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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. Yep - especialy useful if yuo'er doing a defensive operation. IIRC CMBB will have an "extreme" fog of war option which will not give you any information on hits on enemy vehicles, so teh only way you can be positive you've killed one will be to "brew it up", which seems jolly historical!
  2. Slap the SU-76i wasn't a captured Axis vehicel returned to war - it was a conversion - like taking a Sherman and making a Hetzer out of it. The Sov's did use many captured vehicles as-is. On the Russian battlefield site there's a story in the T34/85 section about a Russian armoured regiment that had a battalion of T34/76's, 1 of T70's, and one of captured Hungarian tanks! They got their first T34/85 by capturing it off the Germans and put it into service! Certainly they may have treated their vehicels with a different philosophy to the west, but they were not stupid - they knew it was often easier to repair than build anew, and if they set their damaged vehicles well to the rear to do it then what of it? New vehicles weer bought to the front on railways - so why not utilise the empty return carriages? And keeping down the number of men at the front lessens the supply and transport requirements for keeping those men fighting as well. It's probably something that other armies wished they CAOULD figure out how to do!
  3. Slap your comments about Soviet tank recovery are demonstrably wrong - the Sov's captured a couple of hundred Stugs and converted them to SU-76i's in 1943. Now they may have had to send them back to teh factories to do so, but so what? A reovered tank is a recovered tank, and whether it's repaired at eth front or not it is still a ersource that is easier to get than building a new one. If Sov tank recovery numbers weer low in 1941 it's probably be cause they were mlotly going backwards and didn't control the battlefields after the battle. They certainly had sufficient resources to recover tanks - that's how they got hold of the first Tigers in 1942 after all!
  4. I'd like to third that - I just finished a game where a Pantehr got penetraetd in het side by a Greyhound, lost a crew memeber and kept fighting - it was still there at the end of the game. And contrary to popular belief the Russians DID recover and repair a lot of tanks!!
  5. An update - Tom & I are on T24 now, just waiting for BER to stop us. His brave Ami's are partially encircled but unfortunately right on top fo the objectives!! His one remainig Stuart is bravely hiding behind a building as a Lynx and Puma encircle it from front and rear! Sock Monkey's praying for a game end I think - again he's got the remnants of a platoon surrounded on an objective tho' which may spoil the party, and part of a 2nd platoon lurking in woods clsoe to a 2nd objective waiting for a rush I think - ha - bet you thought I'd forgotten those guys!! Can't remember thh names of the other players sorry, but we're 2 tanks each in one game (Malcock?), with much of the US side of the board lookung like a lunar landscape - as do 2 areas on my side where there used to be guns!!
  6. Eba it only works for 2-player games, since all it does is say "enfd the game now", and it then requires 2 cease-fire requests by the players to actually finish it.
  7. Righto [l}MOUSE(/b] - since I've forgotten all about those games, and since you don't know anything about them either I figure both are up for grabs and both are on their way back to you. I expect you to forget that you've received them, butthat's OK - I'll remind you from time to time. I wish I could say look forward to your response......pathetic and ineffectual tho' it will certainly be.........but I expect it'll probably just irritate me, much like a polyp on the intestinal wall........giving me a belly ache and not much else.
  8. Given that they still don't get any armour I reckon 3 guns would still be an adequate limitation. The effectiveness of a force is much morethan just the sum of it's parts after all, and a well-handled mixed arms outfit should still have the Gerbils wrapped in masking tape even under the recon rules with 3 guns!
  9. Sigh, your moronic lack of memory really shouldn't surprise me, yet somehow it still does!! Clearly I'm not worthy for notice here until I can automatically regard you as a mindless cockroach not worth changing my step to crush! To recap, from memory: It's random weather, dawn, moderate trees and hills, rural landscape. You have a high morale Armour selection, I have a low morale American infantry selection. Your are assaulting.....ie yuo are on teh offensive....yuo should be able to manage something like that I suppose, your existence being as offensive as anything in this place. I look forward to lauching as yuor uber-panzers get mollested by the brave GI's of the 69th "Up & Under" Infantry Division! Ah..that's right - I figured if I restricted you to armour you'd probably whimper and complain about the parameters, so you do get the free choice. Of course if you had any pride in your name and balls made out of the same stuff as your frontal plates then you wouldn't buy anything except armour, but that's OK - I expect you to be as gamey as you feel you need to be! I look forward to capturing your conscript 300mm rockets and 210mm artillery! Editied 'cos )D(MOUSE's[q} post contained one smidgen of useful info that I had actually forgotten......but other than that he's full of ****e - don't stand on him anyone or it'll get everwhere! [ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  10. I agree with KJ - we need more Gerbils in the games!!
