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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. Peng - I'm sorry, but what on earth makes you think that I have any idea why Stuka has gone ballistic?? It is clearly something in my post about the genocide of Aboriginal Australians by other inhabitants of the continent over the last couple of hundred years, but I really, honestly, sincerely do not see what! Is he saying that it didn't happen? Is he saying that use of the term "Abo" is derogatory? Something else? If he would care to explain what his problem is then perhaps I can fix it. But if all he's going to do is throw a tantrum, and all yuo'er going to do is pat him on the back and be his mother then perhaps this place isn't quiet as robust as you all seem to think! If he doesn't tell me what his problem is then there's really nothing can do about it so in that case feel free to do what you want. I know I will. [ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  2. Well that's original - a rabbit that's trained to...um...do things to posteriors on command! how do you think he trained it?
  3. Carrying around 6 pdrs, FO's, MG's, mortars, flame throwers, Bazooka's, PIAT's, HQ's and anything else small that needs to move faster.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Just piss off you racist dickhead!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Looks like I already have pissed of the dickhead, but I'm curious to know why you're racist. Please, do go on.......like you need any encouragement! [ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  5. Stukie, Stukie, Stukie - such angst from one so pathetic!! Very sa really when you think of it. Perhaps you'd like to enlighten all and sundry as to why?
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy: That bastard Yank was going to give away Bundaburg. If there is ever anything to rouse the Australian people to commit an act of genocide this is it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That bastard McArthur - had we but know thant the Orzee's were gonig to kill themselve's we'd have helped the Japs get there! Besides - the Orzies already did a spot of genocide all on their own without having to lose Bundy..........when was the last Abo hunt???
  7. 0 (zero) - as long as the bridge is still crossable when the pillboxed is KO'd. If not then 10!
  8. Bump in response to "In search of..." - here's a tantilising hint that The First Thread may yet be found.
  9. Loathed One - take note that David Aichin surrendered in a fit of pique because my 1 remining 75mm pack howitzer KO'd a couple of his tanks and hadn't been towed into position (actually it had, but he assumed otherwise - ass being the first part of any asumption of course!). Score: Stalin's Organ: 91 Belly Achin' 9 I shall henceforth refer to the loser of this game a Sir Tantrum, since it sems to be what he's best at! Buzz thingie - did you read Lardo's post after yours? By NOT hiding away like a frightened school boy I crushed the AT pillboxes for relatively minor loss on T1. the secret is to realise that if you can't hide then you'd better get the first shot in...........and most of the ones after that too! Come to think of it I have just the scenario to send you - you get Panthers and Pillboxes, I get Shermans and Cromwells - you up for it boyo? Now DekeFentle - what sort of name is that? You been smokin' bad weed son? I'll see waht I can do for you tonight. Setting up a fool for a fall always takes precedence over anything else! Random everything, Allied Assault, HUGE, lotsa trees & some hills! At least 2000 pts, FREE CHOICE, including no trucks for your guns if you want!! You can choose the rest - which side would you rather be? [ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  10. Panzer I'm not talking about who killed him, but IIRC his first Tiger at Villiers was destroyed by a 6 pdr so he went back and got another??
  11. The Arty limit's too high and is obviously one-sided 'cos the Jerries get lots of rickets at that calibre. Let's just make it arty must be more than 155mm calibre - nuthin' much wrong with 7.2's and 8" guns I reckon! Otherwise I accept - let's do alternate picks for het other features eh? You can choose any 1 feature not already decided at a time. You go first 'cos I did most of the first 3 and have just changed the Arty to......... [ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  12. OK - who wants a game? Ground rules: Guns must not have any transport and you must buy at least 1 per 500 pts or part thereof. German infantry must all be SMG armed Allies can have as many Wasps as they like and mix .50's with Brtiish para's
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox: I wuz ready!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What - you got there fustest with the mostest guns ov yerown? Actually I would like to complain about gamey behaviour - gamey is anything that my opponent does that I haven't thought of in a game that I lose, or win or draw. Especially killing my little pixel men. I hate the bastards who do that - it's totally unfair and takes advantage of teh games programming and physical features! BTS please fix or do sumfink!! [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  14. A couple of related anecdote: Wittman's Tiger was KO'ed at Viliers by a 6-pdr I believe. This attack was while the Brits were not expecting any enemy and were having a brew up. SOP for guns? In a suitable position. Manhandling guns: Anyone remember teh Royal Navy gun team races at tehEdinburgh tatoo's? Do they still have those? 2 teams each with a naval 12-lbr gun vintage 1900 or so (1-1500 lbs weight?) heaving teh thing though small holes, over walls, passing gaps by flying fox, etc etc for a couple of hundred yards in a couple of minutes, including dis- and re-assembling the thing as required!
