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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Yeah, frequently the wheels will break through the main floor, into the basement below, leaving the gun stuck and unusable. Hans was right.
  2. Yes, but infantry units (in the same platoon?) actually do share ammo in-game. In CMBS, Javelin teams (for example) can acquire new missiles from adjacent vehicles without having to go through the whole "board, acquire, disembark" routine. Pretty friggin' cool. There's a lot in the game which isn't annotated in the manuals and is not noticed until you get to a very granular level.
  3. ...and that's why there's a brain in a jar...
  4. One of the better aspects of the game difficulty levels is it shows you who sees what. I play "Iron", exclusively. Sure, at first I thought it'd be like the typical FPS "insane" or "mayhem" level where there more and worse of the bad guys. Not in this game. Read the manual about the difficulty levels. Iron lets you see what your units REALLY see. That affects how they perform on the battlefield. FWIW. Clicking on the enemy will highlight which friendly units see it. Clicking on a friendly will highlight which units it can see. That's very helpful.
  5. LOL...and that's what I stated 6 hours previous to your post in my (edited) post.
  6. Oft requested, though. Take a screenshot (with whatever your favorite software is, or phone/camera), then toss it in a handy folder with an appropriate label. It's nowhere near as nice as the non-existant "save formation", but it is far better than having to recreate your settings from scratch. Of course, if you try to leverage every last point by micro-adjusting unit values, you'll be needing a lot of pictures.
  7. ^^^ What Wicky said. I used a lot of split teams to get a distributed set of observation points along the start-up woods. After I spotted the Tiger, I may have used SMOKE to blind it while my 76mm's moved into position. That positioning is important. Keyholes help save lives. Pixel-lives, that is. I then used a two-prong infantry attack. As one prong got dented, the other would advance. I found a lot of Germans that way. I would just link up all my most recent crop of red-crosses, and that would point me to the next nest. 3,000m range? I don't know to what you're referring. (None of the in-game vehicle guns have a range limit published, that I know of. The Tiger II main gun could fire well past 4km. Of course, it's accuracy would suck and in-game you'd be hard pressed to find that LOS or to spot an enemy. If using AP shot, you'd not have much effect, even if it hit.) You may well be seeing some sort of unit's range limit. I'm just a bit confused by your description. To estimate range, create a waypoint (you can delete it as soon as you're done with this) next to your unit. "Activate" that waypoint and choose a combat command like "Target". Draw the target line to your desired spot. Your LOS may be blocked, but the range will be shown. (The range is from that waypoint which is active to the end of the LOS tool.) The fun thing about this battle is finding out how important good tactics are. The other fun thing is trying to find out which tactics are good and which are not. The 76mm Sherman can be considered as the same class as a good PzIV. (I'd actually rate the 76mm Sherman a bit higher than that...) It is less than a Panther. The Tiger II's front is pretty much immune to the 76mm at most combat ranges. (No references at hand. Others will chime in, no doubt, with the exact ranges.) However, the side and rear of the Tiger II is vulnerable to the 76mm...and the 105mm HEAT. I suggest playing this in WeGo. Savegame early and often. Play it all the way through the first time. Then, go back to the first save prior to your big mistake and try an alternative plan.
  8. Hmm. Are you sure this ISN'T in? Edited to add: okay, it is not. I just ran a test. 5 Shermans in a platoon. Highly motivated veterans. Two of them shot off everything. Main guns round, .50s, .30s, and smoke. I put one Sherman next to one empty Sherman and two Shermans next to the other empty Sherman. After more than an hour, not a single round of anything got shared... Selfish gits.
  9. Absolutely. (Although, the CptMiller comment about the doll was absolute gold. ) Keeping it non-personal is important. Antagonisms on a forum can grow. For example, I hold no grudge against sburke, despite his constant attempts to seduce my intern away. She is very loyal to me and shows me all the texts, btw. (Your latest limerick was a piece of art. The manner in which you worked "orange" and "inconsolable" into the same verse should be taught in university.) This is the perfect CM environment. Have your staff supply the cabin with food and wood. (And make sure they keep the fire stoked up! They'll get lazy about that if you not strict with them.) Meanwhile, you can relax in your study and play CM until the spring thaw arrives.
  10. I'm much simpler than some of these. As stated: 1. Finish. I'll keep running my one survivor trying to stab my enemy's commander, unless he asks for a ceasefire. (Sometimes it's fun to clean the map. If I'm the guy getting mopped, that's okay. I'm there for you. ) 2. No opening turn artillery unless previously agreed. (I have a great oppo with whom I play regularly. In one game, I got some solid spots in what I knew was his setup zone...at turn 20. That was okay (in my book), since I had eyes-on the enemy, and it was NOT the first turn.) You want APS? Do it. UAV? The more, the better. Unbalanced, unrealistic forces? Buy 'em. It's a game. Play.
  11. Use that amphib capability and cruise up and down the canals! Dreadnoughts rise again! Great pix. Thanks.
  12. Can anything explain Emrys? A good commander is concerned with his men's well-being. Sure, a tactical "solution" would be to remove the intel and run away back to your base. Pshaw. That's a small solution. You see, a unit needs to have good morale in order to be combat effective. In order to have good morale, the men need to feel confident in their martial prowess. A good commander understands this, innately. Instead, I must explain it. Sigh. The men in the unit have self-doubt. They seek the purity of battle which distills the essence of manhood like no other endeavor. Without the fight against their enemy, they will always wonder how they measure up. They sit in the barracks, the redoubts, the bunkers, and stew in their doubt. They are unmanned, emasculated, and weakened. Only the test of arms will give them the confidence in themselves which is the hallmark of effective units. The red commander knows this and therefore leaves the intel available to the blue commander. He will allow the fight so that his men will become manly. Had this been their second fight, he may have taken their ammo so that only bayonets would be used. That would surely increase morale!
  13. Bah! A competent commander would not have left any enemy there to be able to flee! Revel in your loss....
  14. Nice! Now, show some victory snaps...
  15. Oooh.... GAU-8's in fixed fortifications? Like a MaGAUnot Line?
  16. In order to win that scenario, the leader "Kenc3kinov" MUST survive!!! (Russian, of course.) The other leaders are of no regard. Toss their puny lives aside if it will further your goals. (It was a nice Easter egg for a lot of us to have our names/forum handles included.) Ken
  17. I see absolutely no evidence of any base bleed system. There is disrupted air, the same (but bigger) as that formed behind any other projectile. If the lighting is right, you can track your own rounds by the wake.
  18. That 152mm shell burst pretty close to the Lada...and the windshield stayed intact. Impressive resilience to blast effects.
  19. I think it only happens with reinforcement atgs on an M3. Got a save?
  20. Stryker 30mm cannon, using above specs, brings over 200,000 Joules on impact. (Muzzle velocity.) The Apache cannon brings 75,000J. Obviously, these are NOT kinetic penetrators. They have very different roles. Just bringing this up to show the different order of magnitude of the energies these two weapons bring. Additionally, the Apache is an area weapon. It disperses a lot. The Stryker cannon is much more accurate...from my understanding. I can see the Brad cannon being upgraded sooner than later. The 25mm was nice...in 1980. (Again...conjecture.) (My comment upstream about all Strykers being upgraded was pure conjecture.)
  21. A savegame would help. I set up a quick test with a bunch of Vickers K equipped jeeps and they all worked. (In fact, the ammo consumption showed a cool feature of how it used 250 rounds at a time as ready ammo.)
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