  11. HMG's were the standard means of ranging on all British tanks before laser range-finders. Maybe your source was talking about American AFV's? I don't know whether they used it or not.
  12. Mace old boy - feel free to SOD OFF at any time. given the wretched discipline shown by the kay-nig-it's, supposedly the finest this pool has to offer, I see nothing at all wrong with taunting the ever gramatically-corerct Iguanna with my UBB skills in a message to [s0MOUSE}i). Yes, that's right, the taunt is to someone and the message is to someone else.....I realise that this is probably too much for your short blunt brain to comprehend, but that's the way it is.
  13. No - exiting your own troops does nothign to your morale at all, that's why it's better to get them off than have them killed.
  14. I'm not sure what an "enema" unit is, but if you've captured one then yes yuo till get points for it if it exits off your own map edge. It's a good idea to exit useless troops AASAP since they are potential casualties, and captured troops so they can't be captured back.
  15. Considering it was lightly armoured and open topped, with a moderately powered gun in the same class as the Sherman 75, and it came out about the same time as the first Tigers........well, figure it out for yourself!! The Russians had hoped it would be a tank destroyer, but it wasn't up to the task and was quickly relegated to infantry support. However I'm sure it fired AP if absolutely required to do so.....but they weren't meant for the anti-tank role for most of their life.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by (i]MOUSE[/b}: Well, Joseph's Johnson, that ****e as you call it is the return of a crappy old QB ME that YOU sent ME sometime last week. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Clearly your internal chronometer is full of ****e, for I did not send you anything last week......the last mail I sent you was 3-4 weeks ago, and I shall resend it since you seem to have finally found some small round things the play with. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Return it or not, I will feel relieved if you back out of a game. I am sick of beating up on newbie scum.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How can you be sick of something that's never happened? Oh..of course, you'er sick of thinking about it....hang on...that can't be right either......you haven't got a brain so can't possibly be thinking at all.....
  17. Hey, MOUSE, what's this piece of ****e in my in-box?? A low-imagination, boring old ME - jeez, I get enough of those trying to win grog in the outerboards!! Put some imagination into it you dingbat!!
  18. At home I've got a picture of a KV-2 with a 20mm hole right through the barel!
  19. Panzer you missed at least half my point, which was that on a long term basis the WW2 advance was no faster than the WW1 one. Sure the WW2 types might have done better on a particular day, but overall they were withing a km per day of each other, with WW1 being the faster! In 1939/40 there were precious few armoured half tracks - the vast majority of infantry walked and guns were mostly animal towed, even in the German army. In the Panzer divisions the vast majority of infantry rode in trucks, which gave them strategic mobility. Even later on IIRC only 1/3rd of Panzer-Grenadiers were supposed to ride in half-tracks.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: I never thought . <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You got that right <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stalin's Organ (I won't ask which organ)... ... ... That's about the wittiest thing anyone here can say .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, that about sums it up too, although some of the other floating lumps of partially digested vegetable matter do do a bit better, so I'd tend to restrict it to you. God only knows how a snotty nosed pimply cheeked brat like you is allowed to exist. Obviously you've outgrown nappies but not the need for them. Sigh...potty training obviously took a downhill dive in the late 70's!
  21. It's true! Should Davidov ever be forced to jump out a window or hide in his closet with his pants around his ankles there'll be time to recount a US presidential election before there's any actual action! I predict that such a situation could quickly end all chance of him ever reproducing, and so it's something we can all hope for.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Btw, Joseph's flacid member, by the jib of your posts I believe it time for your daily dose of mental viagra. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This would be as opposed to your daily dose of chicken pellets?
  23. What the fek has it got to do with you squeaky - if you think you've got anything of use to say then suggest that you shut up, 'cos you're wrong! Edited 'cos nothing's allowed to be perfect in here! [ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Never mentioned the SPW 251 as the definitive infantry vehicle of blitzkrieg, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well at least they got one thing right then! There weer sweet f/a 251's about in 1940-41, and there was no Blitzkreig after that. In an old S&T mag they compared the movement rates of the Germans from the Belgian border to teh Marne in WW1, to Paris in WW2, and the Israeli advance across the Siniai in 1967. The germans weer the fastest on a km per day basis.....in WW1!
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