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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Triumvir: (And on a side note, the same Panther 75L70 gun, mounted on AMX-13s, had a good day with T-54s in the Sinai.)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep - and I think it was also fitted to teh "Super Shermans" - one of the earlier upgrades fielded by the Israelis!!
  2. Didn't early Shermans use Wright Cyclone aircraft engines using real high-octane fuel? as an aside I read something about Diesel recently - it's harder to set on fire, but apparently when it does burn (and it will in many battlefield conditinos) it's much harder to put out and inflicts much worse burns than petrol on anyone who is contacted by it.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Buzzsaw: [QBbut you must remember that SSNs and serfs require the proper leadership. If you place two of us side-by-side, it may be necessary to prod us with pointy sticks before we begin fighting. Left to our own devices, we tend to do a lot of standing around and drooling. [/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's true - left to himself bumble bee does just stand around and drool. So how about sending me a turn you drolling idiot - either that or get back to your village before someone else there aspires to yor job........
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andrew Hedges: The Brown Bess musket was great! It was the standard British infantry firearm for 150 years. You have to admire that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Exactly - it was the weapon of its time, as was the SMLE & it's derivatives. and when they weer outclassed they were replaced with automatic rifles, as you'd expect. which is why the whole discusion is so bloody daft!
  5. You don't remove the magazine from an Enfield to reload it!! Which makes me wonder how much you erally know about the subject!! You reload it through the bolt cavity with the bolt open the same way as you do a Garand, using 2 x 5-round stripper clips. However you push the rounds out of the stripper clip into tha mag, so the strip itself does not go into the magazine as it does on a Garand.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by boy_Recon: As the allies, the Churchill VIII/Wasp/Airborne combo works pretty well. All vets again as the Churchill doesn't get tungsten on reg. keep the wasps well back until you know where the enemy is. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Churchills never get Tungsten!! It doesn't exist for the 75 or 95mm! appart from that if you've read teh thread on armour with airborne churchills + Brit Airborne is a perfectly reasonable mix.
  7. Anyone who thinks the Lee-Enfield was a POOR weapon probably can't be saved. It was one of eth best, if not the best, bolt action rifles of all time. But it is not a semi-auto rifle, and so you might as well compare teh brown bess musket to the Garand for all teh good it does. both weapons were products of their times - the semi-auto rifle is generally held to be superior to bolt actions rifles, and hence have replaced them in service. AFAIK nothing in the Lee-Enfield was copied from Mauser designs. The Brits had been impressed with the ausers used by the Boers and had thought of adopting the cartridge but never got around to it. The bolt action was invented by Scott Le - and ex-patriot Scot living in America.
  8. Well for teh Brits I alwys buy a couple or 3 3" mortars on table, the occasional MMG carrier or Wasp, and often a couple of Vickers. The Vickers sit on a hill well back and are left to shot at whatever they want to - often they'll attract artillery fire, which is fine by me - every round of HE spent on them isn't doing anythign to my infantry!! they're also great for annoying all those pesky German 20mm guns etc. I also use the 75mm pack howitzer & 6 pdr AT a bit - both have a good rate of fire are small and can be towed by a jeep, and are very effective for the price. Artillery is another area where the allies are ahead by miles. All the Allied artillery is more cost effective than the German equivalents IMO, so I max out on it. And do NOT underestimate the usefulness of a Sherman vanilla 75mm with 50+ rounds of HE if the otehr guy has lots of infantry! Lastly - tactics - why get into a dagger fight in the first place? Let eth other guy have the buildings! You'll se him moving into them, and can then take your time directing artillery and tank fire into him at the appropriate places while keeping your own infantry secure and safe for a push when he's suitably weakened!
  9. The photo that I'm thinking of is in a MacDonald's and Janes "WW2 Fact Files" series book on light and medium field artillery. I don't recall the caption, but it was definitely a US crew (helmets & gear) on a 25 pdr with a muzzle brake. I'll get it out tonight when I get home & see if there's any further info there.
  10. That link doesn't work for me - says "This file is hosted by Tripod, a Lycos®Network Site, and is not available for download."
  11. I reckon the Sherm could get 2 shots in teh tiem the Panther took to rotate it's turret - of course it's entirely possible that they'd both miss!! Or that they'd kill each other at the same time!! lol
  12. I reckon the Sherman's more likely to survive - it's gun is already pointing at het Panther's side & is perfectlycapable of defeating it. Of course the AI may make teh Sherman pop smoke and try to back away instead of shooting, in which case it's dead!
