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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Cool. I'm looking forward to seeing your results. (Not criticisizing your approach: I'm thinking of an accuracy test-range. I'll need to ponder it a bit more. I'd like to eliminate as many variables as possible. It'll be at least a month for me to craft it, tune it, and run the iterations. Hmmm....)
  2. There is one (or two?) well publicized account of a totally out-matched US tank firing WP at a Tiger (?). The Germans, after being hit, and then having their tank fill with choking smoke, evacuated. (They may've thought they were on fire, or it simply was too difficult to breathe.) The cabin fans pull in exterior air, so a hit with WP, or a very, very, near miss would allow the WP smoke to be sucked in. Anyway, this account apparently spread and it seems that firing WP at enemy "cats" was not a one-off occurance. (I'm reminded of the British tanker being told about the only way to knock out a Panther; aiming and hitting the lower half of the mantlet. "Has anyone ever done it?" "Yes, Jenkins. A few weeks back. He's still rather shaken and hasn't been back up front since." Or something like that.) Did it happen more than once? Did it even happen that once? Shrug. Ken Multiple crossposts with the above. Salut.
  3. German scout teams will be 2 men with Kar98's. That would eliminate the MP40. (I know that sometimes the Mauser bolt action could "stick" due to the angles required to operate the bolt. Of course, a well-used Kar98 would be a bit more "slick", assuming it has been maintained. As well, an infantryman with a bit of experience should be able to operate the bolt without any problems. (New operators of Mauser actions tend to try to pull the bolt back a bit early, before fully rotating and clearing the lugs.)) I assume both groups have similar cover, experience, motivation, and leadership? And, to put it in perspective, 45m is half a football field. That is no easy shot with a handgun.
  4. White Phosphorus is nasty, very nasty. It spontaneously combusts in air. So, the WP hits the target, or nearby, and bursts, sending fragments all over. They burn through flesh. Also, the combustion/gaseous expansion of smoke, displaces breathable air. It burns, it chokes, it blinds (okay, "obscures"; no ocular damage, such as mustard gas, etc.). Pretty good stuff. You can "force" your tank to use it by using the TARGET -> SMOKE command.
  5. Hmm, ignoring the above comment, what, exactly, did that clip show? I mean, did you plot some sort of back and forth movement order to create the clip? Or, if this behavior is NOT what you wanted, what orders had you given the two teams? If, as I suspect, the behavior is not what you expected, do you have a savegame?
  6. Automatically, if positioned closely. I don't know the range.
  7. The main concern, at least pre-war, was rail transport. The gauge of track, the tunnel widths, etc., all limited the total tank width allowed, or approved, to be designed and constructed. As noted, turret ring diameter drives hull width. Gun recoil energy/breech design/etc., determine ring diameter. IIRC, the Churchills had to have their hull sponsons removed prior to rail transport. A royal PITA, to be sure. Increasing the hull width was not a player... Once the 17 pounder proved itself in action, there wasn't much life left in the reich. Introducing a new tank wasn't worthwhile, especially with all the 17 pounder-armed tanks roving about already. So, about the time that they could lift the rail travel width restrictions, there wasn't a pressing need to divert resources into it.
  8. Ooh, ooh, I have schutze down pat!
  9. Upstream, someone mentioned "combat shooting". It seems to me that he used that term in the training sense. In this setting, to me, "combat shooting" means someone, and all their friends, wants to kill you. They have bigger, better, and probably more, guns. Shots may or may not be cracking around my head and maybe thudding into my buddies. Dirt flying, adrenaline pumping, shaking hands, ragged breathing, tunnel vision, running, diving, rolling, hiding, ducking, and a friggin' .45. Hitting at 5 meters would be damn good shooting. (There are plenty of youtube police shootouts. No link for this one, but it stands out. 2 officers approached a Suburban with 5 gang-bangers. Officer 1 approached the drivers door along the side - normal ops. Officer 2 stayed by the "C" pillar, observing. Suddenly the 4 window passengers pulled weapons - semi auto for sure - and opened up. Officer 1 ducked, scrambled back, and emptied his 15+ round magazine at the Suburban. Ditto, officer 2. 6 or 7 participants (4 or 5 pax in vehicle). 6 weapons. The range was 1 to 15 meters. Over 100 rounds were fired. No one got hit.) A better training exercise would have moving, pop up targets at various ranges. Addtionally, off to the side, would be a dozen (or fewer, tweak as needed) paintball shooters. If the trainee gets tagged by a paintball, he's out. Intense PT to follow. Very intense. Now, how's that "combat shooting" marksmanship going to look? I'll bet the ranges drop dramatically. My .02. (Um, yes, I know that you'd lose some paintball shooters over time. It's a matter of attrition. ) Ken
  10. Excellent analysis. You have potential, Lieutenant. There may be a Captaincy in your future. That is, if you play your cards right, and don't let anyone else know about your fascination with barnyard animals. Just my .02, with NO insight. If I were running a company about to make a release, I'd like to have Monday as my "last chance workout". Put it to bed the previous Friday, maybe look at it a little on Saturday, but definitely take a break and review it with fresh eyes and a rested mind. Monday fits the bill for that kind of day. Bookending the beginning of the week, there at the far end, is Friday. I know that no man is perfect. Hence, nothing from his hands attains perfection. There will be issues. A Friday release would mean any issues would leave customers frustrated all weekend. I'd keep Friday in my hip pocket as my tactical reserve to deal with the unknown, but foreseeable, issues which will pop up. Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday: that's my bet. The question remains, "which week"? Ken "a guy with NO knowledge, NO hints, NO communications from behind the screen, NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH"
  11. I concur: combat shooting with a pistol beyond approximately 10m should be a total waste of ammo. Odds of hitting should fall off a cliff beyond 5m.
  12. Obviously a false obit, based on this: "There was a loud bang, a cloud of sparks, the crew scrambled out and, in Ekins’s words, “we ran like hell.”" Quite obviously, based on hundreds of hours of simulation in CMBN, any tank crew which evacuates a destroyed tank would never act like that. Instead, they would draw revolvers, attack the bastiches that shot at them, with every round fired they'd kill one of the enemy regardless of the range, and press to the objective. (Oh, tongue firmly in cheek.) In a serious vein, a humble salute to a quiet warrior.
  13. True, regarding no elevation limits. The reasoning for this has been discussed at length and makes good sense. Yes, it can cause urban issues, but the benefits greatly outweigh this drawback.
  14. IMPORTANT! Make sure when you read the manual that you use a posh British accent. It makes it sound better.
  15. If the screens are posted in chronological order, then the infantry was spotted first.
  16. ^^^ That: at combat ranges at combat typical targets it shouldn't be much of an issue. Not saying there _aren't_ differences in the ballistics, aimpoints, trajetories, etc., but that those differences shrink to a lower magnitude than other accuracy detriments and are beneath the level of accuracy requirements.
  17. Unless it starts with a higher muzzle velocity. Downrange drop would be very close to the non-AP round. (Oh, sure, a very rough approximation. )
  18. I agree: kudos to FMB for creating an incredibly immersive, tight, campaign. Thank you for doing this.
  19. Have you seen this with anything other than 'schreck or 'zook ammo?
  20. I'm confused by your description. Are you saying that you can SHARE ammo from casualties? But, if you then buddy aid that same casualty you do not GAIN the ammo?
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