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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. Oops - factual mistake corrected here: I bought 2 75mm pack howitzers - one got KO'ed fairly early & I'd forgotten about it. So I had 3 transports for my 4 guns. Mea Culpa. David your point about trucks being useful even if they're off table is irrelevant. we do not pay ofr any off-table transport elements. How would your tanks go without railways and trucks to bring them fuel or Ammo? Did your infantry walk from home to their training grounds and from there to battle? I think not, so why don't you pay for Trucks to transport them?
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posed by Belly Achin' in the outer boards: I have just been waxed in two combined-arms games where I bought armour and my opponent bought guns. One was Chad, the other was the disreputable Mr Stalin's Organ. I regard this as gamey because to buy guns, eschew transport, and conceal said guns in appropriate vantage points before the game starts is to take an unrealistic advantage in a Meeting Engagement. Pre-concealed guns should be the reserve of Defence scenarios, and the attacker's points advantage reflects the difficulty of locating enemy defenses without being destroyed in the process. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Is this the class of whinging and bleating that is expected from a Kay-nig-it of the pool? If so then I'll happily leave - I had thought that there would be some good opponents here, full of enthusiasm for the game and cunning deviousness to test my skills against and to have a metaphorical beer with afterwards with some boyish banter as we happily abuse each other chatting about recent history. For the record: 1/ I bought transport for 3 of the 4 guns I bought in this game 2/ 2 of those guns started limbered up and moved to positions from which they subsequently fired. One of them then libered up and moved again! 3/ The Whinger decided the game parameters and they were 2000 pts NO RESTRICTIONS. For this I bought a company of Brit Para's, a couple of Vickers MG's, 4 guns, 1 tank, some SP artillery (on table Sextons) and heavy artillery. Feh! Oh yeah, and 3 x 3" mortars on table and a Daimler A/C too. [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: To begin a battle with guns enjoying good LOS to likely routes of enemy advance is a characteristic of a prepared defense. That would not be a meeting engagement.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> At the risk of being repetitive, Bollocks. That's how anti-tank guns are supposed to set up given anything more than a few minutes! A prepared defence puts them into bunkers or emplacements, adds minefields and range markers and DF fire tasks and the like. Oh, and another dig at David - he doesn't know whether I have transport for my guns or not - he's never asked and I haven't told him! Point of fact is that I DO! 2 Jeeps - 1 for teh 6 pounder and 1 for the 75mm Pack, and a truck for the 17 pdr. Also only 1 of the guns started emplaced - the other 2 have been moved to their positions in the game! Before someone starts whinging about me buying Jeeps for the 2 guns - I'm using Brit Airborne, and that's what they actually used for these weapons! And I've used that transport to move them around into position on the map! But even so I would not consider someone buying them without transport to be gamey. David I was enjoying our game until I started reading this thread - now I consider you a true whinging pom! [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: I agree with David. If you want guns in an ME they should start hitched to transportation.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As one of the slandered, I'd just like to say utter bollocks. Firstly a ME is an almost entirely un-historical type of battle anyway. Secondly your set-up area is your set-up area. I bet neither Tree nor David sees anything wrong with having artillery observers set up in overwatch positions without buying jeeps to transport them? So what's the problem with guns? Do you think they all hung about "down the back" waiting to react to some enemy movement? Of course they bloody weren't - they were deployed, erady to fire, in positions considered advantageous! Sorry, but this sounds like poor-sport sour-grapes to me. Oh yeah, and hte guns I bought in het game with David were 1 17pdr, 1 6 pdr and 1 75mm pack howitzer. He bought at least half-a-dozen Marders, and a simiilar number of Stuh-42's, and set teh parameters as a free for all and 2000 pts, so sorry Dave, but your bleating here is utter nonsense! [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Just because he posts in the thread does not mean that he is one of us<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And just 'cos Berli's got a snoot on doesn't mean I ain't!