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox: Funnily enough the only time I have encountered stinking cheating gamey deployment of guns which could only have got there by matter transport was a malingering kiwi so maybe 'disreputable' is some sort of national characteristic and not far off the mark <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You lost that one huh?!
  16. Actualy Chad it's really so that if all else fails, and your opponent has bought transport for his guns and started hitched you can stil call him gamey 'cos he selected ermans with their more points for vehicles & infantry, or Allies with their more points for tanks!!
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: If you discount the two Sicherung companies, then yes, you are correct.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh - you actually had some infantry?? Where were you hiding it all, 'cos I only ever saw a single "infantry?" marker! I've been waiting for the other 1000 pts of armour to appear! ROFL - so much for your contention that you weer blown away by guns then - what a joke - you had a really powerful force and utterly misused it by recce-ing with SP-gun armour while holding infantry in reserve!! What an idjit!
  18. Um...just a quick note on what yuo can do in the game - guns CAN be manhandled. I do it a lot. Even in CAL games where transport is mandated the trucks will often be off teh back of the map in the first few seconds, nd my guns get moved around the battlefield by hand. It's something that's happened ever since they first put wheels on a Bombard. Even when I do use transport to move guns up it's usualy just to theedge of some trees and then they get manhandled to the other side, and usually do not get seen when they'er moving and STILL ge the first shot - that's what guns do - they get eth first shot, and that's why 90% of tanks were lost to them or mines!
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: And I will be behind the wheel of your car, travelling towards you at speed. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No - that's Gamey - you have to buy your OWN transport, and any attempt at ramming yuor foe will result in said transport stoping and backing off then trying to drive around him.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: you would have been aware that an Unrestricted game is not a green light for buying the most gamey force you can possibly imagine, but rather simply a degree of freedom beyond Combined Arms, where one has more than tuppence ha'penny allocated to armour for every company of infantry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And this would be why your own force consisted of nothing but armour and artillery of course??
  21. Quite wrong Mouse. Whining and Whinging are neither mutually exclusive nor do they have the same meaning. In these parts a Whinging Pom is almost the ultimate insult, just below "Which part of Australia are you from?".
  22. Thanks Boxer - I'll supply the passion, you go right on providing the rationale!!
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Note to Stalin – I see you edited a previous post to point out that you indeed have transport, and I was aware of this possibility. However, I don't think you started out with the guns hitched, which is half the problem. You could, for example, have bought units for recon purposes and claimed that they were your gun transport. .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'll send you a screen shot of the 2 that started hitched. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Unless they're hitched up at the outset, and take the risk of getting your guns into position whilst under observation, then I have no proof of your reasons for buying the jeeps, and of course you still benefit from concealment of the guns.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> what a load of utter crap. Guns on the front line do NOT start battles hitched - they start deployed! Moving guns around by motor transport in battle withing a few hundred yards of enemy is, IMO, a damn sight more a-historical than starting them out in condcealed positions!!
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Refer to my comments about historical accuracy in response to Juardis. I don't know how common Marders or StuH42's were.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Right - so you pick something without any idea of how rare it is and then slag me...... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>How common were Fireflies? That's the tank you've got. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well they formed about 1/4 or 1/5th of the Sherman numbers AFAIK. And yep - it's the ONE tank I have. What's your point? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And aren't pack howitzers the preserve of airborne troops (I'm not sure about this)? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mostly - hey, and guess what - I'm using British Airborne Infantry!! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If were were being 'historical', you would have Cromwells or vanilla Shermans, and I would have PzKpfw IV's.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why? Fireflies were used, as were Marders and Stuh's. I don't care what you use - I strongly resent you saying that I'm "disreputable" for doing the same thing as you - picking to force I wanted in an unrestricted game! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This is not the point. I spent my points on Marders and StuH's, and you killed off most of said Marders and StuH's, so you have no reason to complain. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm not complaining about hte force you seelcted. I'm cmoplaining about your character assasination of me for daring to pick what I wanted when you said the game was UNRESTRICTED, and then whinging and moaning like an old washer-woman because what I selected didn't suit you! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Neither would I have reason to complain simply because I lost, but I do feel that you had an unfair advantage. .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I had 2000 pts, just like you did. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I paid extra for the wheels that brought my guns to the battlefield, and forfeited the ability to conceal them so effectively as yours. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> aw, didums! you also bought armour to make them invulnerable to MG's and small arms, and the ability to deploy and redeploy all over the place at high speed and to fire from under cover. why is it my fault that you couldn't do it properly? BTW - what's the cost of a Marder? 70-80 pts? Not bad compared to a 6 pdr at 40-50! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You saved points by effectively getting the wheels free – your guns just magically appeared in situ, and you were able to spend the points on extra firepower.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bollocks - firstly because I bought wheels for most of them, and secondly because if I didn't buy wheels then I do NOT get mobility on hte battlefield - you bought mobility ansd used most of it in the Dance of the Sugar Plum Panzers - that's not my fault either!
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