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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. I hate to post teasers (yeah, right ), but I thought I'd show off some screenies of my in-the-works mid/late-war Soviet winter mod. I'm really partial to the telegreika look. This time Soviet infantry get an optional raincape slung over the shoulder and tucked into the belt. Note new battered helmet texture with red star. A few more little tweaks and this one's ready to go. It's all the variations (naval, airborne, etc.) that will take time. Normal infantry and Guards are ready now. And then there's this variation, too. Shown here with optional ppsh drum pouch for SMG squads. They're a little hard to see in-game, but then that's the point, isn't it?
  2. I think the corruption had something to do with the new OS X version of Mac Zipit... The actual files I brought home and they worked ok. Case closed, then? :cool:
  3. I reposted the update at about 3 PM pacific today. Have you downloaded it since? I'll test it myself since I'm home now.
  4. I did the same thing, and I can usually get the uniforms to show up in beautiful standard res on the smallest possible map available. Minimal buildings and trees. Not much luck in getting armor to look optimal, though, as CMBB appears to practice "selective downsampling".
  5. Just downloaded the file, and am being told that "this is not a valid bitmap file", so dunno if it works or not. </font>
  6. I resaved the caps in Photoshop and they should work ok now. Please let me know if there are still problems. I don't have CMBB here at work so I can't test them.
  7. Fixed files ( I hope) and uploading as I type this. And yes, MikeT is busy working on the CMMOS ruleset for Soviet uniforms.
  8. Yeah... they're the same ones. Better double check, as I made the revisions here at work (!) and am on OS X here. Better double-check photoshop and see what I did.
  9. You might get them this weekend, especially now that I figured out how to make a convincing ushanka. I think I might make one for the Winter German tank crews, too.
  10. I have mid/late-war white and padded winter uniforms in the works. I haven't done anything with the regular Soviet uniforms. Maybe I will at some point, when I have the time.
  11. It was pointed out that the cockades on my Finnish officers' caps were reversed :eek: , so I fixed them. I've updated both mod sets, and posted the two cap files (59881.bmp and 9881.bmp) as a separate"updater" zip for those who downloaded the files before today and don't want to have to download the whole thing again. Available here, of course.
  12. Ok, cockade has been fixed and posted to CMMODS.COM. I've both updated the Finnish uniforms--all of them, including the previously-released mod--and posted just the updated caps as a separate file.
  13. Should someone work on a "Finnish Emotional Face Mod"? You're right about the cockade. I think it was correct at the beginning but then I started messing about with it to make it "look better" and then, as you can see all hell broke loose. Or something like that. I'll fix it and repost ASAP.
  14. Yep, that's right: mods make your digital soldiers happy! Don't make them fight any better, though.
  15. Now that's better, isn't it? Available now at The First Church of the Divine MODslut.
  16. Well, you HAVE to have the knife! Apparently Finnish bayonets from the period are pretty scarce today because the first thing soldiers would do is throw them away and carry their own puukkos instead. At least that's what I gather from the research I did for this mod.
  17. Yeah... I do make most of my mods with CMMOS in mind. Of course with MikeT around to do all the work, it's pretty easy . Also, anyone have a GOOD picture of Finnish snow camouflage? I need something that shows the structure and construction details of the garments. Post 'em here or e-mail them to me. Thanks!
  18. ... Über-Finns!!! Ready NOW at The Best CM Mod Website EVER! Includes two different uniform sets: "Summer" (similar to stock CMBB art) and "Winter" wool tunics. (Please note that Winter!=snow; those are coming:)) New features include: Hungarian helmets with correct features (rivet placement, hanger loop, apple-green color); improved officer's cap with blue and white cockade; all-new field gear, including accurate Finnish breadbag, WW1 German mess kit, and puukko knife (which, contrary to popular belief, was primarily used by Finnish troops just to whittle the toothpicks used to disable Soviet heavy tanks. ). I know you all want to see some pix: Detail of new field gear. Note the hanger loop on helmet brim. Detail showing puukko.
  19. Can you be more specific with the problem? I created it on a Mac so it should work fine . Just unzip the file using Stuffit or Mac Zipit and drag the BMPs into your CMBB BMP folder, and it should work ok. If it's some other sort of problem let me know and I'll see if I can help.
  20. Bravo, Mike!!! You've put a lot of hard work into this, and it looks great. Of course I have to finish up my winter uniforms for the Germans, (I think I have late Fallschirmjäger, Luftwaffe ground troops, and Heer/LW tank crews in the works, as well as improved Heer splinter camo outfits) so you're not done yet.
  21. I gotta plug my own stuff: if I were me, and I am, I'd go get my Cromwell and Comet mods. Also you must get Magua's Normandy Mod (terrain, trees, buildings, etc.). You won't regret it.
  22. Tom, of Tom's CMHQ fame, was working on a really cool terrain mod for CMBO a while ago that substituted a vegetable patch for the brush tiles. I don't think he ever released it, but it looked great in his screenshots. At least I'm pretty sure it was Tom. Someone just needs to make doodads that look like cabbages or zucchini or eggplant or somefink.
  23. Ah, the dreaded Pink Spots! Not much else to do but go in and eradicate the little suckers. This often--well, always, actually--seems to happen when editing a BMP with a pink transparency knockout. The pixels on the edge of the pink area get discolored and then you get this. I'm not sure what application you're using to MOD, but you just need to zoom in and recolor the suspect pixels. Selection tools like Photoshop's magic wand and "select color" command can help, but they're far from ideal in this situation. It's a tedious task, but not as bad as it seems.
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