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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. Yeah, it's the "open up" command. If the button is lit up and the hotkey is not visible in the corner then the vehicle is already opened up and pressing it will button them. Logically you would think the command name would change in the UI depending on what using it will do, but it doesn't.
  2. You do realize that the time may come when you are civilization's last hope, right? Get your tin foil hat and ninja suit ready. Kettler will contact you when it's time.
  3. I bet you could run a monster CMBN scenario on that computer. Well of course they are going to use it to control the US public. But I'm not concerned. I make a point of not worrying about things beyond my control, and since I -- as a member of the US public -- will be under their control I won't be able to do anything about it, so it's a waste of time to worry. QED
  4. I hear you, man. The general uberness of armor and the limitations the game places on AT guns and infantry trying to deal with it is IMO the game's biggest shortcoming. I have had enough tank duels though thick forest canopies to conclude that tree branches and leaves are eye candy only. Only the tree trunks block LOS/LOF. EDIT: I just remembered I put up a video last year demonstrating the non-LOS blocking nature of tree foliage.
  5. Attack or defense? Depending on the source it was around 100-200 meters on the advance, at least twice that in defense. My own experience in CMBN is that 200 meters is about the practical limit on the attack in a two up formation. Even then I will sometimes need to send the platoon HQ to one side and the company HQ to the other.
  6. That's interesting. I never tried testing at that short of a range. The reason I said they always aim for center of mass is because that is what BFC has said they do. Maybe they tweaked it in one of the patches.
  7. It was reduced in the 1.01 patch. I don't know if they will reduce it again but BFC has said it is purposely somewhat high because reducing it to realistic levels would screw the AI. The AI is not good about stopping tanks to fire. Agreed, and the instant reaction times exacerbate the problem. Could use improvement, but I don't think it's a major issue. The subsystem damage isn't so much a joke as it is highly abstracted.
  8. I think we can safely conclude CM does not use the battlesight numbers. According to the manual they should be getting a first shot bonus against enemy units near a friendly TRP.
  9. Depends on what range you are seeing the 1st shot hits at. At 500m or less 1st shot hits are expected. These are the Rexford numbers I linked to earlier, which assume 35% range estimation error. Panther 75 ---------- 97% at 500m, 65% at 750m, 35% at 1000m Tiger E 88 ---------- 90% at 500m, 52% at 750m, 27% at 1000m Nashorn 88 ---------- 98% at 500m, 72% at 750m, 41% at 1000m PzKpfw IVH 75 ------------- 83% at 500m, 45% at 750m, 23% at 1000m Sherman 75 ---------- 68% at 500m, 32% at 750m, 16% at 1000m
  10. There is no aiming at particular spots on a tank in CM. Gun crews will always fire at center of mass.
  11. Edit: ^^^ And then there's that, LOL You also have to change the battle type in the editor to match what ever type of QB battle you wish to play on it i.e. attack, meeting engagement, ect. And of course you save it in the Quick Battle folder.
  12. Looking through that thread, it appears Rexford's numbers are from a computer program he and Robert Livingston used. Haha.
  13. I wish Rexford had gone into more detail about how came up with those numbers. He did mention they they are purposely more pessimistic than firing range figures. Some tests that noob ran recently suggest that CM does not use optics to modify accuracy; that optics are only used for spotting purposes and that tank gun accuracy is basically a straight function of muzzle velocity modified by a few other factors such as crew quality. This is of course how it also worked in the CMx1 games. I don't think CM models the German use of smokeless powder.
  14. I recently did some testing that showed CMBN tank fire accuracy matched up closely to expected numbers. I think part of the problem is that many people formed their opinion of what WW2-era accuracy was by playing the early Combat Mission games. But those games under-modeled accuracy, a fact that tread heads repeatedly told BFC at the time. It seems they have finally listened. Tank spotting is probably still too optimistic with regards to areas to the side of the tank. And tank crews still have the same Borg-like ability to instantly and unerringly communicate information with each other that they have always had since CMBO. But the biggest cause of uber-armor in CMBN isn't the tanks themselves, but the limitations in what infantry can do against them.
  15. Thanks for doing this. I assume the contact icons are shared, so that the US/UK one will have to be swapped out. If that is the case I wonder if maybe something other than a star could be used for the UK. I know the Brits did paint stars on their vehicles for the Normandy campaign, but I can't help but think a little Union Jack would add more flavor.
  16. I just ran all 3 tests. Turn based/Iron. The fortifications never appear for me. I ran all 3 tests for the full 30 minutes. I also tried it in RT mode for a few minutes but saw no difference. Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.110622-1506) Language: English (Regional Setting: English) System Manufacturer: ASUSTek Computer Inc. System Model: G60J BIOS: BIOS Date: 06/15/09 18:50:05 Ver: 08.00.10 Processor: Intel® Core i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz (8 CPUs), --------------- Display Devices --------------- Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce GTX 260M DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0618&SUBSYS_20331043&REV_A2 Display Memory: 2792 MB Dedicated Memory: 1005 MB Shared Memory: 1786 MB Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz) Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor Monitor Model: unknown Monitor Id: AUO15ED Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.008Hz) Output Type: Internal Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um Driver File Version: 8.17.0012.7061 (English) Driver Version:
  17. Not me. Aris is an amazing artist, but the amount of weathering he puts on his vehicles is not realistic IMO. They look like they have had years of hard use. Some mud and dirt is certainly in order, but most front line vehicles in WW2 did not live long enough to become "weathered" to any great degree. I think dpabrams has it just about right.
  18. It sounds like you've been a bit unlucky. The 17 pdr will struggle to penetrate the front hull, but it should be able to blow through the front turret.
  19. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1345085&postcount=17
  20. If by through the front you mean the front turret, yes. IRL it could penetrate out to about 200m, although I have seen penetrations in the game out further than that. But the US 76mm could not penetrate the Panther upper hull at any range -- outside of the aforementioned weak point -- unless using HVAP ammunition, and even then penetration depended on armor quality (at the Isigny tests 76mm HVAP failed to penetrate good quality Panther glacis plate at 200m). I probably should re-test this stuff at some point.
  21. Dismount and Bail Out commands cannot be cancelled once issued, even in WEGO. I don't know why it's like that, but it's been that way forever so it's probably not a bug. IMO it's just one more reason to use the alternative hotkey file, where Quick is mapped to Q.
  22. If the target line is blue then everyone in the selected unit has LOS. Post a save file if you have one.
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