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Everything posted by c3k

  1. The icon, and any movement waypoints, seem to be at the location of the average position of the unit. So, if you have 1/2 of the squad on each side of a road, the icon will be over the middle of the road. Likewise, if 1 man of a 3 man team is running for his life while the other 2 remain in position, the icon will be located along the line between them, 2/3's closer to the 2 men. XX___I______X X are men, I is icon.
  2. How does this compare to WWI tables of fire for 75mm used to clear wire entanglements? (Shell fragments are what clear the barbled wire.)
  3. Yeah, placing the icon as you've drawn would work...for a game with one unit. What happens when I'm maneuvering my panzer battalion (with my usual dash and elan )? If my camera is in front of the very wall you posited, the wall would be totally obscured by the dozens (hundreds?) of icons. One benefit of that would increased fps due to a total obscuration of terrain and units. ( to ensure my humor comes through.) I don't have a solution. I'd like to. I've gotten confused by the icon placement a bit too often. Overlaying them based on distance would help. Maybe a stick, or flagpole, dropping down to where the unit is located could help. I would limit that ONLY to the cases where the unit is hidden from the camera. Otherwise there would be a forest of sticks. JMHO.
  4. Lt. Bull, There is some validity to your criticism. However, in your "fixed" screenshot, you actually use floating icons. If you look at the rightmost US unit, it is clearly in the woods. Your icon is ABOVE the trees. It's floating in the air. Flotation is required to avoid being submerged beneath foliage and structures. If an icon were fixed to the ground, any intervening foliage/structure would prevent the player from seeing the icon. As the camera position gets closer to the ground, the icon would need to float higher and higher above the intervening obstacle. U= Unit, O= Obstacle, C= Camera U______O_______C If the icon were affixed to the "U" location, the player couldn't see it. Now, you say, "Well, let the player move the camera." Now you've FORCED the player to investigate the battlefield every single turn. Camera positioning would be critical to find the units. You'd only be able to play with a very high angle camera position. That is not a solution. Despite your seemingly frenzied use of bold (which I try to minimize so I can economize on ink), and exceeding your allotment of both exclamation points and question marks, your criticism has a point. Your solution, as stated, is wrong. Your solution, as pictured, seems better but only for players who zoom out. Where should the icon be when I zoom into the unit? Should it, eventually, overlay the squad leader's face? Where should it be? Under the base of the squad leader? I would hope you read my suggestion regarding your solution. Think through every permutation of unit, intervening obstacle, play style, and camera position. Then come up with an algorithm, or just even a rule of thumb, that would work in each of those cases. My screen's ink cartridge is refilled: I await many bold words. Your supply of "!"s and "?"s are inexhaustable! Are they not? Ruminate, postulate, and fulminate. How can BF.C make it work better? Thanks, Ken
  5. <Holler> Yes. I want 'em. PM me, please. Thanks, Ken
  6. Jumping down from armored vehicles also has caused many traumatic digit amputations. ("Many" being more than one.) Rings catch on sharp edges very easily. A finger, hung up by a ring, as a soldier jumps down from a vehicle is generally incapable of producing enough force to remain attached to the hand. Many forces demand no jewelry be worn at any time: sometimes it gets ignored. A bit of RL.
  7. Yes. BF.C is aware of these issues. Thanks for posting and including the screenshot. (Hopefully, there'll be a solution forthcoming.)
  8. Kuderian, Thanks for posting the picture. That behavior is something I'm looking into. Ken
  9. Hmm, turret basket in the way? Is that a possible factor? (Turret facing)
  10. I will tell you what to expect. "I don't expect you to talk, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die!" In all seriousness, when I had this happen to my pixeltruppen, I never got another crewmember to drive. My Sherman was destroyed a few minutes later. Good luck!
  11. Okay, now that I've read your outstanding AAR, I'm going to have to give this a spin. Thanks! Ken
  12. Just to clarify, if needed: The 7.92 and 7.92AP are interchangable. The 7.92K can ONLY be used by the StG44. It can only use 7.92K.
  13. "Mean maximum pressure" rings a bell. That was a detailed thread over in cmx1 years ago. Located here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=38553 Some bogging could reflect driver mistakes, fuel, map reading, arguments over fast food stops, who farted, radio stations, etc. It could reflect any non-mechanical reason for not moving. (Having said that, I'm still angry about my psw234/1 (8-wheeler) bogging on dry open ground where it was useless. Grrrr.) (Edited for various reasons. )
  14. One of the standard practices the Germans engaged in was to register their defensive works for artillery strikes. That way, when they retreated, if the enemy occupied the dugouts and trenches, the German artillery could strike them very accurately. Don't use the enemy's fortifications.
  15. Thanks for posting this along with the screenshots. Definitely part of a pathfinding bug. (FWIW, not that it matters for the bug, the order you gave could lead to the unit running around the destination building the "wrong" way.)
  16. Sublime, How many minutes did that take? What did the errant guy do? (How far did he go, etc.) Ken
  17. SteveP, You know, I had a Cullen-fitted Sherman do something similar. At the time, I ascribed it to the Cullen device. However, the bocage gap did not widen to a vehicle sized gap. Did it widen in your example? (Do you have a savegame?) Ken
  18. Split off a medic? Only if those dastardly fanatics mentioned here http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=100592 can make it into the game, as well!
  19. Ricroma, Send me a PM if you're interested in a PBEM guided playthrough. Ken
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