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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. Ya Stoopid Berk!! Ex post crapper Let's have some solid arguments for a change - instead of your usual gas!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse: It is Shaw, that hellspawn that visited the Mormon Wives upon you, that you most include in any just sentence<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Seems fair enough to me. How about: "Seniletea is as guilty as sin and thanks to Shaw for pointing it out." I think that fulfills teh requirements of the defence idiot's most eloquent and anaesthatising ramblings.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: Please note that "lawyer" as a profession is spelled with a small "l". I am the Lawyer, and the only Lawyer worthy of the capital "L". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yah moron!! It was being usd as an insult, in which instance the capital L is entirely appropriate, for it identifies the level to which the insultee intends the insulted to be insulted. A lawyer is indeed a nasty thing to call someone, but Lawyer shows that the insultee truely despises and destests the insulted, and is not merely name-calling. That you gave the handle to yourself is proof enough! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As such, I wield the Hand of the Law,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well for heaven's sake keep that to the privacy of your own outhouse!! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ya stupid Ozzie wannabee.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I guess that's something - it's true that anyone who would want to be an Ozzie must be stupid, by definition. Lucky to have enough brains to breath in fact. But since I have no such low ambitions i'm afraid it went under my seat.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: Ok, As Judge Lorak I offer these documents that were submitted as evidence. They are labeled.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This smacks of grogginess of another sort! Is The Loathed One really a Lawyer in disguise (gasp)? Is he actually trying to try this trial according to some rules of evidence? Whatever happened to the cess tradition of guilt by association? Surely a fair trial is only one where Emma is in attendance, and a fair hearing is what the jury gives to the last requests of the condemned? I say rise up you stupid and despicable jetsom of the pool, and flush these attempts at rationality to the treatment plant where they belong - all nice and clean and converted to electricity to keep the heaters going! [ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1: As to shooting at boots please, what part of the German tests results is so hard for ppl to understand? on how hard it literaly is to hit a man in a chute, in the air ,even as low as 500ft Ie, 1 round out of 340 fired hit the target at 500ft, yet from the posts here you would think Aussie, & NZ Inf were dropping 9 outa 10 Paras in the air in 10 shots. <snip> Australlian tales of killing German paras in the air, are just that tales. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> John your inability to take the actual accounts into acount does you no good at all. It doesn't even look like you've realised the implocations of your own figures. 1 in 340 shots hit eh? Well that's about 6 infantry-men's ammo load for a SMLE. So you might expect 1 german casualty for every 6 ppl shooting at hetm if they used all their ammo. Let's say 1 per 20, jsut for the sake of argument. So a 500 man battalion might cause 25 casualties to descending paratroopers with a rough cigarette-pack analysis. Not quite a fairy tale even according to your own figures. There WERE large numbers of German paras killed in the air as they descended, and no amount of German testing can alter that FACT Feel free to make a fool of yourself any other time you want to contradict what actually happened, and is attested to by both side. [ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars: Lars (offers ladle): Hey, Stalin’s Organ, being a SSN is thirsty work, can I offer you a bit of refreshment?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sure thing Lardo ignores handle, takes bucket, tips over Lardo's head. Thanks, I needed that. Finally, a piss boy who is actually useful for soemthing!
  7. % figures or not, a lot of fire was directed at Germans in the air, and a hell of a lot of it hit. Gliders were shot down by rifle fire, some pilots were killed, and one was blown up when a rifle bullet hit something inside - presumably grenades. New Zealand officers told their men to shoot at the paratroopers' boots to allow for the descent rate. BTW my OOB for Crete only lists 1 Aussie Bn at Heraklion (2/4th), and 2 at Rethymo (2/1st, 2/11th), and 19th Aust Inf Brig HQ plus 2 bns (2/7th, 2/8th) at Georgioupolis. Another 2 Aussie Bns (16th & 17th Brig composite Bn's) were at Suda. Now somehow I don't think that all of those would add up to 7000 in total, let alone at Heraklion!! Other troops at Heraklion included the 2nd Bns of hte Black Watch, York & Lancaster Regt and Leicesters, a RA Medium regt, 8 tanks (2 matildas 6 light) and 2 Greek regiments. The history I have says that Aussies on a couple of low hills at Heraklion were shooting horizontally at Ju-52's, and the AA guns there had been silent for a couple of days, but opened up to great effect, shooting down several 52's before the paras got out of them. However most of the action there does definitely seem to have been picking paras off as they struggled to get out of their kit or look for their weapon containers. There seem to have been many more casualties in hte air down the road a bit at Rethymno, where several company sized groups dropped in front of complete infantry battalions that had nothing better to do than shoot at htem. There are reports of some sticks that were all dead by the time they hit the ground, and one group were so unnerved when their platoon commander was shot in hte doorway of their 52 that htey refused to jump! The pilot came around for another pass and got hit in the engine and crashed!! The book I have is "Crete: The battle and the REsistance", Antony Beevor.
