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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Pereceptive lad, that Dorosh! A double-decal helmet shouldn't be too hard to do.
  2. So, does that mean you like them? In reference to the previous post: I don't know when and if I'll be doing regular Soviet/Allied uniforms. Field caps for platoons are not possible as the 3D model is hard-coded into the game, so helmets it is. Thanks for the suggestion, though. Any thoughts on the Volkssturm?
  3. Man, this is on page 2 already? FYI, until I get a new computer Juju is my official mod photographer. Now that these are done, I guess I only have to the Volkssturm left to do. Not that the originals need replacing, mind you, but I figure now that I'm in this far I might as well MOD all of the German uniforms. Any ideas on the Volkssturm? Right now it seems that the BN/CO HQ wears a Nazi party uniform, the platoon/section HQ a police uniform, and the soldiers a sort of generic Volkssturm uniform. If anyone has a brilliant and historically accurate variation on this that they'd like to see let me know and I'll consider it. As of right now I was considering maybe a RAD or Luftschütz uniform version. BTW, winter versions of the LW infantry uniforms should be available shortly.
  4. It is what the topic sez: uniforms for LW infantry uniforms, with green Jäger collar tabs and those camo jackets over blue Fliegerblüse. Go get them at that place we all know and love. Some purty HIGH QUALITY (for a change) pix, courtesy of Juju.
  5. Did I mention I now want to have your babies? :eek: :eek: (physically impossible, yes, I know) </font>
  6. Michael- Groovy! I made a little progress with the breadbag strap a while ago, but the helmet model warping still rendered it unsatisfactory. These are great reference photos, though, so maybe I can give it another go. Did I mention I was thinking of putting together a "Kraut Helmet Pack" with different variations (camo paint, covers, wire, foliage, et al.)?
  7. Yes. Didn't turn out so good. Not sure if I have the patience to try again, but I might.
  8. Thanks! It's actually surprising just how many of the details do show up in the game, even with my crappy 32MB PCI graphics card. BTW, if anyone with a really good graphics card wants to post a few screenies of some of my uniform mods I'd love to see them. (Want to help me out again Juju, King of Ultra-Res? ) It'll have to do until I get me a new Mac (currently in negotiations).
  9. It just isn't fair, is it? Maybe BFC will fix it or do somefink. They should also do something to alleviate the bad case of "funny pants syndrome" on the mid-war W-SS panzergrenadiers (see screenshot in other mod post).
  10. Arm textures are mirrored. I can work one up for you, but it will look funny. But if you don't mind... Distortion of the texture on the helmet model is a real nut driver. I tried it, but gave up for the time being because it looked awful. I'll give it another try, eventually.
  11. No way, José--I mean, Steve. You see, I'm a Mac user, but my real excuse is I'm too lazy to format them for CMMOS and I don't care cause I can't use it. Actually, someone is working on a CMMOS version of my uniforms. I won't say who it is to protect the innocent. You can all thank him when it's ready.
  12. As promised, MORE MODS! Waffen-SS tank crews!!! We have early-war: both black and field-gray versions Mid-war: spring and autumn "planetree" panzer Kombis And, lastly, late-war: oakleaf, dot, and field-gray (identical to that shown above). Dig it here! And lastly, for a complete change of pace, an upcoming mod teaser. I made this for CMBO and never released it... I think it's about time I did, don't you? [ January 10, 2003, 11:25 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  13. Many many mods! So many, if fact, that I'll have to post two--that's right TWO--different threads just to show them all! That's shocking! (Well, not really). What's up first? It's Waffengrenadier uniforms vol.2! Spring camo smocks for SS troops, along with Gebirgsjäger uniforms. Panzergrenadiers Infantry w/"blurred edge" smock Mountain troops are essentially the same as in vol.1. And of course AUTUMN smocks are available as a separate download. Also released are mid-war Waffen-SS winter uniforms. Two versions: white and autumn blurred edge camo, plus white mountain uniforms (same as in vol.1, again). But wait, there's more! It's Waffen-SS uniforms VOL.3!!! Dot camouflage AND field-gray versions! How cool is that? Available at the CM MOD Database, of course. More to come in another thread...
  14. Now THAT is a splendid idea!!! Wonder what we could do with Uncle Joe Stalin along those lines... Maybe an exploding moustache launcher
  15. So... who do we talk to about purchasing the movie rights?
  16. Maybe we could also buy Hitler in that armored robot suit from "Wolfenstein 3D". He could cost something like 30,000,000 points and have a rarity factor of +5000% and yes I am sick but somebody's gotta teach the BFC boys how to make a REAL computer game.
  17. How about a secret panel inside heavy buildings or factories, and when one of your squads finds it they can get a cool überweapon like a gatling gun that shoots explosive shells and you can waste tanks and everybody and stuff. Or they can find a supercharged power thingie that'll like double their firepower for a turn. And they like GLOW while this is happening. That would be REALLY COOL!
  18. Check Michael's website, link is above in his post. That's where I get my info from .
  19. The uniforms you speak of are all but finished. I just have not had the time to organize the buggers and upload them. Expect them soon.
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