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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. There is a distinct lack of religion in CMBO. You should be able to buy Chaplains who could run around the battlefield and boost the morale and fighting spirit of your units. Of course to make things much more realistic BTS would then have to model ethnicity and religion among the squads, so if you bought, for example, a US Airborne Southern Baptist Chaplain, and most of your troops were Jewish and Catholic then he wouldn't be too effective JUST LIKE IN REAL LIFE. In fact, buying the wrong kind of chaplain could be detrimental to your troops! Also, I am distressed at the fact that Divine Intervention is not modeled. Most armies believe God is on their side (i.e. Gott mit uns), so you should be able to buy a Divine Intervention, kind of like fighter-bombers, but a lot more expensive. Then, at some random time during the game, all your opponent's forces will either just drop dead or develop painful hemhorroids (sp?) or something. Now I'm not so sure how this would work in terms of CMBB where one side is nuthin but Godless Unbelievers. BTS fix it or do somefink! [ May 29, 2002, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  2. F-STK, in light of your support and valuable criticism in the past (that is, unqualified praise of my mods ) I hereby add you to my official cadre of beta testers. Congratulations and check your e-mail. Edited because F-STK doesn't have his e-mail listed here. Drop me a note, will you? [ May 26, 2002, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  3. Michael To be honest, I have no idea what they wore in the winter, but this outfit seems logical, and it gave them more of an alternative "winter" appearance than just giving them Denisons with gloves. I'll send it your way. I hope you noticed my attempt, per your suggestion, to make the webbing L-staps less "wonky".
  4. Not to hijack this thread or anything, but you want to beta test some winter British Airborne uniforms, Michael? They're part of the all new British uniform mod pack. Oh, I almost forgot: </font> It's Tom's Ardennes mod snow. </font>No, the berets can't be modded </font>It will be released when it's ready </font>It's not available anywhere, yet </font>The more I get pestered about making a specific mod the LESS likely I am to do it. Although if the pestering is accompanied by money (US$, please) I'll do almost anything . </font>Did I forget anything?
  5. Hey, don't try and turn this one back on me! Let the truth be known--it's really people like YOU who are responsible when mods don't get released! :mad: It's all your fault! (With any luck I'll touch off a flame war between grogs and modsluts. )
  6. Ok, I found some photos and I see what you mean. I can fix it. Nice one, Michael, you're making me delay the release even longer now.
  7. Thanks for getting the stupid questions out of the way, Michael . Next time I'll try to make sure I address them in my initial post. maybe I'll even make the current grass mod part of the thread title...
  8. What a, uh...useful bunch of posts. Michael, I'll take a second look at the web gear and make sure that everything passes muster. Any additional info you can give will be much appreciated. I guess I can just chack back and see what kind of progress you're making on your P37 website. It will be ready soon--promise I need to complete a few more textures yet, and then I'll release both these and the new German textures.
  9. Now that I updated the German uniforms, the allies have to match, too. You may have seen the new battledress textures that I've been working on in another thread. I've really never been happy with my Commonwealth textures, but when these are done I will be. I've always been mot dissatisfied with my British Airborne mod; not anymore! This version has completely new textures for the Denison jump smock, which more accurately represent the earlier pattern that would be most prevalent in CMBO. Also, it looks cooler. More previews will be sent to PawBroon as I complete the rest of the bmps.
  10. I got bored this afternoon at work and finished the new battledress as seen in the screenshot above. I made a khaki-brown British "austerity pattern" blouse as well as a more greenish colored fly-front Canadian version. I will try to release them this weekend, along with the new Waffen-SS and winter camo outfits. Should I release the new field grey uniforms (as found in the new CMMOS German uniforms release) as a standalone mod, too?
  11. How the heck did I miss Vimy House? :confused: I went to the small War Museum, and I was still pretty impressed. Actually, I was actually pretty impressed with Ottawa as a whole, but then seeing a major world city with clean streets is a big deal for me. How far out was Vimy from downtown?
  12. Michael - can you provide me with any pictures of the denim battledress? With some good pictures, and an idea of what the color was like, I can probably put something together. Glad you like the web equipment. It looks so accurate because I cobbled it together out of photographs of the real thing.
  13. Argh! Double post! :mad: [ May 16, 2002, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  14. Knock yourself out. You may use whatever you like. I'll see what I can do with this new version.
  15. Many real khaki battledress uniforms that I've seen have a green-brown look to them. for some reasons all of the CM uniforms--both originals and mods, mine included--are a medium brown in color. How's this one for a change? It's not done yet. I actually just whipped it up here at work. The webbing and equipment are from my old Brit mod. The battledress textures are all new. BTW, I'm not trying to be one of those people who show pix of cool mods and then doesn't release them. They'll all be released eventually (before CMBB?!), I promise.
  16. did I mention that these look great with Tom's Ardennes mod?
  17. No, those weren't mine. I don't remember who made those.
  18. Hot on the heels of the new 44-dot camo mod--non-white winter parkas for Heer and Waffen-SS I'm sending more exclusive preview pix to Pawbroon, since I've been neglecting him lately. I feel kind of bad, even if he is French.
  19. I think I sent those to Maximus for when he was putting together a CMMOS uniform set. I can e-mail them to you when I get home.
  20. Thanks! Those Heer camo mods were kind of "afterthought Mods" that I put together as an experiment and then decided to release. They just happened to coincide with the release of the other mod packs. I don't know if they have been included in any of the CMMOS releases.
  21. Apparently the Heer never used camouflage garments in large numbers like the Waffen-SS did, which I guess accounts for the prevalence of field grey uniforms. However I did make some historical camo uniform mods for the Heer: both splinter and tan-water smocks and helmet covers. I think I made trousers, too, but I don't remember. :confused: These are available at Tom's CMHQ and I guess at whatever's left of Manx's old site. The splinter mod is included in the Panzermania tank crew set, and the tan-water mod is a bonus addition to the hi-res Commonwealth mod pack. Camo winter (non-white) Heer and FJ uniforms are in the works.
  22. Thanks, but I think I have it under control. I should have remembered the lessons learned from earlier mods The camo patterns can be tough as the torso, legs, and arms are all scaled differently. Notice how the "dots" on the legs are huge in comparison to the rest of the uniform. I'll have to resize the basic pattern to be much smaller, then I'll clone out the weird dark areas until I get something better.
  23. Ah, ok. The dark areas in question are part of the camo pattern itself. I was planning on tweaking the leg textures a bit--the scale of the pattern is off when compared to the torso--and I suppose I can work with the shoulders as well. Even though the pattern is supposed to be that way it does tend to look a bit strange in certain cases.
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