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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. Thank you again Simon for your complete lack of point. I read CMplayer's post before yours, and I wondered why you bothered with your one, since you posted after he did. [ 07-24-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  2. Thank you for your pointlessness Simon. Perhaps you could actually provide some information to enlighten me if you have the answer, instead of bull**** to entertain me?
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: "The German tank was either a Mark V or a Mark VI. The Mark V, I think, had a high-velocity 75 and that little devil is just about as dangerous as the 88. Your 88, if you stood up, it came up just about to your waist, and the high-velocity 75 was just three to four inches shorter. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sounds more like a description of Pak 40 and Pak 38 AT guns than a tank!! What tank comes up to your waist??
  4. Right - ZIS-3 57mm AT gun, model 1943 (not the ZIS 2 'cos the -3 has tubular trails, the -2 has square ones). The ZIS-2 carriage was also used for the 1941/SiS3 76mm field gun. The ZIS-3 used the 76mm 1942/SiS3 carriage. Middle - yep, 85mm D44 Left: 100mm model 44 BS-3
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: And yes, Stalin's Organ I always maintained you looked pretty in pink, and here's proof. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Teargas the thought of you thinking that I look pretty at all makes me wanna puke! But at least it's a sign that your standards are changing since a human is the object of your affections! I won't call it an improvement tho'. 90 million sheep in Auss can bleat in safety today! 4 million kiwis wish they could say the same!
  6. I've just played one of Runes scnarios where there were 15 Panthers and a couple of 75mm pill boxes on one side, and about 35 Shermans, Wolverines & Cromwells on the other. There were plenty of misses at ranges never more than 600m. There were Sherman 75's advancing up crests, getting a shot off then withdrawing under AI generated smoke as they ran from 2 or 3 Panthers or a pillbox on the other side without anyone getting hit. There were Sherman 75's and Cromwells shooting into the side of Panthers at 500m and missing, there were Panthers and Fireflies exchanging multiple shots at 200m and missing (for a while!), there were PIATs hitting Panthers and causing no damage, and Panzershrecks hitting Daimlers, penetrating and causing no damage. There were 7.2" bricks immobilising tanks and almost all of the rest of the Brit artillery firing smoke! And a Daimler took out a MG bunker at 1001 m with it's first shot! If you can draw any conclusion from this it'd better be that combat results in Combat mission are not predictable!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: Mr. 5308, If your PBEM helper makes you number your turns then what does it do for you? Doesn't sound like a very useful tool. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Probably because yuo weren't listening you feckless youth - when yo grow up you can have a number even higher than mine if you're a good boy - until then a good spanking is in order! The helper keeps track of my games - not as many as some ppl play, and tells me their status. It lists each game on a single line regrdless of how many files are in the PBEM directory. It automatically enters my passwords when I open the turn, and it allows me to send the files to my opponents without having to use outlook or figure out which file to attach. all in all it's a good time saver and organiser. Oh, and it works for variou other games too should you PBEM them, not just CM. Now go away and see if you can't improve on that stupid little 3 digit thing you call a number!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann: What would we want with a country that's snapped in half whose main export is some funny looking fruit with hairs on it? INCOMING! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> at least we'er not repsonsible for MicroScourge!
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-: 35 tanks destroyed <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Only if you count MMG carriers, White Scout Cars, Daimlers and M3 h/t's as tanks!! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I achived my objectives. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Only because you defined them when the game was over! So what were they? To not actually "lose"? That's about all that you achieved! Let's see - you failed to even secure the one flag that was not threatened by the Brits, failed to stop me crossing the river, failed to win, failed to score more points, failed to destroy the Brits, failed to deploy your Pantehrs properly - one even got KO'd by a 75! Yep, I'm dying to see what you succeded at??!! Since you couldn't stop the attack of a ballerina it is self evident that you must be lacking a decent pair of cojones....maybe even lacking all of them!
  10. It seems that Jesus does indeed love Mrs Robinson more than he will ever know. The miserable gamey son of a cockroach and a slimeball managed to squeeze 44 points out of Rune's stupid Oberluge-damned-river-crossing scenario thingie. That entitles him to a draw bugger it, 'cos I only got 52!
  11. Hey Macey - I think this bit was meant for you: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Imagine that you are going to a party that starts at eight o'clock. You show up on time, but your pants have dirt all over them, your T-shirt has old tomato sauce stains on it (perhaps also an old dried up piece of spaghetti), your hair is oily and full of dandruff, and you haven't brushed your teeth for days. See? Get it?!?!?! EVEN THOUGH you are being "good" by showing up on time, no one is going to want to talk to you! And not only that, you will also generate a long-lasting negative impression on people, which is really bad. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No do you see what you're doing wrong - you REALLY need to check this guy out and take some his advice!! [ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  12. You're right - but "Panzer III, Panzer III burning bright..." doesn't have quite the same ring!!