  13. Yeah - it's a bit sad when you'er the only reply to yourself! IMO there does need to be a bit of a tweak here tho. I'd prefer to see teh defender given a wider choice of defensive position on a larger map, and then the actual map cut back to just teh area being defended. The defender would then get to see all the likely approach routes etc, and could set up the defence in the best position available in the general area.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JasonC: The statement that "many US units assigned counterbattery work use 25 lbers" strikes me as an error. No US artillery unit in the ETO was equipped with 25-lbers. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have at least one photo of US crewed 25 pdr "in action". I can't imagine it is in the Pacific, so where would it be? Also here's an interesting article on the introduction of 105mm howitzers into teh NZ army from teh 60's - first the Italian designed 105mm pack, which we used in Vietnam, and then the Brit designed 105mm light field gun. It makes some comparisons between lethality and ease of use, describes some of the limitations of various designs and how they came about, and is generally good reading: Intro of 105mm in NZ service [ 08-15-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  15. Yep - I'm in the original Winecape Tourney and am using it for all games. I have finished 5 so far using it and it's fine. It takes some getting used to how it works - and there's been some confusion with people who do not have it as to what has to be done, but that was sorted out fairly easily. So: 1/ Yes. 2/ Yes. 3/No - I'd be surprised if anyone has any - after all all it does is tell you to both request a ceasefire next turn!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gordon: And in his absence his blood-thirsty troops have begun committing war crimes by killing POWs. Oh the inhumanity. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Zat iz zee lie of zee Amerikaner propaganda. Zer Fuhrher und Zee minizter of Tutz der Dokto Goebells azures uz zat it iz zee indescriminant use of zee amerikaner artillery shooting blind zat iz killing ze prizoners!
  17. Well bugger me with a 44 gallon drum! WTF's going on here then? By putting 2 and 2 together to make 22 I ended up looking at page 6 of "Tourney of the Starts II" thread, and it seems they've ben having a few problems over there. Tree was proposing to split the tourney into 2 bits - 1 for competitin players who (paraphrasing here) will buy whatever is the most effective and use it any way allowed, adn historical players who are happy to use Heer 44 infantry and attack in a "historical" manner and who don't need to negotiate strings of conditions for the game because they don't do any gamey **** anyway. And it all seems to have gotten too much for him!
  18. A man is actually a very small, inconspicuous target when he's tryingto bry himself in the ground. OTOH any tak is very large and obvious. Russian heavy tank crews stayed in their tanks in 1941 mostly due to inexperience and poor training. As a result they died. Evolution in action meant that this trait died with them and was not passed on to succeeding generations of tankers.
  19. Has anyone seen GClement lately?? I've been e-mailing him but get no reply!
  20. A result: Sajer 48 Me 40 It was a dark and stormy night..well foggy anyway. Sajer's cunning gamey use of half tracks to run right across the rear of my forces at high speed & shoot up 2 platoons of infantry was an inspired move - as was his last turn flag rush!!
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: 1) What good is the 75mm team? I mean, spend 10 more clams and you can get the 81mm which has 120 more rounds and more punch to it. This seems like a no-brainer to me. What possible reason can there be to take the 75 unless you're short a few bucks??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's pretty much it, although the 75's do have a higher blast factor per shell than the 81 does. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> 2) Why do some off-board arty teams say "mortar" and others are just regular arty? For instance, the 4.2 inch is called a "mortar" and yet the 4.5 inch is not. What gives??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The 4.5" is not a mortar - it's a gun - and quite a big one although it didn't have much HE in it's shell. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> 3) Is VT arty only good against infantry outside of houses? How many of you have had success with these in your games? I assume that since VT is set for tree burst or air burst, it's useless against infantry inside buildings. Is this correct??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Correct - it doesn't seem to have much effect - but boy oh boy you shuold see what it does to infantry in the open! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Has anybody here been glad they threw down some more cash for the VT in a scenario? Does it really do more damage to enemy infantry in woods or pines?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I find it's really of limited use in most situations - infantry is generally hiding in woods/houses anyway, and the VT won't knock down buildings (or if it does it's not that good at it!). However I've been on the receiving end in my "early" days, so I can vouch for its effectiveness in ideal circumstances!!
  22. 'strue - he did, and an awesome sight it was. IIRC it went on for a turn or 2, and in the last few seconds of the final turn 1 squad lost 3 or 4 casualties and that was it. mind you this was blind area fire - if you have some idea where the enemy squads are - even just nationality markers - and can target them then you're probably going to do a bit better.
  23. What's in a recon team? I know not all jeeps would have a .50, but it's the only armed option there is. I wouldn't object to anyone using a rifle/SMG team (ie a half squad) in a jeep for recon, but if there is anything in such a vehicle it's often an AT team when you're using an infantry defence!
  24. Yes Mum! Stuka - I'm sorry for winding you up - it was not my intention - at least no more than usual. I am genuinely puzzled by your reaction to the initial post, although my subsequent ones were definitely tongue in cheek and I had thought thoroughly pengesque given what they were in response to. Perhaps you can expalin the problem to me off board?
  25. It's gamey to use UNARMED jeeps for recon. Most ppl never buy them anyway - the armed ones are cheaper and using them is fine! But sometimes you have them eg if the comoputer has seelcted them for you or they're in a scenario already.
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