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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. I tend to agree that Panthers are better, which makes me wonder why Tigers are more expensive in CMBN when it was the other way around in the CMx1 games. But a case can be made for the Tiger. For one thing it practically requires 76mm or better to kill, whereas the Panther is vulnerable to flanking shots from even a Greyhound. The Tiger's 88 is more likely to destroy anything it hits, due to more devastating after-armor effects and a more powerful HE round. The Tiger is very unusual in that it has stronger armor on its front turret than its front hull, which means hull-down positions are doubly beneficial. With a Panther I almost feel like I'm better off avoiding hull-down so I can proudly present that invincible upper hull for everything to bounce off of.
  2. I think there are a lot of people who don't. There is no in-game indication that they are clickable, and IIRC no mention of it in the manual. :confused: You may try removing any icon mods you may be using, but otherwise I also have no idea why they would not be clickable.
  3. I assume you would need a 3rd party to set up the scenario, correct? Unless you and your opponent are ok with knowing each other's purchases. I recall people doing this with the CMx1 games too.
  4. I would be cautious making judgements about how typical that is in the game based on personal experience. We would need scores of hits at least, probably more than a hundred, and compare that to a similar amount of hits on other tanks to get a solid basis. Having said that, there may be some justification for a higher number of gun hits on the Tiger, although probably not dramatically higher. If you compare the Tiger's 88mm cannon to the 75mm cannon on the Panther it is apparent that the 75 is one long tube while the 88 is made of 3 sections that increase in diameter as they get closer to the mantlet. I don't have any measurements, but just eyeballing it I would guess the section attached to the mantlet is nearly twice the diameter of the 75. The Tiger consequently also has a larger breech ring.
  5. In head-to-head play I would probably only allow TRPs for the defender, if they are allowed at all. As noted above, artillery in CMBN is probably a bit overly accurate and flexible already, and realism aside it's no fun feeling like you were defeated by an orbital bombardment.
  6. Walking on a thin line Straight off the front line Take a look at my face, see what it's doing to me This thread has that stuck in my head :confused:
  7. It's hard to say because I'm not sure when the deploy time starts, or even if they are always listed as deploying. They are never listed as deploying while the gun is being rotated to the firing vector (it's "moving"), but if they don't spend much time doing this they are sometimes listed as "deploying" after the gun is in place. The problem is that typically not the whole crew deploys. For example 4 of them may deploy but the gunner -- the "anti-tank" guy -- will not and can start firing the gun as soon as it's pointing in the right direction.
  8. Further testing shows it is more random than I thought. I have been able to get the gun to instant deploy without moving the gun at all. If I pack it up, let it sit for a few more minutes without moving and then redeploy some members of the crew will be shown deploying and others won't. The first time I did it 2 crew members out of 6 were shown deploying. The second time 4 members. But at long as the gunner isn't one of the deploying crew members the gun can begin firing immediately. In any case it does not appear to be working correctly. EDIT: I just tried this with a German 50mm AT gun and the same thing happens.
  9. Confirmed it. But it's a conditional bug. I tested with a US 57mm AT gun. If the gun is just sitting there limbered but not moving and you give it a deploy order it will deploy normally (1.8 minutes). But if you give it a move order, select the end of the movement white ball thingy and give the deploy order there the gun will instantly deploy when it reaches that point.
  10. I think it's all machine guns, period, as it also happens with the US M1919 MMG.
  11. Thanks, man. Saves me from having to test the damn game again.
  12. Makes no sense. I may set up a little test later to see if that is typical TacAI behavior.
  13. Well, there is nothing simulated about the confusion it is causing people playing the game
  14. I have to take back my earlier idea that "?" markers only go away when a unit is destroyed. An enemy Schreck team in a crater took a casualty (I saw the red cross) and the "?" disappeared. A few turns later the survivor popped up and started shooting again. Unless it was a different Schreck team that just happened to be in the same spot...
  15. That's interesting, because the only time I can recall seeing the "?" mark permanently disappear is when the unit that made it is destroyed. In fact, this seems to be a way to see through FOW. If you are area firing near a "?" and it disappears you can be sure that unit just got wiped out. I suspect, but am not 100% sure, that the "?" marks left by knocked-out tanks are actually made by the bailing crew.
  16. I could be wrong, but it seems to me the opacity is entirely a function of how recent the contact. The only way I can tell if it is a sound contact is if it's in an area I know for sure no friendly unit has LOS to.
  17. Alt-I. But this also toggles off unit icons. You can have have "?" icons on and unit icons off, but the opposite is not allowed for some reason.
  18. Try to think of the little infraction mark as your red badge of courage
  19. I tried using Aris's hi-res gridded terrain, but the grid lines were so thin I couldn't see them unless I was close to the ground. So I'm still using Niessuh's.
  20. I agree that slowing down the rocking motion would be an improvement. As for when the main gun fires, that really is greatly exaggerated. In reality even modern tanks only move a fraction of what they do in the game.
  21. The SdKfz 232 had a rear-facing driver and driver controls. The main advantage of this may have been the ability to drive backwards without running into stuff. IRL a driver backing up a tank would need to be guided, probably by the tank commander, which would slow things down. KT could rotate in place, but probably did not do so often. I remember reading somewhere that is was indeed hard on the transmission. However, it could also turn around in the length of its body by locking one track. Here is a video of a 45 ton Jagdpanther turning a complete 180° in 12 seconds. BTW, notice how much the Jagdpanther rocks back and forth when it stops and starts. CMBN may be more accurate in that aspect than it's been given credit for.
  22. It's in the UI panel at the bottom of the screen. When you click on a tank, for example, you see a silhouette of that tank in a panel near the middle. To the right of the silhouette you see 3 tabs that show ammo, damage, ect. When you click on an infantry HQ unit the silhouette panel shows a black flag and the 3 tabs to the right become 2 tabs: a single flag tab that shows "Units" (units directly under the HQ command), and a 3 flag tab that shows "Formations" (essentially subordinate HQs). If clicking on a unit's floating icon does not select it that must be a technical problem you are having because it certainly should. In the example you give you should be able to select all 3 Panthers by clicking on one, then clicking on the next 2 while holding down the Shift key. To select an entire formation (a company for example) double click on that unit or its icon. That is certainly a problem. That doesn't happen to me, but there is a bug in the 1.10 version that causes lockups during setup when there is barbed wire on the map, but IIRC that happens when you try to reload the save so it may not be related to your problem.
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