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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. There were also Greek troops in North Africa, they fought at El Alamein.
  2. I prefer to play PBEM scenarios blind too, but I take CrankyKris' point about briefings, particularly ones that deliberately lie. I'm getting to the point where, if I read 'Ivan has no significant armour assets', I start expecting T-34 battalion at the least. Yes, I know that WW2 recce occasionally produced misleading information, but in every battle?
  3. Nestor vs. Firefly is up and running, the 10% casualties cost me a tank, so I've already got an excuse for losing. This one may run for a while as I'm off to Greece for two weeks next week, or will be if the bloody Travel Agents ever get round to sending me my tickets. At least it's not Kenya.
  4. I think he's talking about the Test that Australia just lost to the West Indies. Not that I'm gloating or anything.
  5. Barrie Pitt's Crucible of War (now avaialable as a trilogy) should get you in the mood for CM:AK. I'm a Goon rather than a Grog though.
  6. Hmm.. does the fact that this thread had been 'unstickied' signify something? This is as much fun as Kremlinology... Or predicting when the verb 'to unsticky' makes it into the OED.
  7. HAL9000: Would you like to play a game, Dave? Dave: Sure, how about 'To the Volga'? HAL9000: You win, Dave, just turn me off.
  8. You can do it yourself, just make a cup of tea with condensed milk and 1 teaspoon of sand.
  9. There was an early 1960's French film that was believed to be based on it, but as it was directed by Jean-Luc Goddard, no-one's quite sure.
  10. Check with your opponent that he/she is also using 1.02, if that's the case I'm afraid I can't think of anything else.
  11. Oh come on Joe, I can't even hope to aspire to SSN-hood, but it's pretty obvious from Dundroy's last post, even to an idjit like me, who Dundroy is. How's the weather in Liverpool, 'Dundroy'? [ May 10, 2003, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  12. It's the Fog of War, until small teams such as MG and Anti-Tank teams are fully identified they ofter appear as 'Crew', as you've learned you need to be careful with them.
  13. Ah yes, the MBT, the Mrs. Rochester of the CM world .
  14. I'm touching a lot of wood as type this (yeah, I know how can you type and touch wood at the same time ), but I've just managed to play 10 turns of a solo game with no problems. I did two things yesterday that may have helped. I cleaned out a lot of grunge that had accumulated in the vents of my PC case and I installed the updated processor drivers from Microsoft (dated December 2002), I missed the latter before as it is only a 'recommended' update rather than a 'critical' update, it appears that Win Update only alerts you to critical updates if you have it check automatically, you have to run it from the Start menu to check for all Windows updates. I don't know which did the trick, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed, which also makes typing difficult.
  15. Thanks for that Lou, I did see that thread when I did a Google search myself, as you say somebody who knows more than I do may reply there. The reason I'm suspecting overheating is that the box is quite warm to touch after the PC has been on for a while. I processed all my PBEMs today shortly after turning on the PC for the first time and had no errors. I haven't had time to try a full solo game though.
  16. Thanks to both for your suggestions, I forgot to say that I did try a reinstall of CMBB. I also downloaded a shareware utility which tidies up the registry and checks for other junk on the PC, it didn't seem to help, but I have a tidier PC . I'm starting to wonder it might be due to overheating, I'll have to take the box off and make sure the fan is working OK.
  17. Well there are plenty of photos of British Army buses in WW1, but I admit it's the first I've heard of them in the desert. Did the troops have to wait ages for one and then 5 turned up at the same time?
  18. So when can we expect Combat Mission: Terrible Swift Sword?
  19. Set up is on it's way to Nestor, with me playing as the defenders of the Motherland. I hope we can finish, but I'll warn everyone that I'm currently having PC problems, particularly running CM (anyone who would like to help/laugh can look in the Tech Support Forum), so if I inexplicably disappear the win should be credited to Nestor.
  20. I suspect that this problem is not due to CM, but is probably another problem being triggered by CM (both CMBO and CMBB) as both games ran fine until recently. Basically I can't run CM for long before the system reboots (during one recent PBEM turn it occurred 3 times!). Looking at the system message in event viewer I can see a message such as - The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x1000007f (0x00000008, 0x80042000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini050703-09.dmp The bugcheck details hex values are not always the same. Th crash can happen at any point in the turn, even in one case when attempting to create the new PBEM file. Other games such as Civ3 and Galactic Civilizations work fine, but I realise neither are as graphically demanding as CM. My System - AMD XP 2000 Windows XP (with SP1 and all recent Microsoft patches) 512 MB DDR Nvidia Geforce 3 Ti500 (30.82 drivers) Sound Blaster Audigy (latest drivers) I suspect a corrupt driver somewhere and tried to fix this by reinstalling the latest Soundblaster drivers and upgrading DirectX to 9.0a, but with no luck. I'm loath to upgrade the Nvidia drivers due to the known problems, DXDIAG reports no problems, neither did CHKDSK. I've tried defragging my HD, again with no resolution. I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions.
  21. Just a thought guys, we probably need a new thread for any errors in the re-release. Continuing the old thread may confuse newbies into thinking that the entire thread pertains to the guide as now available.
  22. Think yourself lucky, the only time I tried it, I sent a platoon and 10 minutes late one squad arrived and was promptly massacred. As far as I can tell the rest of the platoon are still down there drinking vodka.
  23. The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps was the WW1 Corps that invaded Gallipoli and later fought on the Western Front. Aussie and NZer soldiers have been referred to as ANZACs ever since in their honour. I believe it was ANZAC day yesterday. In North Africa, in WW2, the Australian and New Zealand divisions were part of the Western Desert Force, which later became XIII Corps and later still the Eighth Army. Edit: XIII Corps, not VIII Corps as I originally wrote. [ April 25, 2003, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
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