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Everything posted by c3k

  1. It's nice that kinophile was a good enough chap to let you expend your munitions. Some oppo's would not be so polite. Now you men can move more rapidly to their deaths.
  2. So, here's one to think about: the average track pressure of a tank is on the order of the pressure exerted by a soldier's foot on the ground. If a soldier steps on my thigh, I won't even bruise. If a tank rolls over my thigh...well, my thigh will be somewhat marred. Perhaps average pressure is too simplistic to use. (MMP is incorporated into the game.)
  3. I was at the Marine Corps museum near Quantico a few years ago. A vet from the first wave at Iwo was our guide. He was ashore for 5 weeks. A BAR gunner at first, then, after two weeks, a flamethrower operator. He said he used it for three weeks. He felt they should be banned. I cannot adequately convey the haunted look in his face as he talked about how well the flamethrower worked.
  4. A co, thanks for taking the time for doing the sub-titles! Nice film.
  5. TWO?!?!? Just 2... Better than none. But, still, you'd think there'd be more. You should attack.
  6. Finns as an add-on? Totally bad idea. It would unbalance the game. Now, if you just added ONE Finn, then, yeah, that could work. (Still be a tough battle for the Soviets...)
  7. Your men are unmotivated. If they wanted to leave, they'd find a way. I'll bet if they were in the same tower with the zombies, they'd find a way out. (Pretty cool if that's the victory location. Win, win!!)
  8. Oooo. I like that idea. Of course, is separating the battlefield going to help the plan? Keep 'em coming! Thanks.
  9. It's easier to keep the zombies inside? Could be an oversight...could be a game decision for some reason. (I can postulate a few: barricaded entrances; to show the buildings are "out of play"; because he goofed.) Contact the designer. Ken Edited: Got ninja'd. Hmm..."Empty" water towers. Otherwise, I'd be sending demo teams there just to watch the flood.
  10. Use of HE is driven by tactics, not political sensitivity. If I lose 5 men taking a position, my 40-man platoon can only take a certain number before offensive ops have to stop. If, by using HE, I only lose ~1/2 a man per position (1 every 2), then my platoon is that much more effective. Plus, HE solves the cover problem. Hiding behind a berm? Boom! Problem solved. Yes, Western armies are rich enough to use smart HE. Other nations' forces have to solve the problem using excess population.
  11. Edited: LOL...I have MikeyD disease! Funky server tonight.
  12. I'm sorry, I didn't hear it the first 3 times. Re: lethality. Modern infantry in CMBS is modelled with body army. Modern firearms are sub-caliber. 5.56 does do damage when it hits. But a .30 '06 does far more. So, you've got 5.56mm (or 5.45mm) hitting body armor THEN causing wounding, compared to .30 '06 (or .303 or 7.92mm) hitting naked flesh. That's why modern units use so much HE.
  13. Last minute work? Bah. Rushed work is shoddy work. No work is better than shoddy work. It's best if you just don't do a thing. Family trip? Not needed. They're family: they'll understand if you don't go. And, if they don't understand, they'll at least put up with it. There. Now I've freed up your time. You're welcome.
  14. The only thing better than a DAR...is one which keeps posting!!! MOAR! Git to work!!!
  15. M1: export versions are less armored. Not applicable to the bustle. That's a good shot they made. The vertical flames are from the ammo blowout panels. If the crew kept the ammo bin doors closed, they had a chance. If they were undisciplined (or just unlucky), and those doors weren't closed, well, I hope it was quick. But, APS systems are proven to work. It's only a matter of time until the US has them on all their tanks.
  16. Yes, the ratio of the number of programmers to the game quality is the best in the industry, IMO. (There are some very talented artists, as well.) I don't keep count of these things, but I'd be amazed if BFC has more than a dozen folks on payroll (either employees or contracted). It's amazing (from the Beta side of things) how rapidly issues get corrected, once identified and verified. (The fix may not get released right away due to the desire to have fewer but better patches to keep the number of game versions down.) I cannot imagine the daily work schedule going on behind the scenes. Ken
  17. I've got the book. What a great job researching the battle. Your battle/mods look superb. (I love your CM timeline. The space lobster needs a ray gun of some sort. )
  18. Yes, a DAR/AAR should be very different than most battles. In fact, I still fondly remember the brunette in the red tanktop (appropriate, no?) in that pub in Boston who kept trying to distract me by running her fingers down my leg whilst I was battling Bil in CMBN's Market Garden DAR. Hmm...could he have sent her? I must look into that... The smack-talk is key. Battlefield losses are immaterial. The better the screenshots, the better the player.
  19. Houses in Normandy were famously hard. These were smallish structures with a LOT of THICK stone walls and small windows. Modern building techniques pale in comparison to how well those structures we built. Yes, we're more "efficient" now. Or forefathers built much more inefficient but sturdier houses. 50 HE? Hmm. That's a lot. Offices and factories were less robust than the Norman farmhouses. The Ardennes region had similar structures as Normandy. Old structures were very strong. Newer ones, less so. (Brick is easier to demolish, for example.) Think of how well the internal walls of the Stalingrad factories held up. Those were built "inefficiently" but were massively thick (masonry?) to support the various industrial tool requirements. I'm not saying the game has it right. Nor am I saying the game has it wrong. Ken
  20. LOL. Yeah. Don't know why, but I kept thinking SA-14. Noted and reported. Thanks.
  21. Marwek77, great pix. Yeah, that's what has been reported, just the way you showed it. So...who's vehicle mods are those? They look great. Ken
  22. Confirmed and reported. Well, I found the SA-18 and SA-24 in the game, but no SA-13. Regardless, I did check both the 18 and 24. Both silhouettes act normally. When the soldier is using/holding that weapon, the icon appears. Usually, the soldier is holding his firearm, not the missile. Is that possibly the source of your report? Ken
  23. Lovely neighborhood names. That alone could tip this battle in your favor. Great write-up. Now, go line some men up and charge. That'll let you know where he is.
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