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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. Yes, I'm still using the MDMP packs for CMBO, they were the first mods I downloaded. I believe they were originally done by both Matt and Kwazydog when they were both still fans rather than employees, but I could be wrong. I'd also suggest some replacement sky textures too, I like Tiger's sky, available from CMHQ, but others are available. [ February 10, 2003, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  2. Well CDV are the European publishers and handle the distribution of the patches for the Euro version.
  3. Thanks to Nolloff for the translation, my German is just about good enough to get the gist of the post on the CDV site, but my vocabulary was letting me down and I don't know in which pile of books my German-English dictionary is hiding .
  4. Always nice to see a company I have shares in doing such a good job. It could be worse though, I could have paid for the shares.
  5. We've already had an excellent add-on pack in the form of the Stalingrad pack from Boots and Tracks and Der Kessel. IIRC all of the scenario designers who worked on this also designed scenarios for the published game. Also nobody tried charging me £19.99 for it .
  6. I hope they stick to their original plan for the Mediterranean, including North Africa. After all they kept the über-Finns happy with the Eastern Front, time to keep the über-Aussies happy . I'd also like to see the Pacific/CBI eventually, but given BFC's lack of interest in the topic I'll probably have to wait for somebody else to do it or carry on playing Rising Sun. [ February 02, 2003, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  7. I hear the Peng Thread is looking for a new pool boy.
  8. If they are anything like his Greyhound mod, just putting the batch files in the CMBO folder should be enough.
  9. I read the first three and then got tired with them, Turtledove's habit of spending the first part of each book telling the reader what had happened in the previous book quickly got on my nerves. Lord of the Rings and War and Peace would both have been about six books each at that rate. A good idea that could have done with a good editor. I did think at the time that Steel Panthers 3 could be used to create scenarios as the Aliens' weaponry was basically modern US kit, but probably not CM as there are no M1A1s or Bradleys.
  10. You'd better send a copy to the British Museum, before your hard drive packs up.
  11. Reading the articles by Lt.Col Nash and Lt.Col Kennedy on Michael Dorosh's page (link in Stryker's post), suggests to me that not only is the jury still out, but the hotel they are staying is going to make a healthy profit .
  12. In that case I'd just select them all again, if they weren't already selected, and issue a 'Halt' command. [ January 20, 2003, 02:56 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  13. No it doesn't. It means that you have different interests than them, it doesn't make you a better person. Could Mother Theresa tell the difference between a T-34 and a Panther? How many allied soldiers in 1943 could have found Normandy on a map? In 1938 there were people despairing at the 'uneducated masses' who were only interested in Hollywood movies and jazz bands. There was no mythical time when people were better educated, compare the literacy rate for the US or Britain in 2003 with that of 1903.
  14. Well if you're going to mix Churchills with US airborne stand by for the 'gamey' accusations . You could probably get away with using British Airborne as they did spend some time fighting as normal infantry in Normandy.
  15. The Belgian Combat Mission site (in English) still exists although it doesn't appear to have been updated since August '02. It specialises in Bulge scenarios for CMBO.
  16. Good God, the world's in a worse state than even I thought it was then. Knowing minute details about WW2 does not make anyone part of an elite, it just means you know minute details about WW2.
  17. Done and thanks to Andreas for the link to Gareth's web-site.
  18. OK I know I've used this before, but for those of you who weren't pay attention: Enemy at the Gates. Soviet OB - 1 sharpshooter. German OB - the 6th Army.
  19. Not really disturbing, I'd say the sample size is too small. It would be interesting to see when they have a couple of hundred games to report. Rugged Defense produced some figures for CMBO, with a lot more games, that showed roughly a 50-50 split.
  20. You should have bought a dictionary instead so you could check up the words British, Scottish and English.
  21. No you're not being gamey, it sounds like you've worked out what most veterans of the game recommend - don't fixate on the VL, the important thing is to defeat the enemy.
  22. It's hard to remember which scenarios came with the original CD these days, because I've downloaded so many, there are scenarios for the actions described, but you may have to download them. Scenario designers can give the real names to commanders and often do. It appears that the convention is to mark such names with an asterisk. Unfortunately there is no facility to change ranks, so a company commander is always a captain for instance, which may be fine for the US forces, but results in things such as Major Frost* at Arnhem rather than Lt. Col. Frost for the Commonwealth. [ January 06, 2003, 10:40 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  23. The .pdf does contain the tutorials, but not descriptions of the individual vehicles. If dh1988 wants vehicle details the following sites contain more details than you can shake a stick at: Russian vehicles: The Russian Battlefield German vehicles: Achtung Panzer [ January 05, 2003, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
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