  13. Lindan, can I presume from your wonderful grasp of geography that you are one of the top graduates from the fine American Education system? No, NZ and Orzy are not the ame country. They want us to be - there's a clause in the Orzy constitution/articles of commonwealth or whatever that says NZ can become a state any time we like. That's 100 years old now, and we haven't seen fit to take advantage of it - 'nuf said. Styxx, Styxx, styxx...you poor lad. It's jsut as well for the sheep that most Orzies haven't seen one!
  14. Elvira - have you forgotten so soon? Why it was jsut yesterday that you said to all and sundry: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Organ, I don't see how numbering ensures that you send a file. It only ensures that you numbered it not that you sent it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your lack of memory is more evidence that you have too few brain cells to allow to breathe! Oh, and Lemonade, were you talking to me you poor old fart - perhaps you should turn your megaphone up, or get new batteries for it?? Until then feel free to go away, or sod off - anything just as long as you shut up! [ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ] [ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan: [edited for authors stupidity] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The quality of Lindan's posts are improving!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: I'm sorry, but no Oxymorons please! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Be as sorry as you like, but it's a bit late to be shutting the stable door - the Ozymorons are already here!
  17. I wonder if this'll be in CMBB?? (stolen from the Russian Military Forum, Valera says that it existed, no details given) [ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1: As to whom attests to what? I have German anadotal accounts that speak nothing of anyone being hit in the air, except when describeing JU-52's being shot down by AA at 150m with full loads of FJ trapped inside. German medical records from 7th FD, tell of only a 'few' FJ found dead in their harnesses the records do not support any claim that large numbers of German FJ died in their harneses in the air, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So which do you wish to tell us about? the "few" or the none? How many is "a few"? Do you have exact numbers? How many others were stripped of their gear by locals or allied soldiers, or even by their comrades? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> the bulk of FJ casualties were suffered on the ground while attempting to get to wpns cannisters & form up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No-one has suggested otherwise. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> If you have data that contradicts the 7 FD medical records etc, then by all means please post it, so we may all check it out etc. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Would you care to actually post the records, together with an account of exactly what happened to each and every body between the frop time and the time the records were assembled? Otherwsise the records themselves mean nothing except to state the conditino, position, etc of each body on the day it was inspected. You can make a reasonable assumption that those stil in their harnesses were indeed shot in them, but you cannot jump to the conclusion that those not in harnesses were shot on the ground.
  19. It's no wonder Elvis is dead - the current incarnation clearly doesn't have enough brains in its head to breathe! OK, Elvira - lizen vury carfully, four I shall zay this oonly wunce - the PBEM programe need the numbers to keep track fo games, then it puts a nice wee note next to each one saying "play", "wait" or "send". I need these notes like I need air - you obviously need neither so perhaps the point is lost on you, but it remains valid never-the-less. Thus I need to devote 1 less neuron to figuring out wehat to do next, and so the effects of continual alocholo consumption for a few decades are marginally lessened.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann: HEY! That's the New Zealanders you're thinking of you beedin ignoramous...not us fine sun-burnt Aussies. We're too busy trying to get tans rather than woorying about bloody sheep. The Kiwis need the warmth of a little lovin' on 4 legs! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, he got it quite right - there's twice as many sheep in Aus as NZ, and let's face it Macey Gray is the sheep shager extraorfinaire of CM, and he's true blue Orrzie Mayte!
  21. Those who do not number their turn files deserve all the "Get me a bloody turn back" posts that they get. i number my turns: X) So I have no excuse for not getting a turn back 2.4.( Because I'm a lazy bastard and I use one of those PBEM helper thingies and it needs numbers to keep track of things 'cos it's only a computer programme and unable to handle concepts like the variety of genders of Elvis's "partners" and it does a bloody good job of it and I could never be bothered! Anyone who has a problem with that is an ignorant gamey uselss poltroon of the lowest order. And so are the rest of you!
  22. Abandoned armour is often repaired betwen battles...which actually ENHANCES the continuity!! This will happen provided the vehicle is still within your area at the end of the battle, so to prevent the enemy doing it yuo should advance to capture his hulks, or keep shooting at them until the brew up - you can keep targeting abandoned vehicles to do this.
  23. AN UPDATE Davey stinkin Bellyaching, mighty kaynigit of the pool, ran away fast enough to score 32 points Stalin's Organ, a fine upstanding example of an SSN got all the rest - that's 68 for those of you wot are arithmetically challenged. I do believe that this requires the traditional shout of Lorak - pen it thus: Stalin's Organ: A fine, indeed a brilliant victory David Aichen: a loss, fled the field in disgrace, a pathetic cowardly defeat, oh the shame of it!
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: That's the most sensible thing you've said. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's the only thing I've posted dumb enough for you to understand.
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