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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Well, I don't know what mod you guys are using, but I can guaran-damn-tee you that my W-SS uniform mods do not use Heer Litzen anywhere, so the BMPs themselves should not be an issue. Sounds pretty bizarre. How about some screenshots? :confused:
  2. Well, we all gotta suffer for our art...
  3. No Mac mod utilities are needed with CMBB, it has it's own BMP folder this time rather than the CMBB graphics resource files, so you can add BMPs directly to the game.
  4. Uh, yeah, that makes a little more sense. I saw it on the back of the Nashorn at the Kubinka armor museum (on Jagdtiger.de) where it read "Ab?tahd 50m" which is clever, but even more wrong than my version I'll change it. Glad you like the gray panzer outfit. It's available at CMMODS.com.
  5. I'm a little hesitant to do anything with them as they probably control similar textures for other vehicles in the game. As you can see at this point it's a plain tan Nashorn, so it's not *that* much different in coloring to the original.
  6. Mike FYI: BMPs 4000 and 4008 are just plain gray squares--probably the interior of the vehicle. I think I'll just leave them be.
  7. Mike, Thanks, you da man! (as if there was ever any doubt :cool: ) I'm planning on adding the number to the rear doors, and maybe an option to leave one or both of them open, but I'm not sure how it will look. Any chance of getting the pic of that wire arrangement? With these "legacy models" I try to omit stuff that would look strange when compared to the CMBB vehicles with 3D toolboxes, jacks, spare wheels, etc., so I will most likely leave off things like the spare roadwheels.
  8. Now that's better, isn't it? Aw, what the heck... here's the back view. It ain't been dirtified yet, but I'm fixin' to do that. [Edited cuz I kant spel gud] [ March 16, 2003, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  9. As addictions go, it's pretty harmless. After all, have you ever seen someone lying in a gutter with a CMBB CD-ROM in his hand? If so, let us all know who is was!
  10. Nice work, Gordon! But then we wouldn't expect anything less. I've tried to encourage the use of the term "hard-core" mod for these, but it's been slow to catch on. I guess it's considered, uh, well, a little strange.
  11. Thanks!!! Praise is always welcome. Please keep your nose where it belongs, though. More mods are in the works. Slowly.
  12. So, are you telling me I forgot to include 59201.BMP in the set? And was it in (or not in) Set 2 like it should have been? :confused:
  13. I thought I included those in the set. I'll have to double-check when I get home. If they're missing I will add them and post the updated file to CMMODS.com.
  14. That is sweet! And by sweet I mean totally cool!
  15. There was a thread on here a while back where it was revealed that some guy in Santa Rosa has an SdKfz 251, or rather a Czech version of one, parked at the National Guard armory and visible from 101. Still haven't cruised up there to take a look...
  16. Feel free to use my basic tan Hetzer as a base...
  17. The color of the originals, AFAIK, is a bright white, so I kept it that way. Yes, I know that white camo uniforms get pretty filthy at the front. I tried a dirty version, but it was difficult to get it to look good, so I ended up scrapping it. It just never looked convincing. There may be a way to do it, I just don't have the time or patience.
  18. Too bright :confused: They're supposed to be white, you know. They're actually difficult to see against the snow, which is the point, really.
  19. Mid- and late-war white camo uniforms for all Soviet infantry units. Go get 'em! They all pretty much are identical, except in a couple instances. Infantry/Guards/Cavalry Airborne troops. It's another Big Mother 5MB download. Better get started now. Forgot to add: posted replacement helmets sans red star for those whiney-butts who claimed they were "ahistorical". [ March 02, 2003, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  20. Well, all the field gear and insignia is done. Can a Soviet gymnastiorka mod be far behind?
  21. Ok, I SAW the red star on a real helmet... somewhere. I swear! Honest! I guess I should work up a plain one for you purists out there. The airborne one is just an option to make the set complete. The white version is on the way... :cool:
  22. Did I mention it was a Big Mother Download? 5MB. Worth it though, I think. :cool:
  23. Avaiable now at the Mother Lode of MODs. No, they're not the white ones. You have to wait for those. This one's telegreikas for all Soviet infantry, except those pesky Partisans, who will just have to freeze, I suppose. Pictures, in no particular order: Guards. Regular infantry and cavalry are pretty much identical except for the shoulder boards and quards badges. Naval infantry. They look really cool in-game. Better than here. More: And finally, airborne: Note groovy parachute jump badges, PPsH pouches. And funny pants. The funny pants make them angry so they fight better. All the helmets have a red star. You can use it or not use it. You should use it, I think, but it's up to you.
  24. yeah, the white smocks do look a little funny. i think most of that's due to the model, which, while adequate, is not exactly accurate. i can try to move the neckline around and see if it makes a difference.
  25. Nah, it's not a veil. It's just the upper part of the smock where the hood attaches. The slit seen there is where there's a split where the smock unbuttons at the collar. Or something like that. I'll be talking to you later, Mike, about CMMOS-izing this thing. There are a few options like raincape, helmet star, ammo pouches, etc. that would work best in conjunction with CMMOS.
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