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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. I just posted a corrected version of the LW assault gun uniform at CMMODS.COM. The trouser bmp was messed up, and I forgot to include the Schiffchen cap for the early/mid war units. The LW panzer mod pack has been appropriately updated, and the corrected uniform is available as a separate download, for those of you who don't want to download the whole dang set again. Sorry for any confusion. [ January 08, 2003, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  2. Aaaaarrrgggghhh! :mad: I just noticed a screwup with the Feldgrau Luftwaffe uniform textures. I guess it was late and I was tired and not paying attention. Expect an update soon. Maybe this evening, if I can swing it.
  3. How about a massive CM-style mega-thankyou to ColumbusOHGamer for the phenomenon that is The Combat Mission Mod Database. MODsluts and MODers alike have to agree that he has changed the world of MODing forever, providing instant gratification for both MOD designers and users. This is not to disparage any other CM mod-hosting website folks out there--you all have done a great job that is tremendously appreciated--but this self-service system is a great thing. Not only that, but you can go and check your download statistics to see how popular you are. So it's a little slow sometimes... it's FREE!!!
  4. BMP 9020 is used by both the Waffen-SS (throughout the game) and by early-war Heer tank crews. Too bad they're not separate textures. So yes, installing the whole package will overwrite the BMP in question. On another note, I just realized I forgot to add the early Luftwaffe cap to the set. Oops. Should be simple enough to make. I'll update the mod pack ASAP and make the cap available as a separate download so those of you who already have it don't need to download the whole set again.
  5. Glad you all like them. Waffengrenadier threads are all pretty much done, there are just so many that I need to figure out how to organize them. So far I have Set 1: black and gray panzer wrappers Set 2: autumn and spring plane-tree camo coveralls Set 3: autumn oakleaf and 44-dot panzer wrappers Does anyone see the need for a third option--field gray StuG uniform, which was common for all pzr crews at the end of the war--for set three?
  6. Let me rephrase that: it's hard getting the little buggers to sit still because they're either 'sploding or running off the edge of the map!
  7. Ok, now that I have your attention Two all new mod sets--Heer and Luftwaffe panzer uniforms! The Heer set includes both black panzer and field gray assault gun uniforms, and the Luftwaffe set includes black, grey, and really cool splinter camo outfits, as well as a nifty blue hat. Heck, I wasn't even planning on doing these mods but I started fiddling around with a camo panzer wrapper using my Luftwaffe splinter pattern that I worked up for the Fallschirmjäger mod, and one thing led to another and presto, I had all these Luftwaffe, Heer, and Waffen-SS panzer crew mods lying around. Whoops! Did I say Waffen-SS mods? Oops. No, certainly don't have any of those waiting in the wings. Nosiree, a slip of the tongue, er keyboard, is what that was. Oh, yeah, I bet you all want to see some pictures. The LW StuG uniform isn't seen here, but it's not all that different (although certainly not the same) as the Heer mod. Oh, and the Heer crew dude in black is wearing the wrong belt buckle in the screenshot. I fixed it in the release version. Did I mention how hard it is to get these little SOBs out of their tanks to take some decent screenshots? Run, don't walk to the CM Mod Database! [ January 05, 2003, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  8. Yes it does! That's the bmp for the platoon HQ's legs. I just loaded the white ones first then went and dropped in the green upper body bmps for the platoon HQ. Incidentally, the whitewash helmet bmp is only located in the zip for the white uniforms.
  9. In one of the shots I saw (the same as yours, maybe?) one of the guys had two grenades shoved in there. I tried it, but it didn't look too good. The K98 Mauser bayonet on the rear belt turned out pretty swell though.
  10. Early winter FJ uniforms available now at the Wal-Mart of CM sites! This mod depicts the unique FJ quilted winter uniforms, modeled after photos of troops in action in the Ukraine during the winter of 1942-43. The FJ in most of the photos seem to have abandoned most of their field gear, perhaps due to the bulkiness of the uniforms, so I've done the same here and reduced equipment to the bare minimum--food, water, and ammo! The original uniforms were reversible from white to reed-green or gray, so I've made both white and a greenish version (seen in the screenshot of the officer below). Also includes a groovy whitewashed helmet BMP.
  11. The only way to learn is by doing it! When I take a look at some of the earlier stuff I did... :eek: Some of it was pretty awful, at least compared to the MODs I've been making lately. If you need any pointers just give me a holler. I've actually been thinking of putting together a uniform mod tutorial, so maybe I'll do that when I start the next project.
  12. I haven't decided if I will do the Russian summer uniforms yet. I make take a bit of a MODing break after I finish the projects I'm working on, namely the Waffen-SS set 2 (summer and winter), Fallschirmjäger winter, Soviet late winter, and Finnish uniforms. I would go ahead and make your mod regardless of my plans, as the more mods available out there the better!
  13. Just as the title sez--it's the 2nd set of FJ uniforms, ready for download here now! I'll let the pictures do the talking, they're worth 1000 of these here words, you know.
  14. Replacement textures for set 1 (early- and mid-war) Fallschirmjäger uniforms. Changes and new features include: longer jump smocks, corrected and improved Luftwaffe helmet eagle, FJ gas mask bag instead of canister, and a Fliegerbluse uniform for the compay/battalion HQ unit. Only problem I see is that CM maps the knee textures from somewhere on the thigh part of the trouser bmp, so when the knee flexes a bit of splinter-B camo shows up on the Feldgrau trouser. I can live with it, since the longer smock has a more authentic look to it. Some pix: Company HQ and tank hunter Back view of squad showing helmet eagle and gas mask bag. Made, as usual, from scratch--a "hard core" mod, if you will . If you think it looks cool here, just wait until you download it and check it out in-game! Available now at: Where Else?
  15. You make me sad. Yeah, well, it's uh lend-lease, so it's uh, NOT dark green. Yeah... Actually, when researching this mod originally I found that most leand-lease vehicles in British hands retained their US OD paint, so maybe it applied to the Russkies, too.
  16. If this looks familiar, that's because it's my CMBO Jeep adapted for CMBB. No frills, no markings, just olive drab paint and dirt. Go get it now!
  17. Gottlob Biedermann's In Deadly Combat is a good memoir of a German soldier's experiences on the Eastern Front and subsequent imprisonment. I also just finished The Volga Rises in Europe, by Italian novelist/journalist/director/intellectual Curzio Malaparte, who served as both an officer in the Alpini and the only front-line war correspondent in the Ukrainian front. He was eventually kicked out personally by Goebbels for writing realistically and sympathatically about the Russians. He later manages to get himself sent to Finland, and the second half of the book chronicles his experiences in the Finnish trenches near Leningrad on the Karelian front. A good read.
  18. The Soviet uniforms cover the first set used in the game, through mid-43 I think. Second set is in production. MikeT also made a full set of Soviet winter outfits, available at the CM MOD Database, too.
  19. Heer vols. 1 & 2 include winter textures. I made the vol. 3 winter a separate download due to its size.
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