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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Judicious use of 5 second pauses and short hunt movement lengths may help. Instead of one 100 meter hunt, make it five 20 meter moves with 5 or 10 second pauses at each waypoint. Stagger the orders for a platoon so that only one vehicle is moving while the others are stopped.
  2. So, did you win, or are you two drawing this out?
  3. I have some druthers for sale. Make me an offer.
  4. Use that to your advantage. Find your enemy's HQ, and charge it with a BMP3. He'll be forced to destroy it, or be pulverized by its outrageous armament. When he hits it, it'll blow a crater visible from orbit. You win either way.
  5. A lot (all?) of the missile armed vehicles seem to have something like this going on. akd verified the ones listed above, and found some more. Ken "riding on others' shoulders has never been easier"
  6. Not what I see. If you go the BRDM-2 UI, and select the wrench icon (which shows vehicle systems), I see 4 AT-5s. That's the launcher status. Under the bullet icon (which shows ammo available), there are 2 missiles in green and the rest are white. The green listing is similar to the previous report, just upstream. So...consider it reported. (Unless you don't see what I'm seeing. Then, please clarify.) Thanks.
  7. Hmm...I don't see this. Do you mean if you change the hotkeys, then something gets messed up?
  8. BMP-3...good call. They'll be fun! And when they're done, they explode! Double the fun! Mines. Hmmm. Just a few in the obvious locations could slow him down. A bit of a mental game, that. It's a lot of fun watching someone else have to agonize over these choices.
  9. Nice list... I'll confirm and report each, in turn.
  10. Michael, thanks for the report. I've verified that v1.03 had 9 man US squads equipped with two breaching kits. (And by, "I've verified", I mean that I asked around and Vanir ausf B gave me that answer. ) I'll report it. Let's see what happens. Ken
  11. There are some differences. Now, at short ranges, sure, the head out wins. (Until he gets shot. ) But, some tanks *cough - Abrams - cough* give the TC some pretty friggin' good spotting devices. Thermals with magnification. Vehicles like that do better with the TC buttoned up...at ranges beyond "short" and especially with conditions other than "day".
  12. Keep 'em coming! I'll look at what you've just posted. Ken
  13. Until the vehicle model appears in the game, none of your units has seen it. The "?" icons means that they THINK something may be there. They just don't KNOW it. Engaging with precision munitions wouldn't make sense. Fire a missile..."over there". Huh? (This is the one advantage the human player has. If you see some infantry "?", you can plaster the area with arty.) The "?" could be due to a fleeting thermal image. It could be due to a scout hearing an engine. Etc.
  14. Thanks. I'll double-check and report it if I can confirm. Ken Edit: Confirmed. Consider it reported. Good catch. Thanks.
  15. This will be fun!!! I think you need about a battalion of tanks and one more of BMP-3s. And more artillery. You just know that your oppo, with his forum name, will be jonesing to show how uber the observers are. Find them and kill them.
  16. Wot? There's a difference? One's a breakfast pastry and the other makes you pay half, right? It really gets messed up when you take a Dutch girlfriend to breakfast, "just as friends", in Denmark. Someone's gonna get insulted. <- Just in case.
  17. Good info, re gifting, but the license would get kicked back as "in use", would it not? The OP needs to somehow unlicens his version.
  18. Search the various fora about the use of Breach Teams. There are a lot of techniques out there which will save you a lot of heartache. The best learning curve is the one someone else does.
  19. There is sooo much...ingenuity...in that photo, I don't know where to start. But, based on the bow number, there are at least 4 others just like it in the fleet. "So, Boris, where do you want your amphibious MiG?"
  20. The command links can be, "intriguing". I'll fire up KGE and see if I can duplicate what you're mentioning. (And dive into the the editor. That's how you can see the OOB and determine command relationships.) But, it'll be hours yet before I get to it. (Miles to go and promises to keep...) Ken
  21. ^^^ ??? Not sure if there's a joke or some sort of sarcasm meant to be implicit.
  22. C'mon. I was only, like, 7 or 8. And the aisle attendants? They kept trying to give us peanuts. I'm still wondering about the war elephants they brought out. I thought they were obsolete...even back then.
  23. ^^^ Wow. Stunningly good idea, and it unlocked a memory. Years ago, I was admitted to a secret field trial. It was held under tents, obviously to prevent satellite recon. Admission was pretty tight with controlled access. Anyway, they had seats set up in tiers around the central display. (They also had various uniformed attendants wandering up and down the seating area, expressing concern about our status.) Anyway, the grand poobah came out with a single spotlight on him. He went through his spiel, and then the lights popped on. There was a friggin' ginormous cannon sitting there. The bore was about 600-700mm. I estimate it to have been about 30 calibers in length. So, they get this volunteer. He climbs up and enters the MUZZLE! A few seconds later, there's a huge report, a cloud of smoke, and this friggin' guy comes FLYING out! Luckily, they had a net. Obviously, they used a reduced charge. However, with Navy war-dolphins, and a battle charge in the cannon, you could probably get some long-range dolphin insertions with one of those weapons. You may even be able to mount one on TOP of a Bradley replacement? The dolphin could do water recon before the Brad replacement goes all amphibious and all. Ken "now I have a strange desire for cotton candy"
  24. I love the luftpanzer idea. Zeppelinpanzer? If you paint "Goodyear" on the side of the 50+ blimps, maybe they'd be allowed to overfly the enemy's territory?
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