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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Guess I better start researching the Nashorn then... Looks like MikeyD took care of the Elefant request!
  2. What's Nassie??? :confused: I guess you mean either the Nashorn, or the Loch Ness monster.
  3. Yup. I wish that the Marder III and the Wespe would stop sharing textures eventually (v.1.02?), since they're only superficially similar. Guess I can live with them the way they are, though.
  4. You mean like this? Now the late-war Marder III is just fine (I should know--I made it!). Saturnin: check your e-mail.
  5. Ready for download now. Mod replaces both early Panzer gray and later BMPs. I corrected a lot of inaccuracies present in the originals, like the funky recycled Wespe rear, so it looks a lot more like a Marder II now . As usual, made from scratch--no plastic models were harmed during the construction of this MOD . Addendum: if any MODers would like a plain (no dirt, no camo) version of this mod to play with, let me know and I'll post it. Winter versions on the way... [ February 01, 2003, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  6. Nice job. Now we just need an ambush pattern version.
  7. A mod that will work with both CMBB and CMBO, based on my ancient old tricolor Hetzer mod. It's not perfect (as I made most of it back when I didn't know what I was doing), but it's pretty good. It's a plain-vanilla, Dunkelgelb version. Add your own camo if you like. Also released is a winter version. If you want to use this in CMBO you'll have to renumber the BMPs, replacing the first digit (5 in all cases) with the numeral 1. Pretty simple, no? Get it here. Pix:
  8. I don't have the CMMOS version myself, but I'm going to post the files to www.cmmods.com shortly. They are still at Tom's CMHQ, but I can't download anything from it, so I imagine others are having that problem as well.
  9. Two new JgPzr 38(t) Hetzer mods are available now at the usual place. The first is a plain weathered and dirty Dunkelgelb version, based off my ancient CM:BO mod. I'll be the first to admit that it's not the perfect Hetzer mod, but that's because I made the bulk of it way back when I didn't know what I was doing. It looks pretty darn good, though, and incorporates a few all-new bits, and some recycled roadwheels from my CMBO Marder III mod, which some of you may also recognize as the stock late-war CMBB Marder III . A couple pix: Also released is a really grimy and weathered winter version of the same. I actually think it looks better than the regular version! Both these mods will also work for CMBO, although you'll need to renumber the winter BMPs to get them to work properly, but that's not too difficult, is it?
  10. The collared face BMPs are for the late-war Soviet troops that use the M43 gymnastroika with the banded collar.
  11. Don't discount hits to non-vital bits like mudguards, tool boxes, etc. There are lots of pieces on an AFV that can be hit and penetrated without going anywhere near the crew.
  12. Sounds like you're dealing with CMMOS mods. Best way to remedy this is by using the CMMOS application to select mods. If you're a Mac user like myself then you're condemned to go through each individual file and re-number it. That's the breaks. Most mods seem to be clearly designated either CMBO or CMBB, at least on the CM Mod Database, which is the CM mod site lately.
  13. The CMBB uniform BMPs will work ok in CMBO, although the 3D models for the infantry are different and thus they will look a little odd without substantial alteration. The models both use the same number of BMPs, but the numbering system is definitely not the same, so they would have to be renumbered. Also, I don't think the new helmet BMPs would work at all.
  14. Nope, this baby is no-frills all the way. Now if some enterprising young, or old, or in between, person of outstanding moral character (or not) out there wants to add gew-gaws and tactical markings and rude charicatures of Hitler, et al. to this mod then I say: "Go for it!" There it is - my official permission to mod this mod and post it for download, although I reserve the right to complain and make snide comments if I don't like what you've done with it.
  15. I've tried to make the more recent winter uniform mod releases into separate downloads. A single winter MOD pack would be, at this time, upwards of 12MB, and a pretty huge download, especially from a site with limited bandwidth like the CM Mod Database. If I do anything it will be to separate the older mod sets (i.e. Heer infantry sets 1 and 2) into winter and non-winter downloads. As long as you're downloading them, give the summer uniforms a try. You won't be disappointed
  16. Is Ok. not everything is to everybody's taste. Renumbering the BMPs in another set would certainly work OK. The late-war Waffen-SS has a field-gray uniform option, if that is what you are referring to in your post. Michael Dorosh has a list of all uniform BMPs on one of his websites that should aid greatly in renumbering the files: CM:BB Uniform BMPs. Right now I don't plan on completely redoing any of the uniforms, other that a few minor updates that are in the works.
  17. I've been asking myself that lately... Actually, this mod was already finished, more or less, just had to tinker with the BMPs a bit to get them to fit the CMBB model. Most of the uniform mods are the product of kind of a template, so they don't take much time at all, although creating the initial Photoshop "template" files was pretty time-consuming.
  18. :eek: What?!? Something other than a uniform mod!?! It's the Soviet lend-lease M5 halftrack, believe it or not. Available now! Based on a CMBO mod that I never bothered to release. Made from scratch (another "hard core" mod), as if you had to ask. As an aside, it's funny how CMBB only downsamples SOME of the BMPs. For instance, although it's kinda hard to tell here, the sides, top and front of the halftrack are standard res, but the sides are downsampled. :confused: Perhaps it's something to do with file size? I think I'll try using lo-res grass, as it's usually downsampled anyway, so there won't be much loss there.
  19. I tried again last night to work up a helmet with the strap in place. No luck, I'm afraid, as the distortion really is awful. Getting a realistic depiction of it is just out of the question, unfortunately.
  20. Yeah--no (or minimal) downsampling this time! I was messing in the scenario editor and made the smallest map possible with minimal terrain and only a single infantry platoon. First thing I noticed from view 4 was the grass, then I zoomed into the infantry squads and was amazed! And I, uh, think I forgot to upload the mod to the CM MOD Database. Better go do that now...
  21. It's a mod of a mod, if you will. Actually, it's the results of Michael Dorosh pestering me These were actually done hours ago, but I was busy actually playing CM:BB for a change (strange, I know). What are they? An alternative set of LW uniforms, depicting the blue-gray Fliegerbluse on all units, instead of the camouflage jacket. The result is a pretty cool looking infantry mod . Early version with new optional double-decal helmet. Late version with optional splinter-B helmet cover. Note that there's something different about the screenshots (hint: I didn't have to beg Juju to take them this time). (Another hint: I found a use for the world's smallest CM:BB scenario)
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