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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. Keep in mind that if Vein's mod has not been updated for 1.10 (and it hadn't last I looked) some small arms will share the same sound files rather than using their own unique sounds.
  2. British 17 pdr will penetrate the turret of the Porsche KT. We'll see about the Henshel.
  3. I just ran into this myself. I moved a 4-man squad into an action spot with 4 foxholes and one crater from a Sherman 75mm tank round. Using face commands I got 3 of them into foxholes, but 1 just sat in that little crater staring at the foxhole.
  4. I just tried a set up similar to what you described. Began with a inf. battalion. deleted all but 2 companies and all vehicles. Added an MG team and anti-tank team to each company. Added an FO section to the battalion. Then bought a Self-Propelled Field Gun Troop (Sexton), a Field Gun troop (25 pdr) and a Close Support Howitzer Section (tank) for kicks. I started the game and all 3 artillery assets were listed in the FO's indirect fire menu.
  5. Or perhaps they just died. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Suez
  6. Sure, and if Britain and France had declared war when Germany rematerialized the Rhineland in violation of the Treaty of Versailles there never would have been a Battle of Britain.
  7. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1272591&postcount=1 That forum post really should have been stickied.
  8. Those do make for the most interesting counter-factuals. I would toss my vote in with the Battle of the Atlantic. Although to be fair, calling a multi-year campaign over a such a vast area a "battle" is perhaps giving it an unfair advantage. By that measure Barbarossa was also a battle, as was the struggle in North Africa.
  9. On the other side of the coin there were events like this: “Near Nancy, France, between Luneville and Arracourt, we faced a group of German tanks that had taken a position one mile away, across a shallow open valley. Our M-18s were in defilade, facing out over a small hill. Infantry led the way across the valley with three M-4s intermingled. The Krauts let them get halfway across, then opened up with anti-tank fire from woods on the right. They immediately KO’d two M-4s and drove the infantry to the ground. Two Panthers, a Mark IV, and an assault gun came out of the woods and moved across our line of fire at the distance of about a mile. In his position in our open turret, the tank commander, SSG Hicklin, watched their progression through his glasses and called out the range: “Two thousand yards, moving at about ten mph.” Our rifle, with AP, had a muzzle velocity of 2,700 fps, so it would take two seconds to arrive on target. The Krauts were moving at fifteen feet per second, which let them travel thirty feet in two seconds. Their lead tank was twenty feet long (from the book), so we led him a good length for a center shot. We laid on and fired. Voila, a hit! It struck two feet in front of his rear drive idler. We then picked the last tank and scored — he began to burn. The two intervening tanks were destroyed by two fast AP shots. So we got two Panthers, a Mark 4, and an assault gun. Our 76mm rifle packed a good punch, even at two thousand yards. We felt that we had the best self-propelled antitank gun in the ETO.” -- Phil Hosey, 704th Tank Destroyer Battalion
  10. The aircraft noises are a known symptom of continuing a game in 1.10 that was started in 1.01. It reportedly goes away after a turn or 2.
  11. Peripheral vision is reduced 35%. Red/green color differentiation is reduced by 41%. Hand tremors occur 60% of the time. At least that's been my own experience when attempting to drive after long playing sessions.
  12. Strange. All the files in the Z folder should be mods. IIRC, the Z folder does not even exist when you install the game. You have to create it yourself if you want to use mods.
  13. Same reason Canada made plans for war with the US. As I said on page 1, militarys make contingency plans for many events, not just likely events.
  14. Well, yeah. At what point between the World Wars were the US and the UK ever remotely close to coming to blows?
  15. Sh!t just got real! I see a padlock on the horizon. Oh, wait BFC doesn't read the forum much anymore. Carry on.
  16. I would guess he's thinking of War Plan Red. Canada had a plan for war against the US too. What I think is that militarys habitually make plans for all kinds of contingencies, including ones they think are highly unlikely.
  17. All you have to do is read about the Greer Incident and a few others like it to know that Roosevelt was doing everything he thought he could get away with to egg on the Germans and Japanese into attacking us. If the Japanese had not attacked there eventually would have been a Lusitania type incident to start it.
  18. Now much later? IIRC the issues were not corrected until years after the war ended, and that this was the primary reason US and Soviet armies did not begin to transition to discarding sabot ammo until the late '50s to early '60s. True. APDS had a much flatter trajectory, which often led gunners to aim high.
  19. Separate British tests referenced in UK War Office WO 291/1263 and WO 165/135 show the same issue, so it would not be correct to pin this on a single batch of bad ammo.
  20. Interesting that British frontages were roughly half that of the Germans.
  21. They can be if you have the proper mod. More Visible Unit Bases Ultra Visible Unit Bases And my favorite: Hex-shaped Unit Bases
  22. The logic is that fanatics never disobey orders and a covered arc is an order. How realistic that is in real world terms is certainly debatable but I can tell you that it makes running tests far easier than it otherwise would be.
  23. The willingness of a crew to disregard a covered arc order when under fire is highly influenced by motivation. Normal crews usually will disregard them, but fanatic crews never will.
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