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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Nah. France 1940 will have to be "CM: French Blitzkrieg". Poland '39 has the obvious name "CM: First Blitzkrieg".
  2. Well, as I've stated earlier, it's great to have a possible shortcoming/flaw discovered. And, now it seems like BFC is implementing a fix. Wow. That's great. Okay, the fix isn't what Skwabie wants. Hmm... Is the fix closer to Skwabie's ideal than what the current model has? Umm...yes. I will add on more question/idea: I wonder what effect the barrel has on protection values for penetrations on the mantlet? Would edge effects really be present if the edge is buttressed by a barrel? Could a shell penetrate a hole if the barrel plugged that hole? That diagram of the turret front armor opening is great...but that hole is mostly filled with barrel. Perhaps that should be looked at? Meantime, I can't help but think this type of response from BFC is what any customer would want. (And saying BFC models for the "beer and pretzel" crowd is so far from the truth that a statement like that is no doubt due to frustration, not rational analysis.) Ken
  3. Gah! Enough of this "koombaya" crap. I'm really glad you finally got your Hellcat crews to get themselves out of those armored carapaces! C'mon, how are your men supposed to show you their valor from inside a fossil-fuel belching behemoth? Your actions have allowed the survivors, who have proven themselves as competent warriors by their very survival, to attack on foot...as men should! As an added bonus, Baneman now has 3 fewer rounds of ammunition. That's a win! (Umm, you did have some survivors?)
  4. Agreed: Baneman just had a very fortuitous turn of events. It helps...but he'll need a lot more care to preserve his force. Bil will use maneuver to try for flank shots. The big kitty needs to get on a road...
  5. You set up a very nice riposte to his advance. You cannot predetermine how the gunnery will turn out.
  6. Let's link to this thread when Wiggum complains about the price to upgrade all his content to the next engine...with whatever improvements it may bring. For everyone else, look at what CMFB offers and decide if it's worth the cost. No need for angst...
  7. Funny. Why is he entitled to post his negative/deconstructive criticisms? Seriously: why should he be "entitled" to it? This is BFC's forum and he has been very negative. Hey, that's okay... Really. Invite me to your house, and I'll tell you how ugly your wife and child are. I'm "entitled" to share that opinion, right? (See what I did there? That's an "analogy".) So, whereas "constructive criticism" can be good, a lot of what is posted by 2 or 3 individuals is always negative and always posted in an offensive manner. There is no such "entitlement". At base, BFC has worked on a new CM product. Wiggum comes on BFC's website and starts denigrating that product before it is even released. Is he "entitled" to this "right"? Umm...nope. Instead, wouldn't it have been helpful if Wiggum had stated what he wants to see in the game? And, how the changes would be back-ported to the other games in the series? And, how much that would cost the customer? And, how much time/effort/manpower BFC should/would expend on the changes he desires? And, how these changes improve gameplay, rather than just become the hell which led to Squad Leader's demise by the 4th module? Can CM be improved? Of course. Now, are Wiggum/CarlWAW's ideas improvements? Umm....maybe not. Of course, it'd be easier to tell whether or not they're improvements if he(they?) would state what precisely should be added. Of course, saying anything like what I just did will get me labeled as a "fanboi". Really? Do a search. Before I was invited to be a beta tester, I was on the CMSF forum showcasing what I thought could be improved, and why. Guess what? That's still happening. Only, it's not here, where you see it. So...whereas there is always room for improvement, the messenger certainly taints the message. FWIW.
  8. I hear a "VROOOMM" and I see some odd black lines ( ) behind that Chaffee. What could it mean?
  9. Ground contact area of the track as the divisor of the weight being supported is only part of the issue. The other is something called Maximum Mean Pressure. Basically, the more, and closer, the roadwheels are, the better the flotation. Suspension matters. The German interleaved system was very good for this. See what this thread devolves into when your production pauses??? Now start posting more, or we'll start debating rifling twist rates! (And, yes, a charge at the Sturmtiger between shots is just what the doctor ordered. That Chaffee is just the ticket... )
  10. That duel on your right looks interesting. Will a 128mm shell at a few hundred meters even know if it passes through a Hellcat? How heartbroken will you be if the Jagdtiger takes a hit, it ricochets, then you see a red 'x' for "Main Gun"? I like the infantry advance on the left: a lot of great cross-support. Will you have time in the game for a foot-speed advance through snow? Thanks.
  11. You have finally embraced my combat methodology: your Sherman is being used as bait. You've told the crew that Adolf Hitler is in a kubelwagen just on the other side of the hill. Their bravery and initiative could end the war...today. Simultaneously, you've told the Hellcat TC's that you've been noticing a bit of shakiness regarding the Sherman crew. If they crack, and do something odd, like charge the enemy, then the Hellcats could best support their sacrifice by being in position to pick off any Germans which give away their position. Am I close?