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars: Needs Penicillin – 28 (surely a high score for Jabo!) Lars – 72 <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There you have it folks - Dripping Boy owns up to getting the LOWEST ALLIED SCORE EVER FOR JABO!! Not only is the feat execreable in it's own right, but he boasts of it! A renaming must be in order - something like...Loser might be appropriate?? [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  7. Well could you please do the decent thing and die a/ Quietly and b/ Quickly. there's people in the queue who would greatly appreciate moving up one space!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: I've a mind <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Clearly perjury y'er 'onor - the prosecution rests [snoring]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: It is worthy of note that the grand plan of MacArthurs to defend the mainland of Australia was to give half of it away! Oh yes kiddies, long may you stare open mouthed at your monitors as the little known tale of the 'Brisbane Line' is recounted to you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah - it's difficult to know which was his daftest idea - that he was going to charge so much for half of it, or that he wanted to keep any of it! Hey Lardo - shall I post the e-mail where you reckon I may well get the highest score ever for Jabo?? Edited to wind up our Scandenavian contingent a bit more! [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  10. In order to grasp the true meaning of Stick's little joke yuo need to remember that Orztraylya is upside down, so the general meaning of everything he wrote needs to be reversed in order to make sense. Now on to the massacres: Crodaberg - old Lardo sent me this 'cos I thought Jabo was boring. Mind you this one's looking not much better - 5 German pillboxes and 2 guns ko'd on T1 for the loss of only TWO, yes, that's just 2 Shermie-wermies and a few other odds & ends! I hope it gets better than this some time soon! In his other efforts Lardo reckons I've done quite well in Jabo. Dunno why - after giving everything "run for it" orders on T1 I've only made about 5 or 6 other orders in the game - BOOOOOORRRRRRING! And in our pick-up match a Daimler's KO'd a Tiger from the rear, so you can see he's doing really well there too (chuckle, chuckle). Poor old Mouse really doesn't deserve being called Sancho - Sancho had at least a smidgen of military nouse - which I guess at least rhymes with Mouse, and louse, and scouse, both of which might also be appropriate. He's been whinging and moaning about my Para's having a couple of 75mm inf guns in a ME, and in his assault on the green Americans keeps blundering into the few minefields have. Then he sent me an utterly inexplicable message about me beinging to die or something - anyone here actually getting beaten by Mouse - it was probably meant for you. Davey wavey Belly-aching has gone AWOL for a day or 2, having had his STUH's blown to bits by an assortment of 1 75mm hoitzer (2 kills), 1 6 pdr (2) and 1 17 pdr(1), and he reckons I'm a gamey something or other that sounds like cake decoration, whereas his force of Marders and Stuh's with rickets is accurate and entirely historical and he can't figure out why he's getting thrashed - maybve he doesn't use a mirror to shave?? If he'd just come charging over the hills a-la Blitzkreig he'd probably have done really well! Appart from that you're al a bunch of useles toe rags who all deserve to be "entertained" by Australia - except you guys already there - you all deserve to be in Tasmania. [ 08-05-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Buzzsaw: Well, that treacherous Lars is making mincemeat out of my attacking forces in Crodaberg. Goddamn pillboxes. I wonder what the turn one record is for AFV losses. I might have broken it. I am pretty sure he is only using about one quarter of his force to hold back my mad assault. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Who the fek are you? Obviously some gamey upstart puke ersidue trying to use tactics or sumfink...whadya do...try to hide your tanks then move them out to get ko'd one at a time?? You total wally! Hey kids - yuo can stop looking now - I've found Wally and he's here! Put em in the open & duke it out - at least pretend to be a man! Seems Lardo has taken a liking to Crodaberg this week - we're just about to start T1, and it should be interesting with almost all the Allied at & armoured assets going head on with the 88mm pillboxes from about second 1......the converging yellow lines on the pillboxes should look quite impressive! I'm anticipating maybe a dozen dead Shermy wermies - but all the pillboxes will be KO'd by the Greyhounds while they're busy congratulating themselves!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: When the time came for proud, mercantile Australians to export the one product on which their nation's international reputation would be built<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bloody heck, after thise I was hanging out for the nude photos of ONJ or Kylie but what do I get.....a pointless rambling bunch of ****e from a poinless rambling bunch of ****e about how wonderful Australia is! I guess you ex-con's all have to stick together huh? Actually has anyone else noticed that when "Advance Australia Fair" plays not a single Aussie ever moves forward?? Very honest those ockers! [ 08-05-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  13. Oh good - no need to go to the outerboards to get grog content any more - there's enough idjits brining it all in here!
