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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. I'm pretty certain that Rexford's real name is Lorrin Bird, who is credited with the penetration data for CMBB in the manual. You're right about those bloody pop-ups though.
  2. You're probably right. A 7th Armoured Division web-site I came across the other day (again with the web-sites ), said that the main role in which Valentines were used by the division was as bridge-layers. http://www.btinternet.com/~ian.a.paterson/
  3. Browsing through the MS Flight Sim add-ons in a local games shop here in the UK this lunchtime (yes I'm a sad git), I spotted a familiar box. Yep, the shop's remaining copy of CM2BB had been filed in the Flight Sim section. Of course I immediately did CDV and BTS a favour and moved it to a more prominent spot in the 'strategy' games section, covering up America's Army. How many fanboy points does this earn me?
  4. I can just see the posts in two years time - What's a SgtGoody?, BFC! The SgtGoody thread is a waste of bandwidth!. Plus ça change... and all that.
  5. Some people, mainly users of the British ISP Freeserve, had problems downloading the patch due to problems with proxy servers. This thread on the CMBB board discussed this and one poster, British Bulldog, came up with a solution that worked for him.
  6. Virtually any off the shelf PC these days will run even the largest of CMBO scenarios with no problem. I don't know anything about BF1942, but I suspect that would be more demanding than CMBO, so your choice will probably depend on what runs that satisfactorily.
  7. Lou, Have you thought of what to do in the event of a draw? I suppose the in the case of a 51-49 draw the game could go to the highest scoring player, but what about a 50-50 draw? My own suggestion, if no-one can think of any thing better, would be that it's decided on the toss of a coin by a neutral party - it works for the FA Cup .
  8. Someone (Nolloff I believe) reported this problem with the the CDV German language patch, he fixed it by installing the multilingual CDV patch instead.
  9. The Universal Carrier, of which the MMG Carrier was a sub-type had a crew of 3, as accurately modelled in CMBO and I assume CMBB, but I haven't used any in CMBB yet . Crew in this sense means the number normally used to operate the vehicle, so when a Universal Carrier was used as an AT Gun tractor it would carry the AT Gun crew as passengers as well as the crew. [ February 22, 2003, 09:49 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  10. I'm a Yorkshireman living in Surrey, so do I qualify - one of my cousins once had a racing whippet and I've still got a flat cap somewhere, so I'd feel more at home here than with the soft southern ponces .
  11. Unfortunately that thread only asks the question, as yet BFC haven't replied.
  12. The map in the Blut und Ehre operation is probably the largest I've seen and includes quite a few of the villages and the northern outskirts of Caen. [ February 21, 2003, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  13. Thanks Sublime, it appears that I'm Wesley Clark. Was I the only one who thought You know very little of the enemy force dispositions and fortifications you must attack. There is a great deal of uncertainty about what your forces will encounter sounds like every CM game I've played?
  14. Evidently I'm General Splinter Cell Patch. Can't say I've heard of him. Was he American? [ February 21, 2003, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  15. Quoted from a 7th Armoured (Desert Rats) web page : The Valentine tank was submitted for approval to the War Office on 14th February 1938, hence the code name. The first ones were ordered from Vickers in July 1939. They were originally called Infantry Tank MK III and reached service in May 1940, with production finally ending in early 1944. They served in North Africa, Madagascar, Burma and the Pacific Campaign, plus in Russia too. The Soviets used 1300 Valentines on the Eastern Front. 8275 were built in Britain and a further 1420 in Canada. The Valentine used a 6 road wheels on each side, in two 3 wheeled bogie units. The turret varied between the different models, with early models having a 2 man turret and the later ones a 3 man version, but it was always cramped. The main armament was the normal 2-pdr, but this progressed to a 6-pdr and the a 75mm. The Soviets replaced the 2-pdr with a 76mm gun, which made the turret even more cramped. When it's role a tank was over many were re-used, firstly as the basis for the Bishop Self-Propelled Gun, with a 25-pdr mounted on a large "box" on top and later as the Archer Self-Propelled 17-pdr anti-tank gun. Some were also used as the basis of bridge-layers, flame-throwers and swimming tanks. It is as bridge-layers that the Valentine mainly served with the Division.
  16. In violation of what? BFC stated that CompUSA were doing nothing wrong by stocking the CDV version and the fault was with whoever sold it to them. Contracts only apply to the people who sign them and unless Chips'n'Bit bought directly from CDV and undertook not to sell outside the EU they can't be held responsible. As no one here knows what has happened, everything is idle speculation and may even be actionable if people aren't careful.
  17. Well the agreement on restricting distribution is between BFC and CDV and has no bearing on Chip'N'Bits (or CompUSA). It appears that some distributor is ignoring BFC/CDV's wishes and selling on to US retailers. Who's to blame is a legal minefield and probably best avoided on a public discussion board. [ February 18, 2003, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  18. The SS runes on the scenario selection screen were inadvertently restored in the CDV 1.01 patch and this hasn't been corrected in the CDV 1.02 patch, so the only remaining differences are Waffen SS being referred to as Waffengrenadier, a different (more stringent) copy protection system and part of the manual being in .pdf format. Of these only the last really bothers me, but as always YMMV.
  19. Whenever I see Tiger?, particularly in scenarios, I mentally say to my troops 'C'mon lads, get a grip it's probably only a PZIV'. Unfortunately there is no word for that sinking feeling in your stomach when you find out that it's actually a King Tiger .
  20. Well as the patch contains a totally new .exe it doesn't really matter which way round you did it, the reason for requiring 1.01 to be installed first is because of the new textures or other changes in 1.01 being referenced by the new .exe (educated guess not being able to see the code). That's not the main issue here as you say though, I suspect, as I said in the other thread, that there is no incompatability between PBEM files created in 1.01 and 1.02 and they were just erring on the side of caution with the advice, however having this confirmed by BFC would set a lot of people's minds at rest.
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