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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. I think keeping things simple also had a big part to play in Soviet decision making. They wold have had to allocate resources to R&D to develop an local version of the Bazooka (which they did get some of), and then manufacturing facilities. Also it used a lot more explosives than the ATR alternative, and the Sov's were quite short of explosives Then there aer some operational limits to RCL weapons - less ammo could be carried (one good thing about ATR's in CMBB is that I don't expect them to run out of ammo much!), they're hard to hide, and difficult to use in built up areas. Overall they just felt it wasn't worth the effort of making the required resources available to replicate.
  2. Jeez Short Thick Bludgeon - couldn't even manage to get hit by a train huh? Let's rmember that Australia is only represented here because 20 million wombats with 20 million keyboards accidentally generate a couple of sets of drivel each day.
  3. Too obvious - although of course I shouldn't be surprised that the resident Wombat doesn't realise it. In Australia a subtlety is something that's too small to fill you and doesn't have enough meat on it to be worth throwing on the barbie. Come on Cranky - I've made it easy, even for a flat-billed egg-laying evolutionary throwback.....
  4. Indeed you could Stukie, but WHY would youcal yourself a tank fondler as opposed to a tank destroyer or hunter? All German Tank Hunters were open topped, lightly armoured, and not much use if anyone got to shoot back. All the Tank Destroyers, on the other hand, weer closed top, heavily armoured, and able to duke it out with enemy AFV's with at least some chance of surviving - often with little chance of actually getting KO'd at all in fact! Tank Fondlers are a compromise between the two. They are of course all Australian (but that's only a problem anywhere else in the world), thick-skinned, and open topped. This last feature allows the sun to beat down and cook their brains.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: I will wear it with pride <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That'll be a first for you. So how much damage did you do to the train?
  6. And a particularly nasty way for a cat to die it is too! Now then Jimmi - what's this nonsense about eviscerating SSN's? How could a skirt-wearing cat-loving foreign language speaking twerp like you legally get hold of a knife in the first place? Or were you going to use a blunt spoon? Well whatever - remember to wipe on your bib first so as to reduce the chances of infection! Now get back to your apple puree and have 3 more spoonfuls before you're allowed to go play with the dead ferrets! [ 07-05-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  7. Thanks Michael for pointing out the bleedin' obvious to those without the appropriate knowledge!! I fired a long rifle Moison the same day too I think - it didn't have any of the problems of the short one that I can recall - presumably the powder all burned before the bullet left the barrel! But the action was still rough compared to the SMLE. Hey OGSF - could you please revert to your native tongue - I'm having trouble reading what you post in English!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Your idiocy is important to me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course it is - a snarling rabid animal like you needs to know that there are others here like yourself. We SSN's are truly at the top of the food chain in this pool - for we have come last, and by this virtue are actually at hte top of the pool. All that you silly old trollops feast upon is our detrius, cast offs and left overs. You are truly the lowest of the bottom feeders - so old that the only way you can find your mouth is to roll in flour and look for the wet spot, so dense that you've sunk to the lowest, filthiest, darkest corner of the pool, so slow that the worms are running into you from behind when you're at top speed, and so fat that those trying to get lower than you can find no way to squeeze past! [ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OldGameyStupidFella: Mah poor wee eyes! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now now, you know that Musta Spunker will go all [sERIOUS] and give you a jolly good telling of for such crude sexual innuendo!!
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: I think suppression is underrated by most people – I don't mean when a squad is 'Taking Cover', I mean just when it goes from 'Alerted' to 'Cautious' – this can make all the difference.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> David's been trying to convince himself of this by repeating it as often as he can ever since he assembled the "Raevsky Redoubt" grand battery of 2" mortars to bombard a wood I was in - and all they achieved was to alert a couple of squads!!
  11. Jeez, if 2 rats and a dead dog constitutes a strong point then this is going to be easier than I thought! Now restrain yourself Mrs Robinson - I'm sure the good folks here don't want to hear about every blade of grass you've eaten for your indiestion. And probably none of the regulars do either! [ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: And as to chainsaws - you betcha! I'll gladly switch to the chainsaws and wade into the Nazi hordes - just get me the powerup!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> GROOOOAAAANNNN!! shptewie! ugh - yuk.......gurk....hak......ghhrrrggnn......