  12. Anti-anti-tank gun tactics (AATGT?): use scouts. Either split infantry teams which get into overwatch (with binos), flood the zone, and sit for 10 minutes, or use scout cars/tanks. That takes a lot of time and is a very slow approach. Otherwise, several tanks at a time come out, so that one should spot the firing ATG. Once spotted (or suspected), then either avoid its field of fire, or disable it. You can disable it with Arty, or direct-lay mortar, or direct-lay HE, or multiple machineguns (or autocannon, if present). The indirect method is best (avoid it, flank it, kill it). However, SMOKE is really your friend if you don't have lots of responsive arty. (Arty is the best, as in 105mm or bigger.) Dropping some SMOKE right in front of the ATG neutralizes it and gives you time to cross the covered zone. Area fire at it, Smoke it, assault it. Then take pictures of your men cavorting around the trophy. Anime: yes, agree with the others that your drawings are very well done.
  13. I don't think it will take Bil too long to figure out that Baneman doesn't have much armor. Bil is very good (the best?) at figuring out enemy forces based on hinted sightings, ears upon railway tracks, and entrail burning. Once he recognizes that he has the armor advantage, he will focus on each of Baneman's tanks in turn. Baneman will lose them...but will make up for it when he charges his JagdTiger (with inop gun due to a long-range 90mm hit) in an attempt to ram one of Bil's Jumbos. His hope is that secondary detonations will avenge his panzerwaffe...
  14. ...that, and their utility for blowing up enemy infantry behind fortifications. Get one in a window and that should stop all that firing... Think how RPGs are used.
  15. Glad to hear she's resting. Must be a huge relief...for both of you. Okay, now...what have your men discovered about the Sturmtiger? A secret weakness?
  16. Well, the only reason it was an Allied Tactical Victory was because Bil was gracious enough to ceasefire when he did, and he was gentlemanly enough to leave the victory locations at his end of the map unoccupied. Had the battle continued much longer, the Glider Pilots would have had to bid their barmaids "adieu": yes, it would've been that grim. Bil is an exemplary pbem partner and it was my pleasure to be able to partake in an aar with him. But, about this one... Baneman NEEDS to split his forces. His armor needs to stay at standoff ranges of 800m+. 1,200m+ for the Jagdtiger if able. His infantry needs to get within 60m of Bil's forces (Pf and Psk effective ranges. 80m to 100m would be extreme.) This will be hard to do....unless his inf can gain the objectives and force Bil to close with them.
  17. By MY definition...I won. After all, the only thing that really matters is panache and style. Plus, my wife executed several turns. C'mon, that's priceless. But, back on topic: since these battles should showcase the upcoming game, there should be a bit of 3rd party oversight to ensure the clash will produce sparks. Right now, it seems like we'll hear a lot of thuds and then "Hilfe!" as Baneman's infantry meet Mr. Ma Deuce.
  18. ^^^ Agreed. It looks like you've nicely saturated the width of the map with units. I advise an immediate push towards the other side. If it fails, you'll have time to come up with more plans.
  19. Yes! An attack! An edge-hugging, creeping through the bushes, moving slowly through snow, attack, but an attack nonetheless! Has the JagdTiger immobilized yet?
  20. Certainly not... Best wishes for her, and you. Get it sorted, then post back. Of course, if she is following this CAAR, then you'd be helping her recovery by getting on with it!
  21. I LOVE the mp44s. It's almost like leading a squad of CMBS Russians/Ukrainians. The panzerfaust help, too. Find Bil's infantry and, well, here it is: ATTACK!!!
  22. My battle with Bil for MG was similar: I chose an airborne heavy oob, to showcase what they could do. He picked a lot of armor. I still won. The QB force selection "meta-game" is something which can create asymmetries. That's what we're seeing. I'd prefer, like Bil, that someone else choose forces (maybe just a minimum equipment list) so that a bit of everything will be in the mix and neither side is so "off". That JagdTiger could still rule the map...if Baneman doesn't bog it or lose the TC to a sniper.
  23. Ahh, yes. I'd prepped my base house for the next tenants (some friends). I went back in after the painters were done and found that I'd forgotten one coffee mug on the top shelf of the cupboard. Yep, they'd painted right over it. I left it there. Nice coffee mug "shadow" on the back wall of the cupboard. Hurrrrumph. Back to my need for a reputable firm to assist with my move in Bangalore. See, I live in sadishiva-nagar, and need to go to kadugondanahalli, preferably via mg road. I am willing to go through devanahalli, if needed. If only I knew SOMEONE to whom I could reach out towards so they could offer me their packing and moving services. And I thought the interwebs would solve such dilemmas. Well, at least I won't worry about moving my gin.
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