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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars: Sorry there, me lad, but the bets are to be placed for the low score. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, well thank the old ones for that - otherwise I might have to bet on myself or pansy woofer if it was the high score! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Do learn to read the rules before placing your bet. Now, toddle off and return the file, that's a good chap.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, well I'm afraid I'm off to a high school dance tonight & won't be geting any files done.....nudge nudge, wink, wink. But I'll think of you as I watch the spotty 16 yr olds thrashing about on the dance floor and tell them they should be thankful they're better co-ordinated than you.
  2. OK - well Brian & I are sitting at opposite ends of a road going straight up the map and no-one weants to move!!! He knows where some of my on-board guns are and I expect them to get shelled shortly, and I know where some of his infantry is and it's getting the buildings around it slightly modified! Sock Monkey's been a bit slack lately - we've passed t22 without ending and it's pretty much all downhill for him from here I think. Haven't heard from Tom for a while, but his situation's just as percarious as it was a few days ago. Who else - well Brian's pushing past the objectives in our game but taking a few casualties while he does so - nothing much to report there...heck, there must be some others but I can't think of them - I've finished 2, playing the 4 above...who have I forgotten??
  3. I lurk in the general forum regulrly, and I believe the Peng thread is tolerated because the hosts find it amusing.
  4. Were the front lines still in rage of BB main armament atthis time????
  5. Could it be? Can the sodding sodders get even more sodding sodden?? Just watch this space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You blithering idiot! Edited to spell the space properly [ 07-19-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  6. Oh dear...did that strike a sore spot Grey? Well I'm so dreadfully not sorry - oops, that's not what I meant, I meant that I don't take it back....no, that's not right...err.....I meant that you're obviously a piece of blow-hard ****e if you rely on your reputation to deliver victories to you in this place! Your reputation is solely for pulling the wool over your date's eyes, so it's a bit of a laugh ewe callign someone else a gamey bastiche! Oh dear, no, this is all coming out right....I'd better stop before I make more accurate comments!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: That's the trouble with the squires & SSNs, they don't realise that it's socially unacceptable and very bad form to play extremely gamey and win over a mighty Kiniggit! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So what's your point? If you're a kay-nig=hit that's been beaten by the young and restless then you're clearly not one of the mighty kinigitt's, hence there's no problem.
  8. They MAY be back later. I'm not sure how het repair system works in CM, but I assume it depends on the seriousness of the damage and the amount of presumed time between battles in hte op. Eg if you are having 2 battles a day (1 daytime, 1 night) then they may be back quite quickly, but if yuor battles aer all assumed to be on the same day then it's less likely you'll ever see them again.
  9. back in the cheap seats the audien...er....public gallery, there are mutterings.....it seems some of the scum suckers up there are actually able to make sense of the goings on.... Trotsky's Tummy - Oi, wot's that tall poncy bloke in the pink kaftan sayin'? Kerenskies Kidney Ah, he's blatherin' on about how that short fat guy wot's bin tellin' us about the guilty guy's crimes 's actually perspiring against 'im to get 'is job-like Trotsky's Tummy 'ang on mate - that can't be right - cos no-one erre'd ever let a short fat ugly thing like that into the the billious hall of he Great Old Ones.....'ek there'd be blud on d'floor in pretty short order - 'is most likely! Nun of t'udder slugs'd ever stand for it...well...excep'n theyse all too fat and bloated to stand in the first place o'coors. Kerenskies Kidney Yeah - well u know that, 'n I know that, but let's face it mate, judge 'n jury are about 13 cans short of a dozen when it comes to brains - ain't got a neuron between 'em I 'erd ...and so the muttering goes on.....the judge looks up..irritated beyond belief by last night's Chicken Curry...he bellows..... QUIET IN THE COURT! OR BY GO....err....BY THAT OTHER FELLOW I'LL HAVE THE LOT OF YOU FLOGGED!! Hell I might ajust do it anyway, but shut up anyway! ...the lawyers sit back, happy - they're getting paid by the hour and being told to shut up suits them fine.......for a while.....the peons in back quiet down.....for a while.....and the Judge sits back.... Roight then..where were we...oh yes, carry on counsel.... [ 07-19-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  10. Of course it's not cricket you fool - it's CM, and what're you doing drinking coffee anyway??
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonS: And what about the effect of burning buildings/trees/AFVs? Should that be included also?:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Damn right - if they can do it in X-Com then they can do it in CM!! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I'll fight during civilised hours. 9am - 5pm please, and can I have some toast and a coffee with the morning paper? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Note to self - always send Jon his turns during tea time!! [ 07-19-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  12. It's all self inflicted guys - so you get no sympathy! I've got plenty of time now the ex has the kids most of the week!!
  13. This looks a bit odd. The profiles I've seen of Sov flat-nosed ammo are nothing like thus - they really do have quite a flat nose, with a ballistic cap. I wonder if this might have been a "field mod" done to some ammo, or possibly just poorly manufactured ammo that happened to behave like this, or even a modification that the Sov's did to some or all of their "standard profile" ammo to get the effect? [ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  14. Anyone know of a good operation for PBEM? Something that's not on the original disc 'cos I've played all those alerady!
