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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Wildman ... do TRY not to be an idiot, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Joe, Joe, Joe........why can't you ever get it right - even just a simple sentence like this is obviously a bit too complicated for your poor little brain. But as the world's greatest Dick Tater I feel the need to at least try to bring you up to speed - try this next time: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Wildman ... do not TRY to be an idiot, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And then you can follow up with a nice wee ditty like "you do so well at it au naturale"...etc. Got it? No? Why doesn't that surprise me!
  2. Seems like a bug to me - the cutters were only fitted to hte front of the tanks after al!! BTS pleez fix or do sumfink!!
  3. Goober the calender for future CM's is pretty well known - CM3 is to be Africa and Med including Greece, Cretee, Italy etc. CM 4 is to be early war Europe - Poland, Low Countries, France, Yugoslavia?? Then there's to be a major re-write of the 3D engine. A lot of people would like to see earlier period treatemnt of CM, but personally I don't think that the engine has the required features (from a non-techical knowledge level!) - close combat with edged weapons and massed black-powder formations are nothing at all like WW2! For an excellent 3D semi-Napoleonic game I'd thoroughly recommend Sid Meier's Gettysburg - a fabulous game that deserved a hell of a lot more development!
  4. WHAT SORT OF PISSY WEAK BOWELED WATERY **** TITLE IS THIS?? Jeez - a SSN Spokesgit doesn't post for a couple of days and all the lilly livered poxy-skinned old fart wrinkleys come out of the overflow pipe and stink the place up!! Oh yeah...and all the SS were pansies but I'm feked if that's worth making a kaynigit out of me! Pathetic wussy losers the lot of em..... especially itching boy - as many have observed, his tactical competance is only marginally lower than a rats arse. Dunno what he's doing tho - his panzer division is hidden by a big hill and he's taken to hiding his remaining Marders! Unfortunately Mouse is back on line, so I have to suffer him now too - but at least those games are enjoyable in a Ghengis Khan sort of way! Oh yeah, and the best hing about this thread is always going to be the Hog Gold lager that's dissppearing down my gullet as I write this! And what the fek is this idea that there's grades of Orztralians? Who the bloody hell grades excrement??!! Macey Gray may hold himself above Westies, but let's face it - who cares if the dung beetles have a hierachy! Piss on the lot of you - but ESPECIALLY YU JIMMI' [ 07-28-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  5. Yeah - I got 60 or 70 of them somewhere. Not much use for CM, but soem intereting articles on various little known battles, wars & campaigns as well as much of hte usual stuff.
  6. The left one os a common or garden variety 25 pdr - the muzzle brakes were fitted to some - I've got pics of exactly the mae weapon being used by C/wealth and US forces. The middle one is a 5.5" - the 4/5" has a much longer barrel. The allies shipped 2400 field guns to hte Ruassians as lend-lease - these would be part of that - definitely not produced in Russia unless they were reverse engineered - and there's no real reason for the Russians to have to do that - they had good enough designs oftheir own.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wolfe: Left is 120mm M1938 mortar. Right is 76mm M1943 regimental gun. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The middle weapon is the 160mm mortar - I don't recall the designation tho'.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox: Shame upon you all. This Peng thread thing is really a mistake. It is the proper place for the unsubtle, the crude and the puerile (ie Stalin's Organ- the archetypal kiwi git). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why Simon, you little sweetie! I didn't realise you liked me so much!
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BasementMouse: Aaarrgh!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah...praise the lord he's not going to try to say anything!! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> A vegetable being a herbaceous plant cultivated for an edible part, as roots, stems, leaves or flowers. Or you may say a vegetable is the edible stems, leaves, and roots of the plant excepting the fruit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bugger!! OK smart arse - if it isn't vegetable then is it animal or mineral? [ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: You moron! A date is a fruit!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You double moron - Fruits are vegetable!
  11. Sigh - no, that's not the fist thing to "come to [its] mind" - it's the last thing that goes through its mind when it hits the target...or anywhere else for that matter!
  12. We're using QB's Rommel - with each player alowed to pick what he likes within the CAL rules and to reject 1 map. BTW - sorry I haven't been back to you about that scenario - how's it going??
  13. You don't know what info the AI has, but very possibly it's getting "Crew(?)" and "Squad(?)" messages and picking on het crews. It gets the same info as you, so when things are fully visible it knows as much about your troops as you do about it's when you can see them fully.
  14. slap, slap, slap...both metaphorically and physically! None of them fired Sabot Hamsters - the Russians didn't have Sabot Hamsters. They had composite-rigid hamsters, and the two on hte left didn't fire that either - they fired hollow hamsters at very low velocities, which enabled the hamsters to wriggle around in flight and so successfully miss the target. A lot!
  15. Nah - they're all 76's - Babra's probably right, but I won't be able to check for myself until I get home later.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: *Sqeeeeek*<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> He got that much right! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Umm, CM3 is going to have good stuff like Aussies, Aussies, and Aussies ( and more Aussies). We don't really want that to be discarded, now do we? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> YEEEESSSSS All the bits mentioned above could be discarded without any bother at all. Oh yeah - and you mentioned Aussies along with sicily & Italy - BZZZZTTT! you'd all gone back home by then
  17. Ah it does my sould good to see the fine reception being given to a whole new pack of brats! But onwards and outwards to Update. Not that anyone really cares, but it's a slow morning at work and I fel like inflictnig myself upon as many of you as possible. Davey Itchin' - at least manages to get turns back. Having selected a map with lots of hills and no trees to maximise the target practice opportunities for his uber-kittens it seems he's bought at least half a dozen MARDERS! Gamey bastiche! Still, they make fine target practice for Daimler 2 pdrs. Mouse is a useless slack waste of space, but I digress..... Actually playing 2 against this boy.....dunno why - perhaps he likes pain? He seems surprised that I should have artillery in our attack (him, with hordes of the evil hun)/defence (me - with Green US infantry) game. Oh well....he's one tiger (?) down and that 57's going to get a spanking but it was worth it!! and in the ME game his infantry have successfully seized all objectives and been blasted to snot by all sorts of things throwing HE filled shells - it's lots of fun!! In a couple of moves I'll send the boys in for a cuppa among the ruins and blasted bodies in feldgrau.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: and Staling's organ I think that needs to be finished up. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes you slack git - it's been a week or more since I last got a turn from you - sort y'er act out!! Of course surrendering now that you're surrounded might be a good idea, but slowing the game down so it doesn't actually finish is a bit below the belt!!
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Right, Our TWO weapons are Surprise and Innapropriate Touching ... and ... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> the drivel!
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: David...perhaps English was not studied in my childhood home as much as math..does that make me a freak!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, not at all. What makes you a freak is that you are a freak.
  21. Yep - Sock Monkey & I have just finished out game on T24, but aer still awaiting the cease-fire turn to post scores. this is the one where he's got about 2 squads left - I'm anticipating a 70+ score for myself He (SM) tells me he's about to start playing KiwiJoe soon too. Otherwise things are still plodding along.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Now you really MUST make up your mind. Are my offerings paltry or are they incessant, you can't have it both ways. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why can't he? we all have to put up with your paltry AND incessant drivel - why shouldn't he??
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