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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Haven't had a lot of time to mod lately, so no work on the Russkies. These German mods have been on my HDD for a while, so I decided to stop being selfish and shape them up for release! The Soviet winter uniforms should be pretty easy to adapt into summer ones. I want to make something that's substantially different from the stock BMPs, which are pretty darn good, so I may mess around with the colors to reflect the use of the more greenish American lend-lease fabric in the mid- and late-war uniforms. As you can read I've been doing my research!
  2. I second that. Layers are good. Great even. And layer masks, especially when creating stuff "from scratch".
  3. Interesting. There are so many BMPs involved that it does get confusing. I'll double-check and see. So far I have had no other complaints of this type. AFAIK there are no shared textures among the different sets of Heer troops, so I suspect a splinter camo side texture got in there by mistake. Update: I checked out the BMP list here which indicates that they're the body sides to the mid-war Panzergrenadier squad and platoon/section HQ units. I never did a splinter mod for them (not that I've released yet, anyway ), only mouse-gray and white, So I'm not sure what would be causing the problem. :confused: Further update: I downloaded the Heer vol2 mod from CMMODS.com (man, it's running slowly today!) and checked out the BMPs, as I don't have the originals here at work. No problems there. The two BMPs you referred to were present and correct. Do you have bits from another mod installed on your computer? I recall JorgeMC doing a splinter-camo winter mod a while back, so maybe that's where the problem lies. Re-d/ling the mod and adding the two correct files should solve the problem. [ April 14, 2003, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  4. Thanks Mike! Unfortunately CMBB still downsamples my vehicle BMPs, so they never look as good as the uniforms. What I ended up doing was installing Capt. Wacky's lo-res grass and making a *really* small scenario with a minimal amount of trees and stuff as a test bed of sorts. That generally makes things look pretty good. I'm using an ancient PowerMac 8600 w/G3 upgrade and a 32MB Radeon card, so I'm pretty surprised that I can get them to look that good.
  5. Two new(ish) MODs available for download now! First we have all-new Heer and Luftwaffe panzer crew winter uniforms. The set includes mouse-gray, white, and camouflage uniforms (splinter for Heer, tan-water for Luftwaffe). Next is an updated/revised Heer splinter camouflage winter uniform mod. It's meant to replace the splinter uniforms in my original Heer winter vol.3 mod pack. This mod features an all-new splinter pattern: it's smaller, darker, dirtier, and more realistic than the earlier one. Here's a comparison shot. Got get 'em now!
  6. Sounds like you're doing *almost* everything right. Try shortening the filenames a bit and see what happens then.
  7. That's funny--that's the way I want my KT to look, too!!! Not that I don't want it to look like Noobie's original, which rocks, too. :cool:
  8. Yeah, right. I think if I let people see one of those they'd think I was insane, since the way I put them together is so complex and time-consuming.
  9. There aren't any big secrets, really. At least not in that file... it's pretty basic.
  10. Updated mod is posted now. Also posted the winter Hummel gun barrel for those who don't want to download the whole thing again.
  11. Damn you MrNoobie!!! :mad: Whatever secrets you find out, keep 'em to yourself!!! Yeah, it's the BMP for the Hummel winter gun barrel. My bad: I only tested the winter Nashorn. A new version with a proper BMP file is forthcoming.
  12. Get it now at Mod Heaven! Two regular versions to choose from, plus winter whitewash. To wit: Tricolor camouflage with foliage-attachment wire and numbers and stuff Plain old dark yellow, no numbers, kill rings or nothin', as requested. For minimalists and modders Winter And of course the Hummel Not every nut and bolt has been depicted, but overall it looks pretty cool. I've tried to strike a balance between Nashorn and Hummel, but it ended up being mostly Nashorn. Still, I had to omit some details so both vehicles looked as correct as possible. You probably won't notice anything missing. [ April 08, 2003, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  13. It's coming! Nearly there! I'm juggling three different freelance design jobs pluse work right now so it's been slow going. But since I'm home from work today with an injured ankle maybe I'll finish it now... especially since I spent all that time and energy hobbling downstairs to my studio.
  14. Not as tidy as the Brits, those Russians. Looking good!!!
  15. The mod will make most of the eye-candy optional. I will be releasing a basic "dunkelgelb" version minus dirt, camo, wire and other geegaws for modders to color as they see fit.
  16. You're right--the AP rounds are stored in metal cylinders that look kinda like big long German gas-mask canisters. I did the wooden crates only as I saw a pic of the interior of a Nashorn where the floor was basically covered with these crates, and thought it could look pretty convincing as a flat 2D image. I might add the cylinders, but only if they look ok. The two rectangular dealies on either side of the fighting compartment store additional rounds.
  17. Andrew, Looks great as usual. One question about the roadwheels. Aren't the highlights backwards? Most vehicles are drawn assuming the light is coming from the front. Just an observation. Gordon </font>
  18. Mike The kill rings and wire will be optional. I tried to make the back door open, but it won't work, as the inner wall of the fighting compartment is covered by one of the same gray BMPs that color the ends of the gun pieces, so it doesn't show as transparent, but gray instead Interesting idea, though.
  19. Some more "in progress" shots of the Nashorn. Still needs some detail work, and I'm not quite satisfied with the road wheels, but it's on the way. Here is has a tricolor camo pattern and dirt, as well as wires stretched across the hull for use in attaching foliage. Thanks, MikeT, for talking me into adding it. I didn't think it would look good at first, but it's very convincing in-game. Added spare track links to the front lower hull and a cast shadow from the gun. Here is it in its Hummel version. The details on this mod follow the Nashorn more than the Hummel, but not to the point where the Hummel looks odd. I initially thought I would leave the interior kind of plain, since nobody ever looks inside anyhow. Unfortunately, I started screwing around with it and this happened: [Edited to update and add more eye-candy ] [ March 22, 2003, 12:31 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  20. Yeah. That's right. It's the Set 3 (late-war) W-SS mountain troops. They share all textures, except for one arm, with the Set 2 (mid-war) mechanized troops. I included that arm BMP with Set 2 rather than Set 3, for what I think are pretty obvious reasons. That's the only one I can think of right now. I still don't know why people would be seeing Litzen in place of SS collar tabs. :confused:
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