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse: Sir,there is nothing 'honorary" in being a lawyer, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sigh, yet another incontroversial proof that Parkinson's and Alzheimers have merged and are flourishing in the neural net of kaynigits! 32: You are wrong. d) You are an idiot What you mean is that there is nothing honourable about being a lawyer - however giving someone and honorary insult when they haven't actually managed to deserve it yet is completely acceptable. I know you meant badly, but you still deserve a kick in the shins for sheer unadulterated stoopidity.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-: Hehehe, its not that bad is it Stalin? I only blocked both sides of the bridge cuz Rune allowed me too <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Precisely why I was sticking it to the Dribbling one - I have no problem with you being a pussy-whipped coward and making a non-game of it by hiding across the river if the idiot scenario designer lets you - that's {cough} actually good resource management! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>and its my job to prevent you advancing. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no yuo fool - your job is to win!! Oddly enough just preventing me advancing past the river will probably not be enough! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And you the one making it boring, sneaking and tiptoing around the battlefield. For a second I though you had some cajones on you, but I guess not.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> for a second you thought?? No, I doubt it!! You're the one with a zillion uber tanks - I'm the one with the Shermans and cromwells! To advance into the open with that lot isn't ballsy - it's just stupid, and hence something I'd expect Flyspray to do. No, I'll win, and I see no reason to get blasted of the face of the earth for the sole purpose of preventing that from happening! But it'll be boring. Yawn - give me a QB ME any day over this rubbish!
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: You honor, I object!!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Close Flyspray - very close - you are an object - of derision, repulsion, of hatred and as an example of how bad can get worse. Now bugger off and try again. Now I've got a bone to pick with the Runny nosed one. This stoopid 11000 pt scenario that you invented and Mrs Robinson and I are playing is pretty bloody lame! Ogresdorf or whatever - the one with a river splitting the map in half, 1 bridge and a couple of infantry only fords. The cretinous Mrs Robinson has put a road block at each end of the bridge, and is lining the river with big nasty german bang-bangs in armoured boxes. The allies (me - good guys unlimited) are busy sneaking through the brush trying not to get shot at and picking off little bits of jerry from here, there and everywhere while raining 7.2" bricks on the uber-panzers. well Duh - where's the bloody game in this?? It's just plain BOOOORING - I was under the obviosuly mistaken impression that you were able to design real good scenarios, not piss-weak slumber-fests! This one ain't worth the piss tin that Lardo's head is stuck in! [ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JasonC: The "German" force (which included eastern kiwis,......<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Err...I do think you hit the wrong key there Jason!!
  19. Remember that those guns weer NOT laid out in a single continuous line - they weer in separated belts, and included as "AT guns" heavy artillery sited with a view to possible direct fire roles. But in addition there were, of course, supporting ATR nests - at home I've got a photo of such a "nest" with 2 ATR's and an assortment of moltov cocktails and RPG AT grenades. And as someone lese pointed out the russian infantry was also organised for AT defence. In fact the whole Russian defensive effort was assigned to AT roles! I believe the 85mm guns at Kursk may also have included the new 85mm field gun - not specifically and AT gun, it was intended as a replacement for hte 76mm field gun and had a low shillouette and of course useful penetration.
  20. Pepper Spray, I'm sorry I taxed your neuron too heavily - obviouly counting to 3 and choosing between the two options was too difficult for you, so let me spell it out. No, I am not in or from the Mouth Island. Much as it pains me to have to explain something that the rest of the world regards as an axiom, it is you and your fellow syphylitic Koala Kuddlers who inhabit that horrible place. You must realise that everying in this world has an opposite...when Go...er...that other guy was creating the world he put New Zealand here as a perfect place, a land of milk and honey even. And the keep the average down and to show he had a perverse sense of humour he created you lot as our nearest neighbours!
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by somewone in a horse hair wig trying to look more pompous than teh most pompous thing can look:{a massive amount of something that I didn't bother to read}<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course you didn't read it - you're being a boody Lawyer and all means you can't read since that would require you to use your brain for purposes other than screwing money out of the innoc.....er....guilty! We all know your sort - if it hasn't got one of those funny S's with a line through it and at least 3 zero's then it would hardly come up to the standard of your library! I am, however, completely bewildered by the thought that you might think that I'd want a low life dung beetle like you perusing my fine offering. Do us both a favour - piss off before you get pissed on! [ 07-18-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  22. Flyspray you really are imbecilic - even for a moron you're imbecilic! In fact as far as imbecilic morons go you're relly at the bottom of the barrel - the only village you could deprive of an idiot by your absence would be a village of imbecilic morons! I know Bundy's made in Aus - that's why I mentioned it - it's good hooch made in Aus like what was asked for, as opposed to those lolly water wines and so-called beers you punted up! (Why do Aussies put XXXX on their beer cans? 'cos "Beer" is too hard for them to spell!) The only liability New Zealand has is it's far-too-close proximity to Orzy-bloody-traili-ya. As we prefer to say here, NZ consists of 3 main islands - North Island, South Island and Mouth Island. Oops! [ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  23. I think it varies - Rommels example is, IMO, a reasonable use of "area denial", and I've doen similar things - setting fire to buildings that enemy are about to enter for example. However setting woods on fire on your flank "in case" the enemy occupies them smells a bit like gorganzola to me. It's using some aspects of CM that would not be important in real life - eg the difficulty of using flame throwers (in real life you wouldn't have trotten them out unless there was a decent use for them!), and teh limited time frame - in CM the fires don't go out and in real life you wouldn't want to draw attention to yourself liek that!
  24. He said HOOCH you plonker, not pansy arsed namby pamby poofter drink! I'd recommend Bundaberg OP Rum - a very nice drop if it still exists....hmmm, you've got the addiction buds flowing again dammit....must drop by the bottle store & get a bit on the way home ......
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