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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. It could be that you've installed something that has disassociated .zip files from Winzip (I assume you're using Winzip). It happenned to me recently when I installed Stuffit, even though I told Stuffit to not deal with .zip files. Try running Winzip directly and browsing for the file, it will tell you if it needs to reassociate the file extensions and give you an option to do so.
  2. The British confuse things, as usual, by not using the regiment as a fighting unit, a British/Commonwealth brigade would consist of three battallions, usually, but not always, from different regiments, plus support troops, whereas an American or German brigade would consist of three regiments plus support troops. The Soviet upper level organisation also differed.
  3. Was that the one where the Riders of Rohan turned up in the nick of time?
  4. Lou, does this apply to those of us in the also-rans part of the tournament?
  5. David Chandler's The Campaigns of Napoleon tends to be the standard work referred to by most people such as wargames designers. I've not read it myself, but it's been on my 'must read' list for a long time .
  6. You're partly right Joe, they received the honourific title Grenadier Guards for the action against the Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard not because they were Grenadiers. Prior to that they were 'The King's Regiment of Guards' followed by 'The First Regiment of Foot Guards' Official Grenadier Guards Website [ August 09, 2003, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  7. Actually, John, the grenadier company of a British line regiment would have been the shock troops and tended to consist of bigger than average men, the light company would initially deploy in front of the other companies in skirmish formation and lay down harrassing fire, withdrawing into the line when things got too heavy. Riflemen and Fusiliers still exist in the British Army, they're the private soldier in Rifles and Fusilier regiments. All of this has absolutley nothing to do with CMBB of course .
  8. I've had to give my pixeltruppen the day off, the weather is causing my PC to overheat and crash during CMBB. (Desperate attempt to get this back on topic)
  9. No, it's late summer. Mid-summer is June 21st. or thereabouts. (Hey, we have to argue about something, don't we?) Michael </font>
  10. Firefly and Nestor are still battling away in the snow, I've got a flag, but he has more armour left.
  11. Matt, I think this may only be an issue with Win XP Pro, I have XP Home and have installed this particular hotfix with no problems. This is, however, with a Geforce 3 Ti500 card, so it could be the Radeon graphics card that has problems with the hotfix. [ July 30, 2003, 05:55 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  12. PBEM for me, it suits my style of play more, even when I play against the AI or play other games I tend to take frequent breaks to grab a drink, a snack or go to the loo, none of which are really conducive to TCP/IP play .
  13. Well a lot of Americans particularly from the South don't like being called Yanks . Actually 'Hun' and 'Boche' are fairly archaic terms in the UK these days and tend to be only used by comedians who are satirising old fashioned Empire types, which was the way I intended it. I remember reading something by George Orwell, written during WW2, where he noted that the first world war term 'Hun' had been mainly replaced by the more neutral (in his view) word 'Jerry' in the second world war, which he thought was progress of a sort.
  14. Yes the phraseology was meant to be ironic and I apologise for any offence caused, which was not intended. Odd that no-one objected to 'Yank' or 'Brit' though . [ July 17, 2003, 05:16 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  15. Congratulations - the first thread in history moved from the General Forum. One sentence in the review - The special edition of Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord now features playable forces from Germany, England, and America, as well as Canada, France, and Poland. - seems to suggest that the original online version didn't include the Yanks, the Brits and the Hun though. [ July 16, 2003, 12:36 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  16. I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the Italian L33, which is modelled in CMBB, a tank so useless that it lost duels with MG armed Rolls Royce Armoured Cars. I think it was the basis for the old music hall joke about the Italian tank with five gears - four reverse and one forward in case the enemy attacked from behind.
  17. Only to the Royal Artillery, according to the rest of the Army it means 'all over the place'.
  18. Firefly vs, Nestor back on the road after my return from Greece (researching for CM:AK - honest). Of course I've totally forgotten what my battle plan was, but it was probably crap anyway.
  19. I had the same problem a month or so ago (mainly with CMBO and CMBB), it looks like it was caused by overheating. In my case I appear to have fixed it by cleaning out the fluff and dust that had accumulated in the vents on the PC case. If that doesn't work try running with the case removed - that should fix any overheating in the short term, although if it does you may want to look at replacing the internal fan. Edit to add: the CM games do seem to hammer the CPU quite hard, which may explain why you have no problems with Everquest, I could run other stuff like MS Flight Sim . [ June 08, 2003, 07:20 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  20. Actually I've found myself playing CMBO as if it were CMBB. The good thing is that it works that way round. [ May 22, 2003, 04:28 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  21. Think yourself lucky; where I live 'tanning' is something that normally involves a well-built, leather-clad lady called Ms. Whiplash and Conservative Members of Parliament. [ May 20, 2003, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  22. Yes Nick, that's what happened to me as well, it appeared to be caused by another game crashing and screwing up DirectX.
  23. The only time I've seen that message it was due to a problem with DirectX. Have you tried running DXDIAG to see if it reports any problems?
  24. I prefer the Brits because: a) I am one. xv) Cromwells - the Ferraris of CMBO. 9) I just love those Dick van Dyke style English accents - 'Take that Fritz!'
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