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Berli must be having a very slow month for souls, as Dzhugashvili's Vili needed more than just luck to take out one of my Shermans (I only had three, and they're green, but remain my only chance of success), in the dark, with regular troops, without LOS, using 105mm artillery. How I managed to maneuvre the tank into the exact spot where one of his shells was due to land is beyond me. My men are fine as long as they don't have to move and the enemy doesn't shoot at them, confirming the wisdom of my original plan of action: leaving the map at speed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm sure that was probably the best idea. However it's not 105mm, it's bigger than that, and it's not a gun, it's a mortar. It's just as well your Poles got their surveying gear out to figure out where that shell was going to land, 'cos that was the best anti-tank weapon I've got and it's almost out of ammo! so thank you kind Sir! Other than that my brave electronic boys were dying a lot but now aren't - evidently the Polish commander has been sent three-and-four-pence and is off to a dance, taking his boys with him. In the battle of the Bulge Mrs Johnson's defences have yet to be breached....or even found.....after 12 turns of boredom. Total casualties in this supposed-to-be-monster game amount to 1 white scout car and half a platoon for the good guys, and 1 mg bunker, a couple of mg/shrek crews, some assorted grunts and 2/3rds of a Pak 40 crew for the evil black hordes. I'm sur eno-one will read this far , but did I see someone post a...(looks about furtively...realises no-one really gives a damn anyway and straightens up)....SMILIE in this thread????
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: Just an update... I think I have replied to all the PMEM files I have as of 8:00pm EST. I wil be away for the next 48 hrs, so sorry but I will reply to all new pbem files (I hope) sometime Thurs night. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No problem Tom - it was worth waiting to see your Greyhound get a 50mm enema!!
  15. Last eyar I got to fire a M1944 Moison Nagant - a shortened version of het standard russian rifle with a fixed folding bayonet. The bloody thing kicked like a mule, barked like a dog, and had a muzzle flash like a dragon!! (all in comparison to an SMLE I used the same day!) 7.62 x 54mm IIRC - a very big necked cartridge compared to the .303.
  16. One thing you realy notice with the germans if you're using soemthing like the TH CAL rules for a "recon" battle is the lack of good german light vehicles. the allied stuarts are just too tough for the 20mm a/c's and Lynx to handle, and you generally don't get a lot of Puma's (quite rightly too!). I suspect it will be similar in CMBB - the Russians will ahve a range of light tanks, some of which are quite heavily armed & armoured (eg T70 and T70A), but also lighter ones down to MG carriers (T-40) filling a wider range of roles than the Germans can.
  17. The IS-2 would win if the range was longer than 2500 metres, otherwise it wouldf be a draw except on a Tuesday afternoon when it would be Earl Grey tea....with lemon.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-: 7:55 p.m. where are you Stalin? I hope your enjoying yourself what ever your doing. You get any of that kick ass D.B. up their in your parts. Hands down the best brewrey in Kiwiland. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thus proving your complete lack of taste as well as brains. Clearly you're used to drinking piss mixed with water...this is of course a good thing as it leaves the beer for the rest of us. Drink up my hale and hearty.
  19. I'd be guessing, but a couple of grenades might well break a track, immobilising the tank. Of course it'd have to be just right and I'd guess that your chances of doing it perfectly would be slim. Certainly a possibility tho'. But that doesn't knock the tank out - it immobilises it.
  20. OK - I'll bite. How do you destroy a tank without any anti-tank equipment? By this I mean no bundled grenades, no molotov cocktails, no magnetic mines, satchel charges, hollow-charge weapons, no crowbars or gas-cutting torches! There's a tank in front of you - it's not shooting (let's keep it simple). It's buttoned up. You are an infantry man - you've got a couple of grenades, a rifle and 60 rounds of ammo. How are you going to destroy it? I'm dying to know - that excellent erman pamplet referenced a few posts up made no mention of using grenades except as bundles that I can recall, and I'm pretty sure teh jerries would know of anythign that might e useful!
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sock Monkey: It isn't immediately apparent to me if an already-started game can be ported to the BaDco randomizer. Is it possible? If not, is there another generally-accepted method?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes it's possible - the randomiser actually has no connection to the game - you just tell it the name of a game, the game length parameters, and what turn you're at, then it tells you whether it finishes that turn or not. IIRC Treeburst said he'd do it for us all if we can't manage it ourselves, but if 2 ppl have PC's then they can use the secure version to sort it out themselves.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Look at this fellas, one of them is showing signs of a sense of humour! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That was funny? An old Viking joke from the days when men were men and sheep hadn't learned to fear Short thick bashing implement??! Sheesh - I shall stop trying to be original immediately! Now where's my collection of Hagar comic strips to keep these cretins amused.......
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Brilliant? Witty? Zany? Sparkling? No? Typical of the trailer trash wandering around the 'pool these days? Sadly, yes.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A perfect sumation old boy! Rarely has one of this thread had such insight. So what? BTW when are you going to fess up about the real reasons for chickening out of playing me? We all know that you lied about not liking the map, because all yo ever received was the purchase turn, and everyone knows that one of the holy tennents of CM is: XXIV: Thou shalt not get to see the map before thou shalt purchase thy troops.
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