because that's the color they were in real life. I remember someone complaining that they didnt have the dark, desaturated look that they did in "Saving Pvt Ryan" or "Band of Brothers", where the print was purposely given a dark, washed-out, desaturated look (I think by using a b/w developing process on color stock). Gave it a great atmosphere, but things don't really look like that! [ April 24, 2002, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  10. Better make that UNIFORMS, as I'm reworking the whole lot of my Waffen-SS camo mods--summer and autumn oakleaf and 44 dot.
  11. Inspired by the impending CMMOS German uniform release, I started playing around with a few of my textures. This is one result: I farted around with the colors and saturation, and added the new Feldgrau open collar with a shirt underneath. So...is anyone interested? Does it look ok? The reason I ask is not to solicit praise (though it's ok if you want to leave some here--we modders are ego-driven creatures ) is that I can't really decide whether I like the collar or not. Color is ok, though. [ April 25, 2002, 01:10 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  12. Oh man, I've been avoiding reading this thread because I feel guilty. That's it. I'll try to work up that tank crew outfit RIGHT NOW. Sorry, real life, and other mods intruded. Check your e-mail, Darknight. [ April 21, 2002, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  13. Yes—if you're using the splinter camo mod and want your Gebirgsjäger to not have mismatched arms...
  14. Something's screwy as there should be complete field-grey textures in that set. Maybe you have an old camo arm in there for the Heer? I guess Juju might be solving the problem for you...
  15. the only Gebirgsjäger-specific bmp is for the arm with the Edelweiss patch. That file (I forget which bmp# it is) is included in the set.
  16. I sent it to Madmatt and Tom. The Bald One did receive it and said he would post it on CMHQ ASAP. This just in: Tom has it available for download now. Tom's CMHQ [ April 08, 2002, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  17. ...and maybe the Comet, too? They're all pretty similar, except for the turrets. I can give it a whirl.
  18. I take the responsibility and blame for everything I sent the mod to Madmatt and to Tom. Should be available pretty soon.
  19. Michael Glad you like them. I can darken up the closure part a bit. I thought I was using Juju's new small arms mod--I'll have to check as I swapped some files to alter the terrain (we neglected Mac user outcasts do not have the benefit of CMMOS) and perhaps they reverted back to the old ones. I do play with other people's mods! I only hope that mine are up to the standards of everyone elses! Next up are the US/Commonwealth halftracks, and if anybody has any paint scheme or markings info (other than US olive drab) please let me know.
  20. [double post] [ April 06, 2002, 08:13 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  21. Well, I'll make the jerkin darker then! Ah the beauty of Photoshop adjustment layers.
  22. Finally, it's ready! And it's CMMOS compatible!!! Hi-res textures for the Cromwell Mks. IV/VI/VII/VIII in plain green and "mickey mouse" camo. Includes markings for British 11th and Guards Armoured Divisions, and the Polish 1st Armoured Division. I'm sending it to the usual suspects right now! :cool: Some pix for your delectation:
  23. Manx Thanks for all your help and encouragement!!! I know we all hate to see you go, but sometimes you have to change course when REAL LIFE rears its ugly head. Good luck!
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