  14. Well as long as we're all hacking into Lorak for not catching up with things - did you get teh thrashing I gave David Itchy a couple of threads back? Just in case you missed it, beign hte busy chap you are and all that... Stalin's Organ a finely crafted WIN David Aichen ran away fast enough to get a loss And even if you did get it last time I like the sound of it so it's worth repeating.
  15. Brilliant - perhaps # 9 might be: It doesn't matter what happened in your last game, some b*****d will show up with a brand new gamey tactic in your next one and wipe the floor with you.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: I have blown up some of Stalin's Organ's stuff and he has blown up some of mine. He has gamily brought a bunch of AT guns to a meeting engagement. We are currently occupying opposite sides of a couple of large hills after chucking lots of big shells at each other. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 2d. Wotz gamey about it yah moaning sod? And FYI my best killer of pathetic German uber-tanks so far is a 75mm infantry gun! Besides, we learned it from that awfully decent chap Rommel in the dessert, he wasn't too bad for a hun y'know, and damned handy it is too! XXIX.(VII)/ I haven't noticed you chucking any big shells around at all - seems you might've run out of rickets, and really those little 105's hardly count in big boy's games! [ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonS: If any engines were going to fail, it would be before the CMBB battle began (that old 'its outside the scope' mantra again). Then it would be up to the scenario designer to explain, for example, why that 'platoon' of reinforcements only consists of one PzKpfW III.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well that's an interesting idea - % chance of each reinforcement element actually arriving - no 2 games ever the same!
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: Nubering turn files is for idiots<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well thre you go - Elvira now requires turn files sent to her to be numbered.
  19. There are similar mounts for Brens and probably DP's and Browning 1919's too I imagine. Shrug - probably only of use in rear areas anyway - troosp at het front are hardly going to want to stand up tall to use that while the enemy is advancing on them! FYI as an infantryman I was told to shoot (make-believe!) at atacking a/c on exercises. As an aircraft mechanic I'm aware that tyou don't have to shoot them down to have an effect - a bullet in a turbine engine will probably send any modern a/c home post haste, and the same principle applies to Thunderbolts or anything else - if you can damage them so the pilot notices then they may well abort.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I don't mean to sound presumptious or anything, but I do believe I am undefeatable. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How you think u're doin' in our games oh jamey one? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Well... at least indefatigable. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Maybe you aer, but the rest of us get tired listening to your scratches and squeaks Mousey, so do be a good little ratus ratus and crawl back in your hole......
  21. Probablyonce to figure out what "W" did, then again to figure out what "D" is for. I expect he'll do it twice more soon just to make sure he's getting all 4 he's paid for!
  22. tom & I have finished our game - 52 to me and 36 to him, with 3 of 4 flags showing neutral! A bit of a bloodbath - IRC I had 120 casualties, he had 140, but he only had 40 men left, I had 80 or so. Each of us had 1 vehicle left - a Jynx with no HE Ammo vs a Stuart! I'm happy to get a win from a rugged game! Any time you want revenge Tom.... Edited 'cos I got the scores wrong! [ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: An abrstraction to be sure but if you really want to "BACK" your way through some bocage with a tank than ummm, I am sure the defenders won't mind too much. :-D <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I bloody well object - it let him get away from a pursuing PzFaust, and then the coup-de-gras 9 man squad with 2 fausts came running up, couldn't find it and got wiped out by it for their trouble!!!! [ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  24. The Brits did try to deploy the 3.7" in a ground defence role at least once, but pparently thye put hte battery in an already over-growded wadi and strangely enough it achieved nothing because it was never attacked. However the Brits just didn't have the tactics to use something like the 3.7" properly.
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