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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: Oh yes, that's interesting. Stalin's Cock seems to think that multiple posts will make up for singular neurons. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Calling an aussie a singlar Neuron is an insult to neurons you idjit! Anyway - shouldn't you be buggering off and inheriting the earth or writing a sermon or something? Why have you come back here to bother good honest hard swearing SSN's? Don't you know that your time has passed and you shuold give up gracefully.....or disgracefully - hell either will do as long as you give up!
  2. Roight..I've shown the way - let us get rid of this abomination ASAP. What fecking moronic idjit let this thing loose?? No, Not Go-down-on-me boy - it's about as much as I'd expect from a culturally advanced Aussie. But who in their right mind would allow a statement of historical fact as a Peng thread title? And you morons all complain about the idjicy of SSN's??!! Sheesh - pot, meet kettle..... As for the return of Croda - well so what? Another old fart has-ben who has to have a month off between games to recover? Is that supposed to impress? Well it does actually! I wouldn't have though anyone with as few brains as he's reputed to have would have been able to find this thread with both hands! You're all morons, the Aussies are even more moronic than usual, and hate is wasted on you!
  3. No they don't - they fire such weapons as they can control at the same time. for a Sherman this will usually mean the bow mg, the main gun, and an AAMG if fitted. This is why a crew sans commander no longer gets to fire it's external MG - they're all head down in the turret serving the main weapon. There may be some weapons that are slaved to each other that would presumably be exceptions.
  4. WT was that all about? Sir XYZ you are, without doubt, the most erudite Scots git on this 'ere thread, but for all that you are still a Scots git, and therefore both contemptable and unintelligible. I haet you with nobs on....or even without!
  5. Actually I was going to put it behind my own men as they charge your last remaining Sherman with their spanners in hand - hopefully it'll spruce up their morale a bit!!1
  6. The co-ax MG is probably at elast as effective as the main gun of a Stuart withing it's normal range, so it gets used instead.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I kinda liked the title of my summarily executed thread: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I kindof liked that your thread was summarily executed. Bit of a pity that the originater wasn't as well.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: So let's just all calm down and get on with our pointless existences until we get the word.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What's this "our" business white man? With only 23 posts left until the mystical, magical 300 mark it's positively criminal that there's so little interest by the low-life scum of this board in the title of the next one! I mean 23 posts is barely enough to give Mouse the good thrashing he deserves, let alone have a peurile and senseless debate about something as pathetic as the title of the next thread!
  9. Which just begs a repsonse along the lines of "Hey doll, have I got a lump of meat for you....."! Mind you that's what passes for sophisticated conversation in Aussie.
  10. Oh yeah, and my contribution to eth new thread shall be for you all to ignore the following truly superb thread title: This Peng is depriving a challenge somewhere of an idiot
  11. What's all this c**p? After a wonderful restful night's sleep in which I dream of my enemies' tanks blowing up all over the place and hear the wails and lamentations of his dying troops I wake up to a nightmare of POLITICS on the Peng Thread? And it's not as if they even rhyme! It's truely pathetic and disgucting how far some people have sunk - they've made it to the bottom of the pool, tunneld throught the nutrient rich muck they found there and continued on downwards! You know you might have found the secret weapon to chase all us Uber-unbeatable SSN conquerers out of here after all........
  12. When was the final date for results, and IIRC the placings will be on total score, not average won't they? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Ten players per tournament, each participant plays the other nine one time, victory points are accumulated from game to game, the highest total at the end wins. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> (from page 1) - yep, thought so! So if KJ doesn't get his a-into-g he may well have the highest average, and still come last! [ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  13. What's this whining and mewling going on here.....please Lorak, can I please, please count my win against some other low-life scum who brushed by here without so much as a by-your-leave....I promise it was a good game Mr Lorak, so please, please let it count....puuuulllleeeeaaaasssseeee..." JackDaniels - can I please borrow that brick...which way round does it go? Doesn't matter y'say....just lift and throw y'reckon...like this?.......swish.......BONG....yeah, well it's metalic and empty, so of course it rings like a bell! Did I do that right?? [ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  14. You blithering idiot Belly Achin' - you still are all those thnigs, and I doubt your doormat training will ever be enough to qualify for that high post!
  15. Well what do you expect - the poor lad's only 15 years of age, and this game is serious gaming candy....so you get 10 out of 10 for stating the bleeding obvious!! I hope he hasn't distracted you from spending 10 seconds on your move for our game....send some more of yuor boys over & we'll send them home too1
  16. Probably the same way it handles big battles like Normandy. As a whole bunch of operations and scenarios. 100,000?? Cough! 2-3000 I think?
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