  8. And there we have the brilliance of the Aussie finacial system shown to all - Pepper isn't going to let CASH inducements sway him until the CHEQUE clears! Good grief - that actually makes him an honest juror!! We can't have that can we?? Hang 'im high as well - let the crows pick out his eyes and the ants feast on his entrails I say! I tell you there was a fine example of British justice on the BBC adaption of Lorna Doone the other night: Clerk: John Adams, Rebel Judge: Guilty, hang Clerk: Robert Smith, rebel Judge: Guilty, hang Clerk: Sam Baker, rebel Judge: Guilty, hang Clerk: Andrew Fairweather, rebel Andrew Fairweather: but I'm innocent y'r honour Judge: You wouldn't be here if you were innocent. Guilty, hang . . . . What better example of a fair trial is required?? [ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  9. Oh, and to anser teh question in the title, well because: i/ that's how much it sells for, and 3.2) it's worth it.
  10. Hmm...could it be that there's a suitable theme for a new thread......... Who dares challenge the justice of Peng ? or even Oh the injustice of it all - unbolded to challengeg Peng Editted to add another briliant thread title that you'll ignore because you're all hateful, spiteful and genrally nasty people. [ 07-17-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  11. There were 7000 Aussies on Crete and "some" kiwi's? Hrumph! Whate breakfast cereal packet do you study your history out of again? There were a few Ausies there to be sure, along withthe whole of hte New Zealand division, a few thousand Brits and quite a lot of Greeks. And as Stuka rightly points out, probably most of the casualties were caused when the paras were landed. But there are many accounts of riflemen sitting on ramparts and parapets engaging in "duck shooting". The Germans were certainly easier to hit once they'd landed and were struggling to get rid of their gear, even if they could get to shoot back with pistols. But no-one will ever know. And it should be a Kiwi victory flag mod for that particular one thanks.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: SHAW, YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE MAN! I'M NOT HAVING YOUR DISPARAGEMENT ANYMORE, SIRRAH!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Then you may have mine oh least noble of an ignoble band of fekless wannabe's. For it is true that you shall be unbolded, and this means that even I be emboldened enough to say unto thee that thou art a knave, a twit even, and thouroughly deserving of unemboldenment unto the max, and quite a lot even as well.
  13. If there were a million poolers, and if they did stop...wouldn't that be a blessing and not in much of a disguise either? Joe I think the great disturbance you feel is just last night's chillie marking it's passage. It's probably the best thing you have to offer the world, so feel free not to bother us again until it has passed.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Goanna has squired Von Shrad<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You know there are parts of the world where that would mean that Guano has done to v.Chad what Mace does to sheep. Of course this could well be one of them, so let's find out......v.Chad: - did you enjoy the experience? - did you feel a better man for it? - have you been cured of your hickups? One or more answers of "yes" might indicate that this is such a part of the world! Oh, and [q)MOUSE{\B] - get a fecking move on - your infantile Prussian drill ground approach is amusing to watch, but the sooner it gets smashed the better!
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Never could figure out why they say "6 on one hand..."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They don't - they say "6 of one, half a dozen of the other"
  16. Shogun's not bad. If you're unemployed with more money and time than sense (eg lottery winner) then all for CM might be a good deal - butthen you could just buy them any way! Then go and get another copy of CM
  17. I bought CM about a year ago, and I'm playnig more games now than ever. I also bought Need For Speed High Stakes recently for my 7 year old son from EA's "Classic" series at NZ$30, that's about US$12 - it get's played once or twice a week. I also bought Klingon academy recently for NZ$45 (US$20?) and played it exactly once, despite having been a demo grog when the beta first came out! And I never bought Shogun, again despite having been a demo grog. CM has saved me a fortune!!
  18. Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow There's Klingons on the starboard bow... ......WIPE 'EM OFF JIM!
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: The Iraq war was an example of a Eastern, attrition based army meeting a Western firepower based army on the conventional battlefield. For that matter, so was all of the Arab Isreali conflicts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So was the Eastern Front in WW2 if you want to make that sort of distinction! But it's really quite false - your so-called "attrition" armies cannot fight without supplies any more than "western" ones can.
  20. Y'know I just eralised where I've encountered Sir ABCD before - any Goon Show afficionadoes here? In "Wings over Dagenham" the regulars aer busy singing "ying tie ying tie ying tie piddly-aye-po", and at the end comes the mystery guest with the line: "Och, tunk gard yard funish'd ....ahd fargutten t' werds!"
  21. I believe the correct quote you're looking for is "Nil illegitimus carborundum"
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Hey, how many cold blooded, blue tongue cesspoolers do we have here anyhow? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is there any other sort? I mean you get the occasional soft-brained jibbering idiot, and once in a while there's the lesser preening loon. Oh, and I do believe there was once a sighting of a fekless bloated gutter-snipe, but that's never been confirmed. But really there's not such a great variety of cold-blooded dunnyzens here.
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